bator是什么意思 bator的中文翻译、读音、例句

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bator是什么意思 bator的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-05-29 14:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

bator是什么意思 bator的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:金小象 • 2023-02-23 11:21:58 • 阅读 26








1. The dentist used a small bator to remove the decayed tooth tissue.(牙医使用小型电钻来清除腐烂的牙齿组织。)

2. The massage the used a vibrating bator to loosen the muscles.(师使用振动器松弛肌肉。)

3. The agitator stirred up the crowd with his fiery speech.(煽动者用火热的演讲激起了人群。)

4. The perforator punched small holes in the paper to make it easier to tear.(穿孔机在纸张上打了小孔,以便更容易撕开。)

5. The elevator vibrated as it went up to the top floor.(电梯在上升到顶楼时震动起来。)




1. He became addicted to being a 'bator' and spent every night alone in his room.


2. Some people prefer using ographic material as they 'bate'.





例句:Introduced that the Cull expense rests the Ulan Bator law to determine in the PA66 slice the water content and the influence result factor. (介绍卡尔费休库伦法测定PA66切片中的含水量及影响结果的因素。)


例句:The study found that the Mongolian capital Ulan Bator had an annual average PM10s density of 279 micrograms per cubic meter, followed by another west Iranian city, Sanandaj, with 254 micrograms. (研究发现,蒙古首都乌兰巴托年均可吸入颗粒物浓度为每立方米279微克,其后是又一个西部城市,萨南达杰,浓度为每立方米254微克。)


例句:The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start. (从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。)


例句:Sukhbaatar Battle Batbold, June 24, 1963 Born in Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator, doctor of economics, fluent Russian, English, French. (翻译:苏赫·巴特包勒德,1963年6月24日生于蒙首都乌兰巴托,经济学博士,精通俄语、英语、法语。)


bator一般作为名词使用,如在Bator(人名 塞 蒙 塞内 英 巴托尔)、Ulan Bator(乌兰巴托(蒙古) )等常见短语中出现较多。

Bator人名 塞 蒙 塞内 英 巴托尔Ulan Bator乌兰巴托(蒙古)例句

1. The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start. (翻译:从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。)

2. Sukhbaatar Battle Batbold, June 24, 1963 Born in Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator, doctor of economics, fluent Russian, English, French. (翻译:苏赫·巴特包勒德,1963年6月24日生于蒙首都乌兰巴托,经济学博士,精通俄语、英语、法语。)

3. A traditional Mongolian tent near Zuunkharaa city, Selenge province, Mongolia, 200km northeast of Ulan Bator, on October 12, 2011. (翻译:2011年10月12日,蒙古,首都乌兰巴托东北200公里,色楞格省Zuunkharaa镇附近的一座蒙古包。)

4. At the currency exchange places and various Banks of Ulan Bator, the exchange rate of Tugrik to USD is based on the rate of RMB to USD. (翻译:在乌兰巴托的货币兑换点和各家大小银行,图格里克对美元的汇率是以币对美元的汇率为依据的。)

5. The journey from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator got off to an alarming start. (翻译:从伊尔库茨克到乌兰巴托的旅程有个吓人的开端。)

6. President Nambaryn Enkhbayar declared the state of emergency in the capital, Ulan Bator, later in the day. (翻译:当天晚些时候,总统NambarynEnkhbayar宣布首都乌兰巴托进入紧急状态。)

7. A 131-foot-tall statue of Genghis Khan sits on the steppes outside Ulan Bator. (翻译:一座131英尺高的成吉思汗雕像矗立在乌兰巴托城外的草原上。)

8. Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close. (翻译:从出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。)

9. A traditional Mongolian tent near Zuunkharaa city, Selenge province, Mongolia, 200km northeast of Ulan Bator, on October 12, 2011. (翻译:2011年10月12日,蒙古,首都乌兰巴托东北200公里,色楞格省Zuunkharaa镇附近的一座蒙古包。)

10. At the currency exchange places and various banks of Ulan Bator, the exchange rate of Tugrik to USD is based on the rate of RMB to USD. (翻译:在乌兰巴托的货币兑换点和各家大小银行,图格里克对美元的汇率是以币对美元的汇率为依据的。)

11. The second stage took from Moscow to Novosibirsk and a third stage from Novosibirsk to Ulan Bator. (翻译:第一阶段从苏黎世到莫斯科,第二阶段从莫斯科到新西伯利亚,然后第三阶段是到乌兰巴托。)


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