Reverting LabVIEW Files to a Previous Version

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Reverting LabVIEW Files to a Previous Version

2023-10-13 11:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The procedure to revert your LabVIEW code to previous versions聽varies depending on: the version of LabVIEW the code was originally written in, the version you are looking to revert to, and what versions of LabVIEW you have access to.

If you are looking to revert code to LabVIEW 8.0 or prior versions, continue to the Archived: Reverting Legacy LabVIEW Code聽section below.If you do not have access to the version(s) required to completely revert to your desired version, see the聽Version Conversion Community Forum聽section below. Reverting LabVIEW Files Launch LabVIEW.聽You will need to open a version of LabVIEW greater than or equal to the version the LabVIEW file聽was initially saved in. For example, to revert a VI created in LabVIEW 2017, you will need to use LabVIEW 2017 or later in order to initially open the VI. Open your VI(s), LabVIEW project, or聽project library in LabVIEW.Follow instructions from LabVIEW Help聽to聽Save聽for a Previous Version.聽 Steps may vary slightly depending on your LabVIEW version. Follow the Help聽steps written for your LabVIEW version.Using this method, you can save as far back as LabVIEW 8.0.If you need to revert back to before LabVIEW 8.0, you will need access to multiple versions of LabVIEW to completely revert your VI. Follow the steps in the Archived: Reverting Legacy LabVIEW Code section below 聽 Archived: Reverting Legacy LabVIEW Code

If you are looking to revert code to LabVIEW 8.0 or prior versions,聽your destination version will not directly available in your current version.

In LabVIEW 8.0 and earlier versions, you are able to save for a single revision prior; therefore, you will require the use of聽multiple versions of LabVIEW to revert back beyond version 8.0.

In these legacy versions of LabVIEW, use the following steps to save for a previous version.聽This information is also available in the LabVIEW Help, available by selecting Help 禄 Contents and Index. For the top-level VI in your hierarchy of VIs, select File禄Save with Options to display the Save with Options dialog box.Select Save for Previous to save the VI hierarchy for the previous version.Click the Save button to display the Choose a Directory dialog box.Select the directory where you want to save the VI hierarchy.Click the Save button. Depending on your version destination, you may be required to repeat this process multiple times in various versions of LabVIEW.

Version Conversion Community Forum Alternatively, the Version Conversion section of our forum is an effective way to reach out to the community for help in reverting VI's. This is a great option if you do not have the version(s) of LabVIEW capable of opening the VI you want to revert.聽

See the聽conversion board rules, posted at the top of the Community board, for guidance on how to have your code converted.




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