LaTex Algorithm2e 编写论文中的伪代码

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LaTex Algorithm2e 编写论文中的伪代码

2024-06-14 07:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


\usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algorithmicx} \usepackage{algpseudocode} \usepackage{amsmath} \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} \renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} \begin{algorithm} \caption{Mobility Tree Construction} \label{alg:1} \begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号 \Require One of the user's trajectory $traj$; The number of branches in the tree $nary$; \Ensure The Mobility Tree $MT$ corresponding to the input trajectory \Function {AddChild}{$MT, traj, idx, map, flags$} \State $node\gets traj[idx]$ \State $map[idx]\gets$ The number of nodes in $MT$ \State Add $node$ to $MT$ \If {$idx > 0$ and $flag[idx] != 0$} \State $flag[idx]\gets 0$ \State $i\gets nary$ \While{$i > 0$} \State $child\gets$ \Call{AddChild}{$MT, traj, idx-i, map, flags$} \State $edge\gets$ $child$ to $node$ // $src \rightarrow dst$ \State Add $edge$ to $MT$ \EndWhile \EndIf \State \Return{$node$} \EndFunction \State \Function{ConstructTree}{$traj, nary$} \State Initialize an empty tree $MT$ with no nodes and edges \State Initialize an empty dictionary variable $map$ \State $len\gets$ The length of $traj$ \State Initialize the dictionary variable $flags$ of length $len$ \State \Call{AddChild}{$MT, traj, len-1, map, flags$} \State \Return{$MT$} \EndFunction \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm}



\usepackage[linesnumbered,ruled,vlined]{algorithm2e} \begin{algorithm} \SetAlgoLined %显示end \caption{Mobility Tree Construction} \label{alg:1} \KwIn{One of the user's trajectory $traj$; The number of branches in the tree $nary$;} \KwOut{The Mobility Tree $MT$ corresponding to the input trajectory} \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{end} \Fn{AddChild(MT, traj, idx, map, flags)}{ $node\gets traj_{idx}$\; $map_{idx}\gets$ The number of nodes in $MT$\; Add $node$ to $MT$\; \If{$idx > 0$ and $flag_{idx} != 0$}{ $flag_{idx}\gets 0$\; $i\gets nary$\; \While{$i > 0$}{ $child\gets$ \textit{AddChild(MT, traj, idx-i, map, flags)}\; $edge\gets$ $child$ to $node$ // $src \rightarrow dst$\; Add $edge$ to $MT$\; } } \Return{$node$} } \Fn{ConstructTree(traj, nary)}{ Initialize an empty tree $MT$ with no nodes and edges\; Initialize an empty dictionary variable $map$\; $len\gets$ The length of $traj$\; Initialize the dictionary variable $flags$ of length $len$\; \textit{AddChild(MT, traj, len-1, map, flags)}\; \Return{$MT$} } \end{algorithm}






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