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Zhong, Jiarui, & Jiansuo Pei# (2023). Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: A systematic literature review of latest developments, forthcoming, Climate Policy. (  


林桂军、王飞、任靓、裴建锁(2022). 全球价值链视角下我国对美国出口的结构变迁与服务化趋势,《国际贸易问题》,(5): 1-20.

Pei, Jiansuo, Gaaitzen de Vries, & Meng Zhang (2022). International Trade and Covid-19: City-level Evidence from China's Lockdown Policy. Journal of Regional Science, 62(3): 670-695. Cited Article 2021-2022)

Chen, Quanrun, Yuning Gao, Jiansuo Pei#, Gaaitzen de Vries#, & Fei Wang (2022). China's domestic production networks. China Economic Review,

Zhong, Jiarui, & Jiansuo Pei# (2022). Beggar thy neighbour? On the competitiveness and welfare impacts of the EU's proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Energy Policy,

Huang, Yingfei, & Jiansuo Pei# (2022). Imported intermediates, technology spillover and green development: Evidence from Chinese firms, Frontiers in Environmental Science, doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.909055.


        姜佳彤、张蒙、黄颖斐、钟晓娜、裴建锁#(2021). 新冠肺炎疫情对我国产业链的影响及对策:基于关键产业链的初步分析,《中国科学基金》,34(6): 760-775.

        Löschel, Andreas, Jiansuo Pei#, Ran Wang, Bodo Sturm, Wolfgang Buchholz, & Zhongxiu Zhao (2021), The Demand for Global and Local Environmental Protection: Experimental Evidence from Climate Change Mitigation in Beijing, Land Economics, 97: 137-154.        

Pei, Jiansuo, Bodo Sturm, & Anqi Yu (2021). Are exporters more environmentally friendly? A re-appraisal that uses China’s micro-data, The World Economy, 44(5): 1402-1427.(Top Cited Article 2021-2022)


Chen, Quanrun, Xikang Chen, Jiansuo Pei#, Cuihong Yang, & Kunfu Zhu (2020). Estimating domestic content in China’s exports: Accounting for a dual-trade regime, Economic Modelling, 89: 43–54.


Dollar, David, Bilal Khan, & Jiansuo Pei (2019). Should high domestic value added in exports be an objective of policy? in D. Dollar, E. Ganne, V. Stolzenburg and Z. Wang (eds.),  Global Value Chain Development Report 2019: Technological Innovation, Supply Chain Trade, and Workers in a Globalized World , 141-153. World Trade Organization, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland.

Sturm, Bodo, Jiansuo Pei#, Ran Wang, Andreas Löschel, & Zhongxiu Zhao (2019), Conditional cooperation in case of a global public good – Experimental evidence from climate change mitigation in Beijing, China Economic Review, 56: 101308.

Chen, Quanrun, Andreas Löschel, Jiansuo Pei#, Glen Peters, Jinjun Xue, & Zhongxiu Zhao (2019). Processing trade, foreign outsourcing and carbon emissions in China, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 49: 1-12 (lead article).


裴建锁、姚顺利(2018). “新常态”的贸易效应:基于中国DPN GEM模型的研究,《管理评论》,30(5): 112-118.

赵忠秀、闫云凤、裴建锁#(2018). 生产分割、区域间贸易与CO2排放:基于IRIO模型的研究,《管理评论》,30(5): 47-57.

Lin, Guijun, Fei Wang, & Jiansuo Pei# (2018). Global value chain perspective of US–China trade and employment, The World Economy, 41(8): 1941-1964.

Pei, Jiansuo, Bo Meng, Fei Wang, Jinjun Xue, & Zhongxiu Zhao (2018). Production Sharing, Demand Spillovers and CO2 Emissions: The Case of Chinese Regions in Global Value Chains, Singapore Economic Review, 63(2): 275-293.

Lin, Guijun, Jiansuo Pei, & Jin Zhang (2018). Strategic Competition in the Asian Mega-regionalism and Optimal Choices, The World Economy, 41(8): 2102-2128.

Pei, Jiansuo, Jan Oosterhaven, & Erik Dietzenbacher (2017). Foreign Exports, Net Interregional Spillovers, and Chinese Regional Supply Chains, Papers in Regional Science, 96 (2): 281-298.

Shen, Zhesi, Liying Yang, Jiansuo Pei, Menghui Li, Chensheng Wu, Jianzhang Bao, Tian Wei, Zengru Di, Ronald Rousseau, & Jinshan Wu (2016). Interrelations among Scientific Fields and Their Relative Influences Revealed by an Input-Output Analysis, Journal of Informetrics, 10: 82-97.

