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2024-02-29 08:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. Particularly in the study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the words to which it is affixed.

Prefixes are either inflectional, creating a new form of the word with the same basic meaning and same lexical category (but playing a different role in the sentence), or derivational, creating a new word with a new semantic meaning and sometimes also a different lexical category. 

Prefixes, like all other affixes, are usually bound morphemes.


69. over- 过度;在上,在外

overdue a.过期未付的;逾期的

overemphasize v.过分强调

overflow v.滥出;充满

overlap v.(部分地)重叠

overlook v.忽视:俯视

overpower v.压倒

overpowering a.压倒性的,不可抗拒的

overriding a.最主要的,优先的

overshadow v.遮蔽,使失色

overwhelm v.泛滥;压倒

oversee v.监视

70. paleo- 古,旧

paleozoology n.古动物学

paleobotany n.古植物学

paleoclimate n.古气候学

paleoanthropology n.古人类学

71. pan- 全部

panacea n.万灵药

pandemic a.(疾病)大范围流行的

pandemonium n.喧器,大混乱

panegyric n.颂词,颂扬

panorama n.概观,全景

panoramic a.全景的, 全貌的,概论的

pantechnicon n.家具仓库,家具搬运车

pantheon n.万神殿

72. para- 类似,穿边,靠近

parallel a.平行的;类似的, n.平行线;v.与...相似

parallelism n.平行,类似

unparalleled a.无比的,空前的

paramount a.最重要的,最高权力的

parasite n.食客;寄生物

parasitic a.寄生的

73. pen- 几乎,近于

peninsula n.半岛(insular a.岛屿的;心胸狭窄的)

penultimate a.倒数第一的(ultimate a.最后的)

74. penta- 五

pentagon n.五角形

pentoxide n.五氧化物

pentagram n.五角星形

75. per- 贯穿,完全,始终/远离

permeable ad.可渗透的

permeate v扩散,渗透

pervious a.可渗透的

impervious a.不能渗透的;不为所动的

perambulate v.巡视;漫步

persevere v.坚持不懈 (severe a.严格的;凶猛的)

perpetual ad.连续不断的:永久的

perpetuate v.使永存,使永记不忘

perfidious ad不忠的,背信弃义的

perfidy n.不忠,背叛

76. peri- 周围,环绕

perimeter n.周长

periodic a.周期的,定期的

periodical n.期刊

peripatetic a.巡游的

peripheral a.不重要的,外围的

periphery n.不重要的部分;外围

periphrastic a.连回的,冗赘的

periscope n.潜望镜

77. poly- 多

polymath n.知识广博者

polyandry n.一妻多夫制

polygamy n.一夫多妻制,一妻多夫制

polyglot a. n.通晓多种语言的(人)

78. post- 后

postdate v.填迟...的日期

posterior a.(在时间、次序上)较后的

posthumous a.死后的,身后的

posthumously adv.死后地

postoperative a.手术后的

postpone v.使延期,推迟

postscript n.附言,后记

postwar a.战后的

79. pre- 前,预先

precede v.在…之前,早于

precursor n.先驱,先兆

predictable a.可预知的

preface n.序言

prehistoric a.史前的




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