
您所在的位置:网站首页 葛传椝是如何学英语的 chatGPT的时代,通识教育有什么用?


2023-04-21 04:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

《Another School Year——What for》[1],这是一篇英文系精读课上必修的文章。读完此文章后,我最大的感受有二——一感到惊艳、二感到诧异,惊艳于作者作为教育者的思想深度,诧异于老师把此文章只拆解成一个个单词和短语来看,这是多么遗憾!那么,就让我用文字将其中的思想火花传递给你们吧。

何谓人文?何谓大学?何谓”通识教育“或”博雅教育“?西方语境(也就是文中)出现的liberal arts一词,虽然在中国习惯于直接译成“文科”,但细究起来,“文科”这个词还是和英文中的liberal arts的含义相差有些远了。

Liberal arts,字面上直译是“自由的艺术”,那么,这里的“自由”和“艺术”两个单词分别代指什么?

书后的注释15说:”liberal arts是给学生提供通识的教育,从而教他们如何去思考而非培养实用技能的学科” ,可见,liberal arts的本意是“启发人思考的学科”。那么,这个词里的art(“艺术”)这个词具体是什么含义?维基百科上对liberal arts中的arts有这样一段解释:

liberal arts中的art指‘学习知识’的技能,而非特指美术


liberal arts通过探讨人文和艺术以及自然科学和社会科学领域的问题、思想和方法,从而教你如何批判性地阅读、有理有据地写作,以及视野广泛地思考。

也就是说,这里的art可以泛指任何的人文、自然和社会科学,而不单指平时所指的狭义上的“艺术学”,譬如美术、建筑、音乐等[2]。这是我想说明的第一点,也就是liberal arts这个词强调的“广泛性”——文学、科学和艺术等都是包含在这个词的含义内的。而其广泛性的原因,正来源于它的核心特点——“思想性”。

我们可以看见,文章中出现了许多颇具西方文化特色的词:譬如liberal一词,以及后文出现的humanity、democratic intellect等。它们都是具有丰富历史文化含义的词,这里我们以liberal一词为例作具体分析(而liberal与humanity含义上的关系又是很紧密的,对于humanity一词的含义分析,我会放在文末)。liberal这个词来源于拉丁语的“liberalis”,在12世纪时拉丁语词“liberalis”通过法语“liberal”传入英语,开启了它在英国的旅程。而随着追求理性的时代来临,在18世纪的启蒙运动中,liberal又被”重启“(revived)获得新含义,演变出“追求自由、解放和包容,拒绝偏见和狭隘”的意思,而这也正是我们如今最熟知的意思——”自由的“”解放的”。此后一个世纪中,liberal又进入了启蒙大众思想很重要的一Part——高等教育中,专门延用同为拉丁语来源的“liberalis artes”(英文词即为“liberal arts”),成为了高等教育中“启发人思考”的教育的代名词。由此看来,liberal arts和“文科”并不对标,在中文语境中,liberal arts好像更接近我们所说的”通识教育“或”博雅教育“[3]。


回到文中,作者通过多年以前最初当上老师时碰到的一件趣事(一个学生的质疑”我是学药学的,你让我学《哈姆雷特》有什么用?“)引出”大学的意义究竟是什么“这个话题,从而在某种程度上阐释了大学教育的本质(essence)。他的回答是:”当你离开大学,不再是个学生的时候,你的一天有24个小时,也许其中的8个小时你会用你在大学所学到的专业技能为生计奔波,还有8个小时你在睡觉,那么剩下的由你自己支配的8个小时呢?你会给你的孩子讲述深刻的思想吗?你的家庭跟民主思想(democratic intellect) 会发生关系吗?你的家里会常放着一本书吗?会有一副画吗?你的孩子会有机会听到巴赫的音乐吗?”

