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  Journey to the West is the first Romantic chapter novel about gods and demons in ancient China.   There are 100 copies of Journey to the West published in the Ming Dynasty without the author's signature.   Wu Yuxuan, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty, first proposed that the author of Journey to the West was Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty.   This novel is based on the historical event of "Tang monk's learning classics".Through the author's artistic processing.   it profoundly depicts the social reality at that time. After describing Sun Wukong's birth and havoc of the heavenly palace.   the whole book met three people, Tang Seng, Zhu Ba Jie and Sha Seng.Westbound Buddhist sutras, all the way down demons and demons.   experienced the ninety-eighty-one difficulties, and finally arrived in the west to see Buddha Tathagata, and finally the story of the five saints come true.   Journey to the West is a classic novel of Chinese gods and demons, reaching the peak of ancient Romantic novels.   It is also known as the four classical works of China with Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Dream of Red Mansions.   中文版:   《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔小说。现存明刊百回本《西游记》均无作者署名。   清代学者吴玉搢等首先提出《西游记》作者是明代吴承恩。这部小说以“唐僧取经”这一历史事件为蓝本。   通过作者的艺术加工,深刻地描绘了当时的社会现实。全书主要描写了孙悟空出世及大闹天宫后,遇见了唐僧、猪八戒和沙僧三人。   西行取经,一路降妖伏魔,经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天见到如来佛祖,最终五圣成真的故事。   《西游记》是中国神魔小说的经典之作,达到了古代长篇浪漫主义小说的巅峰,与《三国演义》《水浒传》《红楼梦》并称为中国古典四大名著。      扩展资料:   创作背景:   In the first year of Emperor Taizong's Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty (627), a 25-year-old monk, Xuanzang Tianzhu (India).   traveled on foot. After departing from Chang'an, he traveled through Central Asia, Afghanistan and Pakistan, through all difficulties and obstacles, and finally arrived in India.   He studied there for more than two years and was praised as a lecturer at a large Buddhist Confucianism Debate.   In the nineteenth year of Zhenguan (645), Xuanzang returned to Chang'an and brought back 657 Buddhist sutras, which caused a great sensation.   Later, Xuanzang dictated what he had seen and heard about the westward journey and was compiled by disciple Bian Ji into Twelve Volumes of Records of the Western Regions of the Great Tang Dynasty.   But this book mainly tells the history, geography and transportation of the countries we see on the road. There are no stories.   As for his disciples Huili and Yan Cong's Biography of the Three Tibetan Masters at Dacien Temple in the Tang Dynasty.   it added a lot of mythological color to Xuanzang's experience. From then on, the story of the Tang monk's taking scriptures began to spread widely among the Chinese people.   中文版:   唐太宗贞观元年(627年),25岁的和尚玄奘天竺(印度)徒步游学。他从长安出发后,途经中亚、阿富汗、巴基斯坦,历尽艰难险阻,最后到达了印度。   在那里学习了两年多,并在一次大型佛教经学辩论会任主讲,受到了赞誉。贞观十九年(645年)玄奘回到了长安,带回佛经657部,轰动一时。   后来玄奘口述西行见闻,由弟子辩机辑录成《大唐西域记》十二卷。但这部书主要讲述了路上所见各国的历史、地理及交通,没有什么故事。   及到他的弟子慧立、彦琮撰写的《大唐大慈恩寺三藏法师传》,则为玄奘的经历增添了许多神话色彩,从此,唐僧取经的故事便开始在中国民间广为流传。   参考资料来源:[baike.baidu.com]