Yang, Cuihong, Erik Dietzenbacher, Jiansuo Pei, Xikang Chen, Kunfu Zhu, & Zhipeng Tang (2015). Processing Trade Biases the Measurement of Vertical Specialization in China, Economic Systems Research, 26: 60-76.

Pei, Jiansuo, Cuihong Yang, & Shunli Yao (2015). Trade Impact of China’s Transition to the ‘New Normal’, in Bernard Hoekman (eds),  The Global Trade Slowdown: A New Normal? 253-263. London: CEPR Press.

Yao, Shunli, Hong Ma, & Jiansuo Pei (2015). Import Uses and Domestic Value Added in Chinese Exports: What can We Learn from Chinese Micro Data? in S. Houseman and M. Mandel (eds.), Measuring Globalization: Better Trade Statistics for Better Policy (Vol. 2), 221-243. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research.

赵忠秀、裴建锁#、闫云凤(2014). 贸易增长、国际生产分割与CO2排放核算:产业vs.产品,《中国管理科学》,22(12): 11-17.

洪俊杰、裴建锁(2013). 加强顶层设计,全面提高开放型经济水平(综述),《经济研究》,48(8): 156-158.

Pei, Jiansuo (2013). Trade, Growth, Regions, and the Environment: Input-Output Analyses of the Chinese Economy. University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Saari, Yusof, & Jiansuo Pei (2013). Skill-biased Export Growth: Accounting for the Changes in Labor Contents across Ethnic Groups in Malaysia (1991-2000), Singapore Economic Review, 58 (2): 25 pages.

Pei, Jiansuo, Jan Oosterhaven & Erik Dietzenbacher (2012). How much do Exports Contribute to China's Income Growth? Economic Systems Research, 24: 275-297.

Dietzenbacher, Erik, Jiansuo Pei, & Cuihong Yang (2012). Trade, Production Fragmentation, and China’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64: 88-101.    

Chen, Xikang, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, Yun-Wing Sung, Kunfu Zhu, Cuihong Yang, Jiansuo Pei, & Yuwan Duan (2012). Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Exports: A Quantitative Estimation, China Economic Review, 23: 850-864.

Pei, Jiansuo, Erik Dietzenbacher, Jan Oosterhaven, & Cuihong Yang (2011). Accounting for China’s Import Growth: A Structural Decomposition for 1997-2005, Environment and Planning A, 43: 2971-2991.

Lau, Lawrence J., Xikang Chen, Cuihong Yang, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Yun-Wing Sung, Kunfu Zhu, Jiansuo Pei, & Zhipeng Tang (2010). Input-Occupancy-Output Models of the Non-Competitive Type and Their Application -- An Examination of the China-US Trade Surplus, 《中国社会科学》(英文版), 31(1): 35-54.

Lawrence J. Lau, 陈锡康、杨翠红, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Yun-Wing Sung, 祝坤福、裴建锁、唐志鹏(2007). 非竞争型投入占用产出模型及其应用——中美贸易顺差透视,《中国社会科学》,第5期:91-103.

祝坤福、唐志鹏、裴建锁、陈锡康、杨翠红 (2007). 出口对中国经济增长的贡献率分析,《管理评论》,19(9): 42-45.

Lawrence J. Lau, Xikang Chen, Leonard K. Cheng, K.C. Fung, Jiansuo Pei, Yun-Wing Sung, Zhipeng Tang, Yanyan Xiong, Cuihong Yang and Kunfu Zhu (2006). Estimates of U. S.-China Trade Balances in Terms of Domestic Value-Added, Working Paper No. 2, Institute of Economics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Working Paper No. 295, Stanford Center for International Development, Stanford University, USA.


黄隽、张红霞、潘伟、裴建锁、刘玉、黄滢、陈浩、文丽、郭炤廷、艾建伟、陈哲昂、邢晓旭、邓滢、刘可欣、陈寅、孔文轩、姬静怡、郑惠中、史少阳、吴瑶、黄欣欣、林子君等(2022). 《中国城市数字产业发展报告(2022)——新兴低碳产业、数字产业发展与中国经济版图重构》,中国人民大学应用经济学院&中国人民大学交叉科学研究院数字经济文理交叉平台。

黄隽、张红霞、潘伟、裴建锁、文丽、郭炤廷、艾建伟、刘洁、陈哲昂、邢晓旭、孟欣、张蒙等(2021). 《中国城市数字产业发展报告(2021)》,中国人民大学应用经济学院。

洪俊杰、丁鼎、刘青、裴建锁、薛熠(2016). 《中国企业全球营商环境指数报告(2015)》,中国商务出版社。

裴建锁、孟渤、王飞、薛进军(2015). 生产分割、需求溢出与碳排放:GVC视角下的地区异质性。载于:薛进军、赵忠秀主编,《中国低碳经济发展报告2015(低碳经济蓝皮书)》,社会科学文献出版社,70-76.

