
您所在的位置:网站首页 记者现场报道稿子英文 Vol.7


2022-10-07 14:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




Hello everyone!欢迎收听重外诵读,今天我们继续给大家讲解《新编国际新闻报道案例教程》中的突发性新闻报道。下面,我们一起来看看相关英文案例。

我们选择的是美国在线2019年4月15日报道,名字叫做“Notre Dame blaze – what we know so far - AOL”.

Notre Dame blaze – what we know so far - AOL

Apr 15th 2019 5:55PM

Flames have engulfed the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, toppling its spire and threatening the entire wooden frame of the building.

Here’s what we know so far:

– The first reports of the blaze emerged shortly before 6pm.

– Flames burst through the roof of the building and quickly engulfed the 315ft spire which collapsed.

– The blaze moved through the cathedral, ravaging two-thirds of the roof and spreading to one of the two rectangular towers which formed its famous frontage.

– Around 400 firefighters battled the inferno and tried to salvage artwork and other priceless pieces stored in the 12th century cathedral.

– Officials warned that fire crews might not be able to stop the huge blaze, but the Paris fire chief later confirmed the building’s structure had been saved.

– Officials later said they had stopped it spreading to the northern belfry of the 850-year-old Gothic building.

– There have been no deaths reported but one firefighter was injured.

– The cause of the fire remains unknown but following a preliminary investigation Paris prosecutors have said it is believed to be an accident.

– Prosecutors later said they had ruled out arson and do not believe the fire was terror-related but police will conduct an investigation into “involuntary destruction caused by fire.

– Officials said the fire may be linked to renovation work at one of the world’s most famous tourist attractions, French media reported.

– President Emmanuel Macron postponed an important address to the nation that was to lay out his response to the yellow vest crisis and instead headed to the scene of the fire in Paris.








1. 报道客观、快速、全面

这篇新闻的标题就简单明了的报道了“发生了什么”——巴黎圣母院大火;“怎么发生的”——我们所知道的一切都在下面的新闻里。从标题到内容的分点式报道让受众一目了然,直观快速地知道整个突发事件的起因经过影响以及法国总统及相关部门对整个事件的应急反应。Here’s what we know so far......把受众一下带回到了火灾现场,给人以真实,生动,直观的感受。

2. 注重突发事件的现场:现场是新闻原点;现场是报道起点、现场是观众焦点。


– The first reports of the blaze emerged shortly before 6pm.

– Flames burst through the roof of the building and quickly engulfed the 315ft spire which collapsed.

– The blaze moved through the cathedral, ravaging two-thirds of the roof and spreading to one of the two rectangular towers which formed its famous frontage.

– Around 400 firefighters battled the inferno and tried to salvage artwork and other priceless pieces stored in the 12th century cathedral.



1. 客观真实的写作风格


2. 及时性、连续性报道相结合的报道形式


“Officials warned that fire crews might not be able to stop the huge blaze, but the Paris fire chief later confirmed the building’s structure had been saved.”,“President Emmanuel Macron postponed an important address to the nation that was to lay out his response to the yellow vest crisis and instead headed to the scene of the fire in Paris.”


The cause of the fire remains unknown but following a preliminary investigation Paris prosecutors have said it is believed to be an accident.”but“Prosecutors later said they had ruled out arson and do not believe the fire was terror-related but police will conduct an investigation into ‘involuntary destruction caused by fire。

3. 引人注目的新闻标题

“Notre Dame blaze – what we know so far”

作者用blaze, we know so far,冲击了受众的心理,成功引起了受众想要知道巴黎圣母院发生了什么,怎么发生的等一系列问题的强烈好奇感。

4. 简洁的新闻导语

Flames have engulfed the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, toppling its spire and threatening the entire wooden frame of the building.


5. 清晰的过程阐述

The first reports of the blaze emerged shortly before 6pm. Flames burst through the roof of the building and quickly engulfed the 315ft spire which collapsed.



1. 简明的标题

本文的标题是Notre Dame blaze – what we know so far(圣母院烈火—目前为止我们所知道的),这一标题中的“blaze”(烈火)首先给受众很大的心理冲击,让受众立马想知道圣母院发生了什么,怎么发生的等。破折号之后的“what we know so far”更强调了新闻内容的及时性以及给受众留下还会有后续的追踪报道的信号。

2. 本文以叙事语言为主,大量运用名词、动词来强化了现场感


Flames have engulfed the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, toppling its spire and threatening the entire wooden frame of the building.



Flames burst through the roof of the building and quickly engulfed the 315ft spire which collapsed.


“burst through”、“roof”动词短句和名词的运用,生动形象地给受众还原出了火灾现场,让受众也好似亲临现场。














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