  1、大圣大闹蟠桃宴:悟空管理蟠桃园,监守自盗,又赴瑶池,喝光仙酒,吃尽太上老君葫芦内的金丹,逃回花果山,玉帝令托塔天王率天兵去捉拿悟空,悟空打退了众天神。   2、大闹天宫:太上老君将悟空置入炼丹炉烧炼,四十九天后,悟空出来,大闹天宫,玉帝请来如来佛,如来将五指化为大山,压住悟空。   3、偷吃人参果:唐僧师徒路过万寿山五庄观,借宿观内。观主镇元大仙外出听经,嘱咐童儿以人参果款待唐僧。唐僧见果害怕不敢吃,两童子就吃了。八戒恰巧窥见,就怂恿孙悟空到后园偷果。悟空偷得三枚人参果,与两个师弟分吃。   4、计收猪八戒:高老汉夫妇招赘悟能为女婿。酒宴上,悟能酒醉现出真面目,吓到了大家,悟能只能将高小姐锁在后花园,不许她与父母家人见面。悟空与师父来庄投宿,悟空使用巧计,弄清了猪悟能的来历,经观音点化,唐僧收他为徒,给他取名猪八戒。   5、车迟国斗法:唐僧在车迟国要趋朝换文西行,国师不许,提出斗法,经过祈雨,下油锅,砍头三次斗法之后,三国师都死于非命,现出原形。   6、真假美猴王:唐僧因悟空打死强盗把他撵走,六耳猕猴精趁机变作悟空模样,打伤唐僧,抢走行李关文,悟空跟沙僧回去验真,经过在多路神仙辨别,仍分辨不出,最后还是如来识破假猴。   7,降服黑熊怪:悟空在洞外打死一小妖,得到请贴,变为老住持赴会。因被识破,只好请来观音。观音变为道士,劝熊怪服下悟空变的仙丹,悟空在肚内使熊怪痛不可忍。只好交回袈裟皈依佛门。   8、三打白骨精:白骨夫人一心想吃唐僧肉,于是三次分别变化为村姑、老妇、和老翁,打动唐僧的怜悯之心。唐僧果真上了白骨精变化的当,但三次均被孙悟空识破,金箍棒打“死”。唐僧认为孙悟空滥杀无辜,决心赶走悟空。   9、金公施法灭妖邪:八戒将妖洞之门筑破,妖怪抛出树根做成的唐僧头,被悟空识破。又抛出真人头,骗过三徒。悟空、八戒决心报仇,屯那怪相战,悟突变成瞌睡虫,使众妖睡倒,又去后园解下师父再次入洞将怪绑出,八戒一耙将其筑死,原来是一豹精。   10、唐三藏路阻火焰山 :孙行者一调芭蕉扇前方火焰山挡路,悟空向牛魔王妻罗刹女借扇,悟空得到定风丹再到索战,被扇不动;接着变成虫子入洞,飞到茶水中,被罗刹女饮下肚,在腹内翻腾。罗刹女只得将扇借给悟空,悟空扇火不息,方知假扇。        扩展资料     《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔小说。现存明刊百回本《西游记》均无作者署名。清代学者吴玉搢等首先提出《西游记》作者是明代吴承恩。   全书主要描写了孙悟空出世及大闹天宫后,遇见了唐僧、猪八戒和沙僧三人,西行取经,一路降妖伏魔,经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天见到如来佛祖,最终五圣成真的故事。   《西游记》的出现,开辟了神魔长篇章回小说的新门类。书中将善意的嘲笑、辛辣的讽刺和严肃的批判巧妙地结合的特点直接影响着讽刺小说的发展。   所以说《西游记》是古代长篇浪漫主义小说的高峰,在世界文学史上,它也是浪漫主义的杰作,魔幻现实主义的先驱开创者。   作品评价   1、《西游记》至多不过是一部很有趣味的滑稽小说、神话小说;他并没有什么微妙的意思,他至多不过有一点爱骂人的玩世主义。这点玩世主义也是很明白的;他并不隐藏,我们也不用深求。”——胡适   2、然作者虽儒生,此书实出于游戏,亦非语道,故全书仅偶见五行生克之常谈,尤未学佛,故末回至有荒唐无稽之经目,特缘混同之教,流行来久,故其著作,乃亦释迦与老君同流,真性与原神杂出,使三教之徒,皆得随宜附会而已。”——鲁迅   3、《西游记》是一部以拯救堕落的人心与人精神为鹄的作品;《西游记》也是一部描写反贪题材的作品。——刘戈   4、《西游记》曼衍虚诞,而其纵横变化,以猿为心之神,以猪为心之驰,其始之放纵,上天下地,莫能禁制,而归于紧箍一咒,能使心猿驯伏,至死靡他,盖亦求放心之喻,非浪作也。——谢肇浙   参考资料:[baike.baidu.com]


  8 to 12 back to write such as come to view, the view sound to visit a monk, wei cut of dragon, tang's monk was born, the story, confessed to learn origin. Back to the end of the book from 14, write sun wukong was forced to convert to Buddhism, protect tang's monk scriptures, in eight quit, sand monk assistance, all the way to cut demon in addition to evil, to buddhist paradise became "fruit"   第八至十二回写如来说法,观音访僧,魏徵斩龙,唐僧出世等故事,交待取经的缘起。从十四回到全书结束,写孙悟空被迫皈依佛教,保护唐僧取经,在八戒、沙僧协助下,一路斩妖除魔,到西天成了“正果”。

