Java笔记01 Scanner.close()、InputStream、PTA(8 实验8 计算机类 (100 分))

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Java笔记01 Scanner.close()、InputStream、PTA(8 实验8 计算机类 (100 分))

2024-07-15 06:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

其实之前就有遇到过Scanner实例化的对象调用close出现一些问题,现在可能暴露了出来。 为什么是说“可能”因为我这篇博客也没给出完整的错误分析,就当挖个坑吧…

文章目录 题目过关代码好了,只想要过关的童鞋可以省略以下内容了。错误笔记有问题的代码(有错误)错误简短描述 分析过程错误简单分析 新的博客已写完,包含对以上问题的完全剖析


8 实验8 计算机类 (100 分)

构造计算机类,其中包含其配置信息:处理器、主板、内存、显示器、硬盘等设备,各个设备均有型号(字符串),特别的,处理器有主频(小数)和内核数(整数)、显示器有尺寸(整型)、内存和硬盘有容量数据(GB为单位)。请你尝试构造合适的类和类的关系来表示计算机,并为该计算机类添加计算价格(各设备价格之和)、打印配置信息等方法。重写相关类的equals方法,使得两个配置完全相同的计算机为相同的计算机。重写相关类的toString函数,打印计算机的配置信息。 在main函数中

提示: 为计算机类和各个组成配件都构造类,分别重写toString和equals方法 在计算机类中调用各个配件的equals和toString方法 回车用\n 小数用String.format("%.1f",1.234) 输入格式:

两个计算机对象,包含 CPU:型号、主频、内核 主板:型号 内存:容量 显示器:尺寸 硬盘:容量 输出格式:

两个对象是否相等 两个对象的配置信息 输入样例:


Corei7 2.8 4 GIGABYTE-B250M-D3H xiede-DDR3 8 SamsungC27F39 27 SEAGATE-ST1000DM010 2048 Corei7 2.8 4 GIGABYTE-B250M-D3H xiede-DDR3 8 SamsungC27F39 27 SEAGATE-ST1000DM010 2048



true Computer1: CPU: Model: Corei7 Frequency: 2.8 Number of Cores: 4 Mainboard: Model: GIGABYTE-B250M-D3H Memory: Model: xiede-DDR3 Size: 8 Screen: Model: SamsungC27F39 Size: 27 Harddisk: Model: SEAGATE-ST1000DM010 Size: 2048 Computer2: CPU: Model: Corei7 Frequency: 2.8 Number of Cores: 4 Mainboard: Model: GIGABYTE-B250M-D3H Memory: Model: xiede-DDR3 Size: 8 Screen: Model: SamsungC27F39 Size: 27 Harddisk: Model: SEAGATE-ST1000DM010 Size: 2048

过关代码 import java.util.Scanner; class Disk{ String model ; int size; public Disk(){ this.init(); } public Disk(String model , int size ){ this.model = model; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Harddisk:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class Display{ String model ; int size; public Display(){ this.init(); } public Display(String model , int size){ this.model = model; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Screen:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class RAM{ String model ; int size; public RAM(){ this.init(); } public RAM(String model,int size ){ this.model = model ; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Memory:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class MotherBoard{ String model ; public MotherBoard(){ this.init(); } public MotherBoard(String model){ this.model = model; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; } public String printInfo(){ return "Mainboard:\nModel: " + this.model + "\n" ; } } class CPU{ String model ; double clockSpeed; int coreCount; public CPU(){ this.init(); } public CPU(String model, double cS,int cC){ this.model = model; this.clockSpeed = cS; this.coreCount = cC; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.clockSpeed = 0.0; this.coreCount = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "CPU:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nFrequency: " + this.clockSpeed + "\nNumber of Cores: " + this.coreCount + "\n" ; } } class Computer{ String info ; CPU cpu; MotherBoard motherboard; RAM ram; Display display; Disk disk; public Computer(Scanner in){ = ""; this.cpu = new CPU(, in.nextDouble(), in.nextInt()); this.motherboard = new MotherBoard( ); this.ram = new RAM(, in.nextInt()); this.display = new Display(, in.nextInt() ); this.disk = new Disk(, in.nextInt() ); } @Override public String toString(){ return cpu.printInfo() + motherboard.printInfo() + ram.printInfo() + display.printInfo() + disk.printInfo(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object ob){ if( (ob == null) || !(ob instanceof Computer) ){ return false; } return ( this.toString().equals(ob.toString()) ); } } public class Main{ public static void main(String []arg){ Scanner in = new Scanner(; Computer c1 = new Computer(in), c2 = new Computer(in); System.out.println( c1.equals(c2) ); System.out.println("Computer1:"); System.out.print( c1.toString()); System.out.println("Computer2:"); System.out.print( c2.toString() ); } } 好了,只想要过关的童鞋可以省略以下内容了。