裴建锁、王春华(2014). 出口结构变动与碳排放:基于指数分解的分析。载于:薛进军、赵忠秀主编,《中国低碳经济发展报告2014(低碳经济蓝皮书)》,社会科学文献出版社,231-242.

林桂军、汤碧、裴建锁、张锦(2013). 美欲借TPP确定经济主导权但难度大,我可组建自由贸易集团应对挑战,《参考清样》,第420期。

裴建锁 (2011). 投入产出技术在对外贸易分析中的应用(第二十一章)。载于:陈锡康、杨翠红等编著,《投入产出技术》,科学出版社,396-405.

裴建锁、杨翠红,Erik Dietzenbacher (2011). 贸易的环境成本与经济收益:基于投入产出模型的研究。载于:王红、黄少敏、关锋主编,《中国经济增长与环境——中国留美经济学会2009年国际研讨会论文集》,上海人民出版社,304-321.

裴建锁 (2009). 《基于投入占用产出模型的中国对外贸易研究》,中国科学院博士学位论文。

裴建锁(2009). 外贸依存度的重新度量——反映中国加工出口特性的非竞争(进口)型投入占用产出模型的应用。载于:彭志龙、刘起运、佟仁城主编,《投入产出应用分析与实践2007》,中国统计出版社,64-70.

杨翠红、裴建锁(2009). 中国对外贸易中的进口依赖度研究。载于:彭志龙、刘起运、佟仁城主编,《投入产出应用分析与实践2007》,中国统计出版社,132-144.


工作论文(working paper)

      姚顺利、马弘、裴建锁#(2019). 中国的全球价值链研究:宏观架构、微观基础和贸易政策,《世界经济》(返修)。

       张蒙、姜佳彤、金同铉、裴建锁#(2023). 数字基础设施与出口国内增加值率——来自“宽带中国”战略的证据,在审。

       张蒙、裴建锁#(2023). 本土产业链冲击与出口增长:来自新冠疫情准自然实验的证据,在审。

       王飞、姜佳彤、林桂军、裴建锁#(2023). 全球价值链视角下的中国制造业服务化:1995-2019,《国际经贸探索》(返修)。

       裴建锁、艾建伟#(2022). 贸易网络中的出口波动与国际政治风险化解——基于风险扩展型贸易引力模型的研究(入选2022年第二十二届中国经济学年会),在审。

       姜佳彤、王飞、裴建锁#(2022). 全球价值链研究:历史脉络、阶段特征和未来展望,在审。

       裴建锁、陈哲昂、艾建伟#(2023). 国企改革的贸易增加值效应:基于多部门量化模型的研究,《统计研究》(返修)。

       于安琪、高宇宁、裴建锁、姜佳彤(2023). 以退促进:出口退税影响制造业企业全球价值链参与考察,在审。                   

       Zhang, Hongxia, Jun Huang#, Wei Pan# , Jiansuo Pei# , Shouyang Wang#, Li Wen, Zhaoting Guo, & Zheang Chen (2022). Mapping the digital industry development in China's cities into Sustainable Development Goals: A big data analysis, submitted for publication.

       Jiang, Jiatong, Jiansuo Pei#, & Meng Zhang (2022). Green credit and firms' global production line position, submitted for publication.        

       Hur, Jung, Donghyun Kim, & Jiansuo Pei# (2022). Exporters are cleaner than you think : Theory and evidence from Chinese firm-level data, submitted for publication.            

       Gao, Yuning, Anqi Yu, Jiatong Jiang, & Jiansuo Pei (2022). Will Global Value Chain Participation Reduce Environment Emissions? Evidence from Firm-level Data of China, submitted for publication. 

       Ai, Jianwei, Jiansuo Pei#, & Anton Yang (2023). Spatial Competition and Market Power in China's Agricultural Markets, working paper.

       Hur, Jung, Donghyun Kim, & Jiansuo Pei# (2023). Expressways to port: Unintended environmental effects of declining trade cost on Chinese Exporters, working paper.

       Hur, Jung, Donghyun Kim, & Jiansuo Pei# (2023). Green transformation confirms EKC: Theory and evidence from Chinese multiproduct exporters, working paper.

       Li, Lei, Andreas Löschel, Jiansuo Pei#, Bodo Sturm, & Anqi Yu (2020). Trade liberalization and SO2 emissions: Firm-level evidence from China's WTO entry. Tech. rep., CAWM Discussion Paper, submitted for publication.

       Li, Degang, Ming Li, & Jiansuo Pei# (2019). Higher-education expansion, human-capital supply, and the rising domestic content in China's exports, submitted for publication.  (  




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