西游记的主要内容用英语说 不用太长 几十个词吧

   talks about the adventures of a Tang Dynasty (618-907) priest Sanzang and his three disciples, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand, as they travel west in search of Buddhist Sutra. The first seven chapters recount the birth of the Monkey King and his rebellion against Heaven. Then in chapters eight to twelve, we learn how Sanzang was born and why he is searching for the scriptures, as well as his preparations for the journey. The rest of the story describes how they vanquish demons and monsters, tramp over the Fiery Mountain, cross the Milky Way, and after overcoming many dangers, finally arrive at their destination - the Thunder Monastery in the Western Heaven - and find the Sutra.


  西游记的英文是Journey to the West,其中journey英式发音为 [ˈdʒɜ:ni],美式发音为[ˈdʒɜ:rni],意思有:旅行,旅程行期,历程,过程。   拓展资料   Journey to the West   1、小说《西游记》表现出丰富的想像力。   The novel Pilgrimage to the West shows plenty of imagination.   2、原型理论分析比较《霍比特人》和《西游记》   A Comparative Archetypal Analysis of the Hobbit and Journey to the West;   3、《西游记》是一部著名的神话长篇小说。   Journey to the West is a renowned mythical novel.   4、那您来拍个咱国家的经典:《西游记》试试?   Then you take our country classics: "journey to the west" try?   5、本文对《西游记》中所使用的量词进行整理和分析,归纳出书中量词的使用特点。   By storing out and analyzing the classifiers in Journey to the West, the paper sums up the characteristics of the classifiers in the book.   6、《西游记》的故事情节深受民间故事艺术的影响。   The plot in "Journey to the West" is deeply influenced by the art of folk tales.   7、故事改编于中国经典名著《西游记》的早期篇章。   The story is based on the earliest chapters of the classic story Journey to the West.   8、读了《西游记》我深有感触,文中曲折的情节和唐僧师徒的离奇经历给我留下了深刻的印象。   Read the Journey to the West, I said with deep feeling, paper twists of plot and Tang Monk's quirky mentoring experience left me a deep impression.


