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2023-07-23 20:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 55个,关于”跟读句子的软件“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Software for following sentences。以下是关于跟读句子的软件的专业英语句子。

关于”跟读句子的软件“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Software for following sentences。以下是关于跟读句子的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for following sentences

1、Chapter 5, "Testing the Software with Blinders On, " teaches you the techniques to use for testing software without having access to the code or even knowing how to program. 第五章“黑盒测试”,教您不需要阅读代码甚至不知道软件怎么开发的情况下,进行测试软件的技术。

2、Today many software development teams rely on spreadsheets, bug trackers, emails and homegrown time-tracking tools to manage Agile development projects. 目前,在管理敏捷项目时,很多软件开发团队还在依赖于电子表格、bug跟踪工具、电子邮件和自行开发的时间跟踪工具。

3、Read a compendium of published software architecture definitions. 阅读已发布的软件架构定义的纲要。

4、Where there is so hard to become read-only software ah! 哪里有使硬盘变成只读的软件啊!?

5、Children will follow when a component is dropped. 当元件降落时子元件将跟随。

6、My first exposure to software craftsmanship was in Pete McBreen's book Software Craftsmanship, which I read back in 2002. 我第一次接触到软件工艺,是在xx年的时候读了Pete McBreen的书软件工艺。

7、The CD-ROM contains also the user software. 只读型光盘也包括用户软件。

8、If you distribute nonfree software, or steer people towards it, you will find it hard to say, “Nonfree software is an injustice, a social problem, and we must put an end to it.” 假如你把私有软件发布出去,或者诱导人们使用这类软件,你很难跟人们解释说,“私有软件是不公正的,它是一种社会顽疾,我们要消灭它。”

9、I like to keep abreast of the laste developments in software. 我想在软件领域跟上时代的步伐。

10、You can mark the message as read, reply it, call back to the sender, delete the message or open it in messaging application. 您可以标记邮件阅读,答复,回电给发件人,删除邮件或打开它在通讯应用软件。

11、If do not have , explain with respect to perusal software. 假如没有就熟读软件说明。

12、When statistical software reads a "raw" character format data file consisting of ASCII or EBCDIC characters, it must read each byte in sequence. 当统计软件读取一个以ASCII或EBCDIC为格式的原始数据文件时,必须照着顺序一个一个字节地读取。

13、The software function includes to read the IC card and administer water capacity. 软件功能主要包括读卡和水量管理功能。

14、Thirdly, there is absolutely no e-mail tracing software that currently exists so it is absolutely impossible for this to be true. 第三,目前绝对不存在什么电子邮件跟踪软件,所以这个流言很显然不可能是真的。

15、Read thee-mail message from Wang Kun and answer the questions. 读读王昆发的电子邮件,回答问题。

16、Therefore, You may recite the Heart Sutra with the counter utility anytime, anywhere conveniently. 所以您可利用本软件之读经计数器随时随地方便的读诵心经。

17、But, Mr Semmelhack went on to tell The Hindu, “There's an obvious physical difference between creating software vs. hardware — bits vs. atoms. 但是Semmelhack先生继续跟印度人说:“创建软件和硬件有一个明显的物理区别,那就是比特与原子的区别。

18、Read your software contracts, and make sure you understand your licensing rights. 仔细阅读软件合同,确保你明白了享有的许可权。

19、Extra software is causing the business software for tracking inventory to remotely fail and then needing to be reinstalled. 其他软件导致业务软件跟踪远程库存的失败并且需要将其重新安装。

20、This book belongs on the bookshelf of every developer who cares passionately about quality and craftsmanship. 每个在乎软件质量和专业技艺的开发人员都应该阅读此书。

21、The research and application of IOT (Internet of things) are popular day by day, which include hardware of electronic label reader, IOT software and e-business, etc. 物联网的研究和应用日趋广泛,包含有电子标签识读器硬件、物联网软件、电子商务相关研究等众多方面。

22、Provided business English training for staff in the Software Testing Department of Citibank. 花旗银行软件测试部(培训内容:商务英语听、说、读、);

23、Read about the standardization of document formats between office suites on OpenOffice.org. 在 OpenOffice.org 上阅读 办公软件包之间的文档格式标准化。

24、"The software company did not charge us too much, " says Feng. “那家软件公司也没跟我们要很多钱,”冯说。

25、Large diameter of the plug can not be changed, or open mold. Lid with the same size diameter hose. 塞子的内径不能改大,或开模具。盖子跟软管直径同样大小。


26、If you’re not looking to replace your eBook reading software of choice, consider this: Lucidor is also available as a Firefox plugin. 如果你不寻求替换既有的电子书阅读软件,不妨考虑一下这个: Lucidor 还提供了 Firefox 扩展。

