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2023-07-03 16:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语口语# 导语】英语情景对话具有多样性、灵活性、实用性,是我们练习英语口语材料。下面是由©无忧考网为大家带来关于art的英语口语对话,希望对你有所帮助!


  Dashan: Did you know that this city has one of the most famous collections of Canadian art in Canada?


  Yunbo: No, I had no idea. Where is the art collection?


  Dashan: It's in one of our national art galleries.


  Rumei: I don't know a lot about Canadian art, but I've always been interested in finding out more about it.


  Yunbo: I've read about Canadian art on the Internet, but that's all.


  Dashan: Well, do you and Rumei feel like going to the gallery and having a closer look? The gallery's just around the corner.


  Yunbo: You bet. Do we have time?


  Dashan: Yeah, but we'd better hurry. I think the gallery closes at 6:00 tonight.


  Dashan: Yunbo, haven't you been painting for a long time?


  Yunbo: Yes, I have. I'm not a very good painter, but I enjoy painting a lot.


  Dashan: Do you use oil paints?


  Yunbo: I started painting with oils, but now I prefer using water colours. Rumei doesn't like the smell of the oil paints. Have you ever done any painting, Dashan?

  云波:我刚开始作画时是这样,但是我现在更喜欢画水彩。如梅不喜欢油画颜料的气味。 大山,你作过画吗?

  Dashan: No, I haven't, but I've been taking Chinese calligraphy lessons.


  Rumei: Is that so? How long have you been studying calligraphy?


  Dashan: Since last summer. I started taking lessons during my visit to Shanghai last year. And I've been practising ever since. This gallery's got all kinds of Canadian art... Painting, sculpture, prints, photography, and carvings. Yunbo and you will enjoy it.

  大山:自从去年夏天就开始学了。 我是去年去上海时开始的,从那以后,就一直坚持练字。这家美术馆收藏各种艺术品,有油画、 雕塑、版画、摄影作品以及雕刻品。 云波你们俩会喜欢的。

  Rumei: I'm sure we will.


  Dashan: Would it be okay to look at the painting by the Group of Seven first? I love their art.


  Yunbo: Sure. But who or what is the Group of Seven?


  Dashan: The Group of Seven was a group of seven Canadian painters. They painted Canadian landscapes in the 1920s and 1930s.

  大山:七人画社是由加拿大的七名画家组成的。 他们在本世纪20年代和30年代以画加拿大的风景画出名。

  Dashan: Excuse me. Is it okay to take photos of the paintings in the gallery?


  Attendant: Sorry. Taking photos of our collection is not allowed. But, our gift shop has lots of posters, postcards and books.


  Dashan: Thanks.


  Rumei: Look at these magnificent paintings of the outdoors. They must be paintings by the Group of Seven.

  如梅:来看看这些壮丽的户外风景画吧。 它们肯定出自七人画社。

  Dashan: You're right, Rumei. These artists loved painting the wilderness.


  Yunbo: The paintings are so bold and dramatic. I can't stop looking at them.


  Dashan: What do you think, Rumei?


  Rumei: I love the forests, rocks and lakes in the paintings. But the colours are a bit too strong for me.


  Dashan: You'll see this kind of scenery on our train ride back to Vancouver next week.


  Dashan: Oh, this painting must be by Emily Carr. She's one of my favourite artists. She's painted pictures of forests and totem poles in British Columbia.


  Yunbo: Was she from British Columbia?


  Dashan: Yes. As a matter of fact, she lived in Victoria. Her house is a museum now.



  Todd: Shona, do you consider yourself an artist?


  Shona: No, actually, I wouldn't use that word. I don't like when people use that word cause likeartist to me is like someone who is like famous for like creating something like, there's likebeing a creator or a designer and there's being like an artist, and an artist like is someonewho's celebrated for what they do, so I'm not really celebrated for what I do but I do like tosort of like make things, so I like to paint and I like to draw and I like to like create things anddesign things.


  Todd: So what kind of things do you like to paint?


  Shona: OK, well the kind of paintings I do are like based on like three things I've noticed overthis time that I've been doing it. There're based on color. Color is like so important to me. Ilike really bright colors. I like colors that kind of clash together that might not go. Also, I likeshapes. Shape is like the most important thing to me. I like the shapes of sea horses, ofbutterflies, of like flowers, of natural things, of like the human form. Shape is like the biggestdeal to me. I also like repetition in what I do, so I kind of repeat the same shape or like I'llrepeat like part of a shape, like it will appear in many different parts of a painting that I'll do, sothese are like the most important things, and they're kind of like, I suppose can end of a kind ofbit sort of psychedelic or a bit crazy like, but like if you kind of look at them closely you'll seewhat they're made up of.