  Synopsis of Journey to the West   西游记概要   The novel comprises 100 chapters. These can be divided into four very unequal parts. The first, which includes chapters 1–7, is really a self-contained introduction to the main story. It deals entirely with the earlier exploits of Sūn Wùkōng, a monkey born from a stone nourished by the Five Elements, who learns the art of the Tao, 72 polymorphic transformations, combat, and secrets of immortality, and through guile and force makes a name for himself as the Qítiān Dàshèng (simplified Chinese: 齐天大圣), or "Great Sage Equal to Heaven". His powers grow to match the forces of all of the Eastern (Taoist) deities, and the prologue culminates in Sūn's rebellion against Heaven, during a time when he garnered a post in the celestial bureaucracy. Hubris proves his downfall when the Buddha manages to trap him under a mountain and sealing the mountain with a talisman for five hundred years.   Only following this introductory story is the nominal main character, Xuánzàng, introduced. Chapters 8–12 provide his early biography and the background to his great journey. Dismayed that "the land of the South knows only greed, hedonism, promiscuity, and sins", the Buddha instructs the bodhisattva Guānyīn to search Táng China for someone to take the Buddhist sutras of "transcendence and persuasion for good will" back to the East. Part of the story here also relates to how Xuánzàng becomes a monk (as well as revealing his past life as a disciple of the Buddha named "Golden Cicada" (金蝉子) and comes about being sent on this pilgrimage by the Emperor Táng Tàizōng, who previously escaped death with the help of an underworld official).   The third and longest section of the work is chapters 13–99, an episodic adventure story which combines elements of the quest as well as the picaresque. The skeleton of the story is Xuánzàng's quest to bring back Buddhist scriptures from Vulture Peak in India, but the flesh is provided by the conflict between Xuánzàng's disciples and the various evils that beset him on the way.   The scenery of this section is, nominally, the sparsely populated lands along the Silk Road between China and India, including Xinjiang, Turkestan, and Afghanistan. The geography described in the book is, however, almost entirely fantastic; once Xuánzàng departs Cháng'ān, the Táng capital, and crosses the frontier (somewhere in Gansu province), he finds himself in a wilderness of deep gorges and tall mountains, all inhabited by flesh-eating demons who regard him as a potential meal (since his flesh was believed to give immortality to whoever ate it), with here and there a hidden monastery or royal city-state amid the wilds.   The episodic structure of this section is to some extent formulaic. Episodes consist of 1–4 chapters and usually involve Xuánzàng being captured and having his life threatened while his disciples try to find an ingenious (and often violent) way of liberating him. Although some of Xuánzàng's predicaments are political and involve ordinary human beings, they more frequently consist of run-ins with various goblins and ogres, many of whom turn out to be the earthly manifestations of heavenly beings (whose sins will be negated by eating the flesh of Xuánzàng) or animal-spirits with enough Taoist spiritual merit to assume semi-human forms.   Chapters 13–22 do not follow this structure precisely, as they introduce Xuánzàng's disciples, who, inspired or goaded by Guānyīn, meet and agree to serve him along the way in order to atone for their sins in their past lives.   The first is Sun Wukong (simplified Chinese: 孙悟空), or Monkey, previously "Great Sage Equal to Heaven", trapped by Buddha for rebelling against Heaven. He appears right away in Chapter 13. The most intelligent and violent of the disciples, he is constantly reproved for his violence by Xuánzàng. Ultimately, he can only be controlled by a magic gold band that the Bodhisattva has placed around his head, which causes him bad headaches when Xuánzàng chants certain magic words.   The second, appearing in chapter 19, is Zhu Bajie (simplified Chinese: 猪八戒), literally Eight-precepts Pig, sometimes translated as Pigsy or just Pig. He was previously Marshal Tīan Péng (simplified Chinese: 天蓬元帅), commander of the Heavenly Naval forces, banished to the mortal realm for flirting with the Princess of the Moon Chang'e. He is characterized by his insatiable appetites for food and sex, and is constantly looking for a way out of his duties, which causes significant conflict with Sūn Wùkōng. Nevertheless he is a reliable fighter.   The third, appearing in chapter 22, is the river-ogre Sha Wujing (simplified Chinese: 沙悟净), also translated as Friar Sand or Sandy. He was previously Great General who Folds the Curtain (simplified Chinese: 卷帘大将), banished to the mortal realm for dropping (and shattering) a crystal goblet of the Heavenly Queen Mother. He is a quiet but generally dependable character, who serves as the straight foil to the comic relief of Sūn and Zhū.   The fourth disciple is the third prince of the Dragon-King, Yùlóng Sāntàizǐ (simplified Chinese: 玉龙三太子), who was sentenced to death for setting fire to his father's great pearl. He was saved by Guānyīn from execution to stay and wait for his call of duty. He appears first in chapter 15, but has almost no speaking role, as throughout most of the story he appears in the transformed shape of a horse that Xuánzàng rides on.   Chapter 22, where Shā is introduced, also provides a geographical boundary, as the river that the travelers cross brings them into a new "continent". Chapters 23–86 take place in the wilderness, and consist of 24 episodes of varying length, each characterized by a different magical monster or evil magician. There are impassably wide rivers, flaming mountains, a kingdom ruled by women, a lair of seductive spider-spirits, and many other fantastic scenarios. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to fend off attacks on their master and teacher Xuánzàng from various monsters and calamities.   It is strongly suggested that most of these calamities are engineered by fate and/or the Buddha, as, while the monsters who attack are vast in power and many in number, no real harm ever comes to the four travelers. Some of the monsters turn out to be escaped heavenly animals belonging to bodisattvas or Taoist sages and spirits. Towards the end of the book there is a scene where the Buddha literally commands the fulfillment of the last disaster, because Xuánzàng is one short of the eighty-one disasters he needs to attain Buddhahood.   In chapter 87, Xuánzàng finally reaches the borderlands of India, and chapters 87–99 present magical adventures in a somewhat more mundane (though still exotic) setting. At length, after a pilgrimage said to have taken fourteen years (the text actually only provides evidence for nine of those years, but presumably there was room to add additional episodes) they arrive at the half-real, half-legendary destination of Vulture Peak, where, in a scene simultaneously mystical and comic, Xuánzàng receives the scriptures from the living Buddha.   Chapter 100, the last of all, quickly describes the return journey to the Táng Empire, and the aftermath in which each traveler receives a reward in the form of posts in the bureaucracy of the heavens. Sūn Wùkōng and Xuánzàng achieve Buddhahood, Wùjìng becomes an arhat, Sāntàizǐ the dragon prince horse is made a nāga, and Bājiè, whose good deeds have always been tempered by his greed, is promoted to an altar cleanser (i.e. eater of excess offerings at altars).