27、The software reads the IFC schema (.exp files), and from this it reads all the IFC object cl and properties. 软件首先读取IFC模式文件(.exp文件),接下来读取IFC对象的类和属性。

28、5 gets you what is one of the best flight-tracking apps. 仅5.0刀就能让您获得最好的一款航班跟踪软件。

29、This includes defect and change tracking along with software asset management. 这包括在软件资产管理中的缺陷和变更跟踪。

30、CD-ROM inside the program needs to use C language compiler software to open the reading, you can also use the " UltraEdit" and other software to open the read or edit. 详细说明: 光盘里面的程序需要采用C语言的编译软件进行打开阅读,也 可以使用“UltraEdit”等软件打开阅读或者编辑。

31、Admittedly, this property is a confusing one because it reads like a double negative, but by default, all read and unread documents are tracked in a database. 大家都认为这条属性令人费解,因为它读起来像是一个双重否定句,但是在默认情况下,数据库中所有已读的和未读的文档都会被跟踪。

32、Agile Software Development: A Cooperative Game (2nd Ed) by Alistair Cockburn. Possibly the most interesting book I've ever read about agile software development. 《 敏捷软件开发:合作的游戏(第二版)(Agile Software Development: A Cooperative Game)》,作者Alistair Cockburn:这是我读过的关于敏捷软件开发的最有趣的书。

33、Generally, RFID System consists of hardware instruments, such as RF reader, antenna, transponder, and software components such as data collecting and processing Middleware. 射频识别系统主要由读写器、天线、电子标签等硬件设备和数据采集、处理中间件等软件组成。

34、Computer programs like Speed Reader or Rapid Reader are designed to help readers improve reading speeds with flashing letters and words. 有些软件,如“速读”和“快读”,就是专门设计经由过程闪灼字母和单词来提高人们阅读速度的。

35、Today, visually impaired children can be well versed in literature without knowing how to read; computer-screen-reading software will even break down each word and read the individual letters aloud. 现在,视力有缺陷的孩子们不用学习如何阅读就能沉浸在文学的韵律中;这些电脑屏幕阅读软件会把词语一个一个大声地诵读出来。

36、The number is meaningful only to the software, not to the reader. ◎ 那串数字只对软件有意义,对读者无意义。

37、Then, the design of the target tracking software using CORBA technology is particularized. 之后,本文重点研究了采用CORBA技术设计目标跟踪软件的方法。

38、Watch and read. 观看并跟读。

39、Interpretation -- As the old joke goes: software, free. The manual, $10, 000. 专业解读 ── 就像一个老笑话说的:软件,免费;手册,$10 000。

40、You must employ measurements, benchmarking, and re-measurements to help ensure that your software demands are keeping pace with your quality needs. 您必须部署评价方法、基准以及重新评价标准,以帮助您确定软件需要能够跟得上软件需求。

41、LiYan:I'm reading ane-mail from Lucy. 我正在读自露西的一封电子邮件。

42、This week Read/WriteWeb will be featuring a series of posts about the Web Office. 本周读写网的主题是在线办公软件。

43、As the dominant hardware platform shifts, so too must the software platform if we wish to keep up. 如果希望跟上技术发展的脚步,软件平台也必须配合主流硬件平台的转变。

44、Cyberstalkers may attempt to illegally gain access to a personâ s computer to read their emails or monitor their online activities. 网络跟踪者可能尝试非法进入一个人的电脑去读他的电子邮件,或者是监控他们的线上行为。

45、Do not wear chunky heels, flat soled-ss, stilettos, or ss with too much height. 不要穿那些粗高跟、肥大的软底鞋、细跟高跟鞋或厚重的鞋子。

46、Cyberstalkers may attempt to illegally gain access to a person’s computer to read their emails or monitor their online activities. 网络跟踪者可能尝试非法进入一个人的电脑去读他的电子邮件,或者是监控他们的线上行为。

47、Then, teach your children to study the Bible for themselves. 紧跟着,教导你的孩子们自己研读圣经。

48、It has found a few niche, black-and-white applications in mobile phones and "electronic books" such as Sony's Reader and Amazon's Kindle. 据了解,电子纸已经有了一些用武之地——手机中黑白的应用软件与“电子书”,如索尼的读书器与亚马逊的“燃具”(Kindle)。

49、Everyone can see there is no setup. exe file, so how to setup? 用虚拟光驱的软件读入镜像文件就可以安装了!

50、Some software is capable of creating an "export" file which can then be read by other software or on other platforms. 但有些软件可以制造”输出文件”,输出档可以被它种统计软件或是别种平台上被读取。


51、Mark all messages in this folder and subfolders as read? 将此文件夹及其子文件夹中的信件全部标记为已读吗?

