英文版《西游记》全套108集动画合辑 学习视频+生词图文(完美可打印绘本

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英文版《西游记》全套108集动画合辑 学习视频+生词图文(完美可打印绘本

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07 The Land of Darkness 大闹地府

08 A Job in Heaven 天庭招安

09 The Peach Garden 蟠桃园

10 The Powerful Sage 大战二郎神

11 Trouble in Heaven 被困天宫

12 The Bet 如来的赌约

13 The True ures 真经

14 A Promise to Protect 悟空拜师

15 Tea with a Dragon 龙王的劝诫

16 Wukong Gets Tricked 紧箍咒

17 The Dragon in the River 白龙马

18 The Robe 观音院赏袈裟

19 An Evil Plan 僧众的阴谋

20 The Black Bear Spirit 黑熊怪偷袈裟

21 The Monster's Friend 观音变蛇精

22 A Very Strange Pill 奇怪的丹丸

23 Great Protectors 猪八戒

24 The Great King Yellow Wind 黄风大圣

25 Powerful Wind Magic 三昧神风

26 The Monster in the River 沙悟净

27 The Ginseng Fruit 人参果

28 Wukong Leaves His Body 悟空偷果

29 The Magic Sleeve 镇元大仙

30 The Frying Pan 悟空下油锅

31 Guanyin's Vase 观音救果树

32 Lady Whitebone 白骨夫人

33 Bajie Takes a Nap 八戒偷懒

34 Tricked by the Princess 公主智救唐僧

35 A Visit to the King 黄袍面君藏祸心

36 Tricked Again 悟空归来耍计策

37 Missing from Heaven 天庭奎木狼

38 Bajie Tries to Sleep 平顶山八戒探路

39 The Injured Monk 金角变化困悟空

40 The Magic Gourd 玉净瓶

41 A Trade 悟空骗取玉净瓶

42 Sun Kongwu 悟空戏耍金角王

43 A Visit from Laozi 太上老君

44 The King's Ghost 乌鸡国王的魂魄

45 The Treasure in the Well 八戒寻宝贝

46 One thousand Pills 求得金丹救国王

47 Two Tang monks 真假唐僧

48 The Scared boy 妖魔变身小顽童

49 Red boy 红孩儿

50 Magic Fire 三昧真火

51 Guanyin Becomes Angry 发怒的观音

52 An Ocean from a Vase 宝珠净瓶

53 The man in the Canoe 黑水河妖

54 The River God 黑水河河神

55 The Monks and the Cart 车迟国

56 The tiger immortal 虎力大仙

57 A Guessing Game 斗法猜物

58 The Meditation Contest 比试参禅

59 Scared Villagers 通天河陈家庄

60 Snow 妖怪施法 河水结冰

61 The Demon under the Ice 灵感大王

62 The Goldfish in the Basket 观音收灵感

63 A Question for Buddha 老鼋的疑问

64 Magnificent Silk Vests 锦绣绵衣

65 The Metal Ring 金刚琢

66 Help from Heaven 天兵相助

67 The Master Thief 大圣偷兵器

68 The Woman in the Crowd 老君收青牛

69 The Stabbing Pain 蝎子精的毒针

70 The Star Lord 昴日星官

71 Money 草寇打劫

72 A Surprise 沙僧请悟空

73 Two Wukongs 真假美猴王

74 Curious Ear 谛听辨真假

75 Battle of the Wukongs 六耳猕猴

76 The Iron Immortal 铁扇公主

77 The Magic Fan 芭蕉扇

78 Tricked Again and Again 三借芭蕉扇

79 The Mountain of Flames 火焰山

80 Thunderclap Monastery 小雷音寺

81 Help from a Dragon 亢金龙救悟空

82 The Magic Cloth 人种袋

83 The Melon Field 弥勒佛的瓜田

84 The Sad King 悲伤的朱紫国国王

85 Fire, Smoke, and Sand 紫金铃

86 Magic Bells 真假紫金铃

87 The Three Young Women 盘丝洞

88 The Priest's Plan 黄花观道士下毒

89 Many Eyes 百眼魔君

90 The Demons' Plan 妖魔大军的谋划

91 The Demon Officers 狮驼岭妖王

92 The Lion Demon 青毛狮子怪

93 A Problem for the Lion Demon 狮子怪

94 The Elephant Demon 黄牙老象怪

95 The Raptor Demon 金翅大鹏雕

96 Wind and Fog 喷风吐雾

97 Bajie and the Monster 八戒和妖魔

98 Three Fights 三战调虎离山

99 Squire Kou's Vow 寇员外的斋僧誓言

100 A Terrible Robbery 可怕的抢劫

101 Arrested 被捕入狱

102 The Prisoners Are Released 无罪释放

103 The Land of the West 西方世界

104 The Tang Monk and the River 唐僧过河

105 The Thunderclap Monastery 大雷音寺

106 The Question 老鼋的问题

107 Nothing Is Perfect 天下物无全美

108 Rewards 五圣成真 返回搜狐,查看更多




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