  The play is about Sun Wukong, Zhu Ba Jie, Sha Seng's assistant Tang Dynasty monk, Xuan Zang, who went to the Western Heaven to learn the Scriptures. The four masters of the master and his disciples were all involved in the adventure. They had fallen through the eighty-one difficulties and recovered the true story.   中文:   该剧讲述的是孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧辅保大唐高僧玄奘去西天取经,师徒四人一路抢滩涉险,降妖伏怪,历经八十一难,取回真经,终修正果的故事。        扩展资料     Writing background   Writing period is the middle of Ming Dynasty. Although the social economy was prosperous at that time, the politics was deteriorating day by day and the people were living in hardship. The author criticized this unreasonable phenomenon through the story.   中文:   写作背景   写作时代为明朝中期,当时社会经济虽繁荣,但政治日渐败坏,百姓生活困苦.作者对此不合理的现象,透过故事提出批评.   参考资料[m.baidu.com]


  我的家乡是一个美丽的地方.它座落在一条宽宽的小河旁边,富产鱼和大米.   但是在过去它是一个贫穷落后的小城镇.很多人没有工作.他们过着艰苦的生活.酒店在1949年我的家乡解放了.从那时起很大的变化都发生在那里.街道被拓宽.工厂,学校,医院,电影院和剧院如雨后春笋般层出不穷.人的寿命大大提高.   我爱我的家乡.更我爱它的人.他们辛勤工作,使着它的富有,更美好.   ====   我家   我的家乡是一个美丽的地方,它位于旁边的河流是一个广阔,盛产鱼米.   但在过去,这是一个贫穷和偏僻的小镇.很多人不上班,过着艰苦的生活.由于   1949年解放后,我的家乡了很大的变化.道路拓宽,以及工厂,学校,医院,电影院和歌剧院建成一个接一个.人们的生活质量有了很大的提高.   我爱我的家乡,但人谁爱的家.他们都在努力维持其丰富而美丽.


  Xi You Ji also known as Journey to the West, is the story of a monk by the name of Tang Seng. During the seventh century, Tang Seng was sent from China to India by his brother the


  西游记内容简介:   东胜神州傲来国花果山有一只顽皮的猴子,拜须菩提为师习得七十二变后占山为王,自称齐天大圣。   玉帝派了太上老君收服大圣,没料到猴子不愿受束缚,大闹天宫,囚于炼丹炉四十九天练成火眼金睛,踢翻丹炉一发不可收拾,被如来镇压在五指山下。   五百年过去了,从东土大唐来了个和尚,原是金蝉子转世,观世音选他去西天取经普度众生,途经五指山解救了大圣,沿途又收了八戒、沙僧,师徒四人降妖伏魔,踏上了漫长的取经之路。最终,历经九九八十一难取得真经,修成正果。   作者简介:   吴承恩(约1500年-1582年),号射阳山人。淮安府山阳县人。祖籍安徽桐城高甸,以祖先聚居桐城高甸,故称高甸吴氏。中国明代杰出小说家。自幼敏慧,博览群书,尤喜爱神话故事。   在科举中屡遭挫折,嘉靖中补贡生。嘉靖四十五年(1566年)任浙江长兴县丞。由于宦途困顿,晚年绝意仕进,闭门著书。        扩展资料:     作品鉴赏:   《西游记》的内容在中国古典小说中是最为庞杂的。它融合了佛、道、儒三家的思想和内容。   既让佛、道两教的仙人们同时登场表演,又在神佛的世界里注入了现实社会的人情世态,有时还插进几句儒家的至理名言,使它显得亦庄亦谐,妙趣横生使该书赢得了各种文化层次的读者的爱好。   《西游记》的作者生活在明代的中后期,历经孝宗弘治、穆宗隆庆、神宗万历五个时期。明朝中后期的社会情况和开国之初有很大的不同,政治上阶级矛盾、民族矛盾以及统治阶级内部矛盾正不断激化。   思想文化上启蒙思想兴起,人性解放的思潮高涨,市民文学日益蓬勃发展,小说和戏曲创作进入到一个全面繁荣兴盛的时期,经济上产生了资本主义萌芽。     参考资料:     [baike.baidu.com]




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