52、Group 3: We found how to send an email. 小组齐读发送电子邮件。

53、Installs the session directory database for use in conjuction with load balancing software. 安装会话目录数据库,跟负荷平衡软件一起使用。

54、The golden hill software of responsible software business is advanced vice-president arrowroot as jade-like stone to golden hill " Internet is changed " having oneself unscramble. 负责软件业务的金山软件高级副总裁葛珂对于金山的“互联网化”有着自己的解读。

55、And (of course :) catch my second Software RAID article, in which we'll take a look at some more advanced Software RAID functionality and RAID-1. 您还应(当然:))读我的第二篇软件 RAID 文章,我将在其中探讨软件 RAID 的某些高级功能和 RAID-1。

56、The stock tracker can now display relevant news stories right in the app, as well as new details like the highs and lows for the day. 股票跟踪软件可以在右侧显示相关新闻,还能显示的股票当日跌涨情况。增加录制语音备忘软件。

57、Software which provides Internet users with a transparent read capability of remote files at anonymous FTP sites. 为因特网用户提供无条件读取匿名FTP站远端文件功能的一种软件。

58、The device betrayed the stilted speech that is characteristic of most text-to-speech software, but nonetheless ounced the words clearly and accurately. 阅读器发声准确清晰,抛弃了其他阅读软件那呆板机械的读音。

59、Detect and remove intrusive devices such as spyware, adware, keyloggers, Trojans, and other hacker and tracking tools on your PC. 检测和删除干扰设备,如间谍软件,广告软件,键盘记录程序,木马和其他黑客和跟踪工具在您的PC。

60、When an Incident record is moving into the Slotted state it must be associated with a Software Release record. 当一个事件记录进入了 Slotted 状态,那么它一定跟软件发布记录是相关联的。

61、With an SCM, you can track changes to files to know how your software has evolved. 使用 SCM,可以跟踪文件中的变更来判断变更对软件的影响程度。

62、This powerful mobile e-book reading, and is a smart phone , you can download software to your liking. 这款手机电子书阅读功能强大,且是一部智能手机,你可以根据自己的喜好下载软件。

63、Zhiying digital pen is developed by Zhiying education & learning Institute. The functions include optical character recognition, repetitive reading, recording, MP3 player, USB drive. 直映数码笔是专门为学生开发的电子学习产品,具有点读、复读、跟读、录音、MP3播放等功能。

64、The software structure is made up of device driver, hardware abstract layer (HAL), visual machine (VM) and reading ZIF file. 其中软件体系结构包括:驱动程序、硬件抽象层、虚拟机、读取接口数据文件。

65、Timing and auto reading, external trigging to control reading, set by software. 定时自动读卡和外触发控制读卡,由软件设置。

66、HTML editor software supports creating link elements, and Web browsers and blog-reading software supports their consumption. HTML 编辑器软件支持创建 link 元素,Web 浏览器和 blog 阅读软件也为并行 Web 提供了支持。

67、Children will not follow when a component is dropped. 当元件降落时子元件将不跟随。

68、For some reason, flight-tracking apps are a little bit pricy on iOS. 在IOS里,航班跟踪的软件一直有点小贵。

69、Adding appropriate soft-ware driven technology to these time-tested behaviors leads to happy early readers. 这些经过时间考验的步骤,佐以合适的软件技术,将会使您的孩子成为快乐地早期读者。

70、Lora:Our product features inventory tracking software,which continuously updates and tracks your inventory on a real-time basis. 我们的产品在跟踪库存的软件方面很有特色,它能不间断地,实时地更新并跟踪库存信息.

71、It tracks which software is installed, the versions, dependencies, and other, similar attributes like RPM. 它跟踪已经安装的软件、版本、依赖软件和与 RPM 相似的其他属性。

72、If Apple plans to let Kindle stay on the iPhone/iPad platform, the Kindle app could be a good alternative to Apple's new iBooks bookstore. 看读 - 如果苹果计划让看读扎根于iPone/iPad平台,那么看读应用软件将会成为苹果新iBooks书店的一个新选择。

73、If these words express the desire in your heart, read them as if you are talking to God. 如果这些词句也表达了你心中所想,请读出他们,就像跟上帝交谈一样。

74、Please read carefully before running the program " software to run Know. Txt" . 请在运行程序前详读“软件运行需知。

75、To get user computer harddisk volume serial number as machine ID in the VB application software, To generate software register code after encryption. 在VB应用软件中通过读取用户计算机的硬盘卷序列号作为机器码,加密后生成软件注册码。

英文句子模板76:Software for following sentences

76、Many software developers frequently read and edit XML configuration files and are already comfortable with the syntax. 很多软件开发人员经常阅读和编辑 XML 配置文件,已经适应这种语法。

77、Although Morse Code is still in use, most electronic communication today uses machine readable codes transmitted and interpreted by computer software. 虽然摩尔斯电码仍然在使用,大多数电子通信今天使用机读码传播和解释的计算机软件。





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