  Todd: That's pretty interesting. So, do you like then, let's say, you know, architecture thatuses patterns and things like that or do you just like painting as a medium on a piece ofcanvas.


  Shona: Yeah, I like kind of all forms of art really. I like architecture. I like.. what I like to see islike where there's like an old building right next to a new one, like and you can see like maybe ifthe new one's slightly in front of the old one. You can see like the differences overlapping. Ilike things that overlap. It sounds a bit weird but.


  Todd: You like layers.


  Shona: Yeah, I like layers. Exactly. I like collages as well, although I don't do them myself. Ifind it too difficult to actually do them. I like appreciate a collage because I like the fact thatit's built up. It's like layered. It's more interesting to look at.


  Todd: One thing that I think is really amazing is that, cause I do the web stuff, I do the webdesign, and I'm a novice. Like yourself, I'm not really an artist but I'm always amazed howcomputers can't replicate the same colors of nature.


  Shona: Yeah, exactly.


  Todd: You'll see certain browns or purples or blues and you just can't get it on a computer.


  Shona: Exactly. I know. It's like, it's difficult, like, cause nature is like so much more beautifulthan anything anyone can ever create, you know, so sometimes it's kind of frustrating,especially like if I'm just drawing like something in nature, like a scene. Like there's no wayit's going to be as beautiful as what I can see with my own eyes in front of me, and it can be abit frustrating sometimes, like the same with trying to find colors that match nature.


  Todd: It's pretty hard, although it does seem that a really good artist on canvas can get prettyclose with the colors.


  Shona: Yeah, they can get close. You have to be really good at you're mixing. You see that'sone of the like skills involved with painting. You've got to be able to like mix paints really well.


  Todd: And can you mix paints really well?


  Shona: I'm getting there.



  Todd: Shona, do you have any talents or interests like art or music or cooking?


  Shona: Yeah. Actually, I really, really enjoy art. I like to sort of study different artists and lookat art from the past, but I also paint myself so I like to go to art galleries and exhibitions andget inspiration for my own work.


  Todd: That is cool. So, speaking of artists, what are three artists that you really like?


  Shona: OK, well, my first all-time, absolute favorite artist is a guy call Fred Tomaselli. He's thisAmerican guy, and he's only been painting now, or making art for like maybe like eight years orsomething. He's quite new, but his paintings are like so amazing. He will like build up animage, like over layers. OK, so he'll have ten layers built on a canvas. He'll have layers of redin, but sandwiched in between them, he will like create an image, like a collage if you likemade of different things, so he will include like dried flowers, like flowers cut out frommagazines. He will use images of the human body taken from like magazines or whatever. Wewill also use like pills, like pharmaceutical drugs and stuff, like sort of all smashed up and he'lluse them and he'll create these amazing like 3-D images, like over these like layers that are allbuilt up so you're standing in front of it, and they're big. They're like seven-foot by four-footand it's just amazing. It's so like 3-D and it makes such an impact. The images themselves willbe of things like maybe birds, maybe like he's done human images like Adam and Eve, like inthe Garden of Eden, and he's done things like this drummer cause he's like really influenced bylike music and American Punk music, so he's got like a drummer with like six hands like allgoing to different drums and they're just the most amazing thing you've ever saw in your life,so he's like my absolute favorite artist, and I also really like.... I like Edvard Munch who is aNorwegian artist and he does like... and he's like incredibly famous, and he does like kind of likeskewed images of like... his most famous is called "The Scream" and it's like a person with likehis screaming obviously. There's a bridge in the background. It's all very colorful.


  Todd: Right. That's the one that was stolen recently, wasn't it?


  Shona: Yeah, it was. It was stolen. Yeah.


  Todd: Did they get it back?


  Shona: They did. They got it back. They found out who done it, so it's back where it belongsin the museum. Yeah.


  Todd: Was the painting damaged?


  Shona: I don't think it was, no. It was a professional, like it was stolen by someoneprofessional who was like hoping to sell it on the black market, so it wasn't that damaged.


  Todd: Yeah, you would think it would be hard to sell.


  Shona: I know, exactly but then people would know it was stolen but they'd want it so badlythey'd pay the price for it.


  Todd: That is an amazing painting. So, anybody else?


  Shona: Yeah, I've got like... there's loads of artists I love. There's also this guy called StuartDavis who is another American, and he was very famous kind of in the 1950's so he done kindof like commercial like paintings, drawings for different things like Lucky Strike is one of hisfamous ones, where he's like done a commercial for the cigarettes, Lucky Strike. He uses likevery bold colors. It's kind of like a transfer over from the Pop Art like era and he uses lots ofdifferent images like built on top of one another, like it's kind of chaotic to look at but that'sthe kind of art I like because you can like dissect it and there's lots of different things there tolook at which I think is the most fun thing about different art.


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