
您所在的位置:网站首页 请假邮件主题英文 【信件英语】休假必备!怎么用英语写自动回复?超实用英语句型和范本!


2023-12-25 20:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



校对/ Westia Sun


可能都没办法即时回复 email ,

这时很实用的功能 "自动回复" 绝对是一大福音!

这次 Engoo 来教大家如何用英语写 Email 自动回复信,文末还有送上范本!


自动回复信注意事项 简短即可,不用太详细说明你在做什么事。一定一定一定要说明开始回来工作的日期。千万千万千万要先和同事协调好职务代理。 问候及开头

因为发信的对象不特定,所以可以用 "Hi there" 或 "Hello, there" 问候即可。

而开头也只需要一句 "Thank you for your email / message."  (谢谢您的来信。) 就可以啰!


开头后第一句话就直接说清楚你现在没有在上班,所以无法回复 Email ,并交代什么时候会回到岗位上。而依不同情境,你可以使用这些句型:

万用情境 I'm currently out of the office until (date) because of (reason). During this time, I have limited access to my email.我本人因(原因)于(日期)前不在办公室。在这段期间,我无法太常阅读及回复信件。I'm now on my days off until (date). During this period, I'm unable to reply to emails instantly.本人于(日期)前的状态为休假中。在这段期间,我无法即时回信。 旅游 I'm now on vacation until (date).我正在旅游中,假期至(日期)结束。I am currently not in (your country) and will return on (date).我人目前不在(本国国内),将于(日期)回归岗位。 公务/开会 I'm now on a business trip and will return on (date).我现正出差中,将于(日期)回到办公室。I'm currently out of town attending a meeting, and I will get back to the office on (date).我现正于外地参加会议,将于(日期)回到办公室。 病假 I'm now out of the office due to health issues. I will return on (date).本人因健康因素,目前休养中。将于(日期)回到岗位。 打算何时处理对方的事务 I will respond to your email when I get back to work.回到公司后,我将会回复您的信件。I will reply to you as soon as possible after I get back to work.回到岗位后,我会尽快回复您的信件。 如何处理急事 For urgent matters, please get in touch with (name and email/number of colleague).若有急事,请联系(同事名、联络方式)。If this is an urgent one, please contact my colleague (name and email/number of colleague).若此事紧急,请联系我的同仁(同事名、联络方式)。 感谢体谅 I truly appreciate your understanding.非常感谢您的包容。Thanks for your patience.非常感谢您的耐心等候。



范本 回给同事、主管

Hi there,

Thank you for your email.

I'm currently out of town attending a meeting, and I will get back to the office on Tuesday, September 20th. During this period, I'm unable to reply to emails instantly.

For urgent matters, please get in touch with Leo in R&D Department at [email protected] or #0346, who should be able to assist.

I will respond to your messages when I get back to work.

Thanks for your patience.

Best wishes,Zack HsuResearch SpecialistEngooStar Enterprise




若有急事,请联系研发部门的 Leo 专员,他应该能提供协助。信箱是 [email protected] ,分机 #0346 。回来工作后,我会回复您的信件。谢谢您耐心等候。

Zack Hsu研究专员EngooStar 企业


Hello there,

Thank you for your message.

I'm now on vacation until Tuesday, September 20th. During this time, I have limited access to my email. I will reply to you as soon as possible after getting back to work.

If this is an urgent one, please contact my colleague Amy, Research Specialist at [email protected] , who should be able to provide assistance.

I apologize for any inconvenience, and I truly appreciate your understanding.

Best,Zack HsuResearch SpecialistEngooStar Enterprise





若此事为急,请联系同为研究专员的 Amy ,她应能提供协助。

信箱为 [email protected] .


Zack Hsu研究专员EngooStar 企业

emailEnglish writing主题式学英语信件英语应用英语英语写作




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