错误笔记 有问题的代码(有错误) import java.util.Scanner; class Disk{ String model ; int size; public Disk(){ this.init(); } public Disk(String model , int size ){ this.model = model; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Harddisk:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class Display{ String model ; int size; public Display(){ this.init(); } public Display(String model , int size){ this.model = model; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Screen:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class RAM{ String model ; int size; public RAM(){ this.init(); } public RAM(String model,int size ){ this.model = model ; this.size = size; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.size = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "Memory:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nSize: " + this.size + "\n" ; } } class MotherBoard{ String model ; public MotherBoard(){ this.init(); } public MotherBoard(String model){ this.model = model; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; } public String printInfo(){ return "Mainboard:\nModel: " + this.model + "\n" ; } } class CPU{ String model ; double clockSpeed; int coreCount; public CPU(){ this.init(); } public CPU(String model, double cS,int cC){ this.model = model; this.clockSpeed = cS; this.coreCount = cC; } private void init(){ this.model = ""; this.clockSpeed = 0.0; this.coreCount = 0; } public String printInfo(){ return "CPU:\nModel: " + this.model + "\nFrequency: " + this.clockSpeed + "\nNumber of Cores: " + this.coreCount + "\n" ; } } class Computer{ String info ; CPU cpu; MotherBoard motherboard; RAM ram; Display display; Disk disk; private void init(){ Scanner in = new Scanner(; = ""; this.cpu = new CPU(, in.nextDouble(), in.nextInt()); this.motherboard = new MotherBoard( ); this.ram = new RAM(, in.nextInt()); this.display = new Display(, in.nextInt() ); this.disk = new Disk(, in.nextInt() ); } public Computer(){ this.init(); } @Override public String toString(){ return cpu.printInfo() + motherboard.printInfo() + ram.printInfo() + display.printInfo() + disk.printInfo(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object ob){ if( (ob == null) || !(ob instanceof Computer) ){ return false; } return ( this.toString().equals(ob.toString()) ); } public String printPrice(){ return "free!"; } } public class Main{ public static void main(String []arg){ Computer c1 = new Computer(), c2 = new Computer(); System.out.println( c1.equals(c2) ); System.out.println("Computer1:"); System.out.print(c1.toString()); System.out.println("Computer2:"); System.out.print(c2.toString()); } } 错误简短描述

测试样例包含两个电脑,自然含有两套数据 运行程序时,分开复制黏贴(也就是一套数据一套数据地输入)可以出现预计结果; 但是,如果是两套数据一起复制黏贴(也就是十行数据一起粘)会继续等待输入,而继续输入后会抛出java.util.InputMismatchException(输入不匹配异常)


首先的首先把范围锁定在构造方法里的scanner上; 首先猜测输入终止条件,即换行符、空格等等; 再猜测是否有中文全角或者网页复制连带格式字符干扰; 都否决后,开始分析代码逻辑。

就有了以下猜测: 一组有效数据对应一组期待输入,可以得到一组有效输出; 但两组有效数据合并对应两组期待输入,只能得到一组期望输出;

现在需要证明猜测,即让错误显式地表达出来。 方法:new一个对象,输出一次这个对象的info;再new另一个对象,输出另一个的info


我归纳了一下,错误的表现为: 一组有效数据对应一组期待输入,可以得到一组有效输出; 但两组有效数据合并对应两组期待输入,只能得到一组期望输出; 可能的错误及错误原因: 第一:输入数据时,对于inputstream类或者scanner类,其中一个或两个类的实现应该是一次性的读入,不管用不用的上,用不上的数据就丢了,这就解释了当第二个期待输入时,程序得不到有效输入,因为已经被丢了。 第二:由于今天白天讨论的scanner问题,把scanner实例化在构造方法里并不合适,因为构造方法会被调用很多次。所以解决方法是,把scanner作为参数导入构造方法使用,这样就保证了scanner的唯一性。


以上的分析现在看来简直了… 还请读者移步至新的博客中查看错误原因:博客链接




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