决定你是谁的,也许不是在工作中发挥着曾在大学中攻读的“专长”的你,而是没在工作时候,选择如何打发时间的自己。你如何教育你的孩子?你跟这个民主社会有怎样的关联?你的世界中除了短视频,还会不会有一些让人怡情养性的东西?作者掷地有声的一连串反问,不仅让那位专程来质疑他的学生心虚,也让书前的我们深刻地反思——教育不应该教你如何成为会重复劳动的机器,而应该让人学会如何更好地成为“人”。这让我联想到最近被誉为“革命性”的chatGPT。chat GPT本质上是人工智能AI,而AI的全称是Artificial Intelligence,我们判断机器究竟能不能企及人类,关键就在“intelligence”这个词上。那么请问,人类的“intelligence”是从何而来的?在信息时代,每个人获取信息的途径都变得快捷,可是Google的出现并没有引起人类的认知革命,目前来看,人们对chatGPT的赞扬也更多是“比任何搜索引擎和词典都强”,可见,只有知识(对应的也就是课文中所说的专业技能),好像并不能直接带来“智能”[4]。

人之所以有“智慧”(intellect),有别于机器(mechanized savage),也有别于其他物种(push-button Neanderthal),正是因为人有可以传递下去的思想。而你恰好可以通过阅读书籍来使自己与这些思想构建联系,与人类历史中最敏锐的头脑进行穿越时代的对话。在小说和诗歌中,有一群对文字最娴熟的人,他们为你构造了你平常无法体验的人生,你在阅读这些书籍的过程中变得“文明”,也逐渐懂得“民主”究竟是什么意思。也许你中学毕业时懂的公式定理比牛顿、爱因斯坦等人加起来还要多,但你也会看见在这些公式背后,是他们抱着对科学、理性的极大热忱在替你反复试错,所以你可以在他们的基础上把这些知识为你所用,变为你的专长(profession)。你的头脑逐渐变得丰富了,你终于成为了“人”。

“一个开化(civilized)的人,就是汲取了许许多多不同于自己的人生和世界的人。”(A civilized mind is, in essence, one that contains many such lives and many such worlds.)

从这个意义上,Liberal arts大学教给你的不仅是属于专业的东西,更应该是“人性”(humanity),人的发展,人的历史,人类最敏锐的思想,当你接触到这些东西并将它们整合到你的思想里时,你才会明白何谓“人”(human)。

作者最后代表整个大学教育说:“在让自己成为人类经验宝库的途中,我们得到了许多人、许多书籍的帮助。而Liberal Arts大学存在的意义就是尽全力为你们提供这些宝贵的、让自己成为‘开化的人’的知识。”

写到这里,笔者有些悲伤。因为当读完这篇文章,老师的第一件事是让学生填完文后的练习题并强调训练专业技能的重要性时,我就知道liberal arts这个概念好像真的只在少数人的头脑中存在了。如果真是这样的话,在人工智能发展的这个时代,我们又该如何把自己与一台基于电路系统的计算机区分开了呢?


liberal arts是给学生提供通识的教育,从而教他们如何去思考而非培养实用技能的学科

Liberal arts are school or college subjects that give students a general education and teach them to think rather than develop practical skills

liberal arts中的art是指“学习知识”的技能,而非特指美术

Liberal arts takes the term art in the sense of a learned skill rather than specifically the fine arts

liberal arts通过探讨人文和艺术以及自然科学和社会科学领域的问题、思想和方法,从而教你如何批判性地阅读、有理有据地写作,以及视野广泛地思考。

Liberal arts teach you how to read critically, write cogently and think broadly by exploring issues, ideas and methods across the humanities and the arts, and the natural and social sciences

”当你离开了大学不再是个学生的时候,你的一天有24个小时,也许其中的8到10个小时你会在用你在大学所学到的专业技能为生计奔波,还有6~8个小时你在睡觉,那么剩下的几个小时呢?你的孩子会接触到深刻的思想吗?你的家庭会跟democratic intellect有关系吗?你的家里会常放着一本书吗?会有一副画吗?你的孩子会有机会听到巴赫的音乐吗?”

"For the rest of your life," I said, "your days are going to average out to about twenty-four hours. ······ For eight of these hours, more or less, you will be asleep. Then for about eight hours of each working day you will, I hope, be usefully employed. ······ during those eight hours you will be using your professional skills. ······They will be your income, and may it always suffice. But having finished the day's work, what do you do with those other eight hours? Let's say you go home to your family. What sort of family are you raising? Will the children ever be exposed to a reasonably penetrating idea at home? Will you be presiding over a family that maintains some contact with the great democratic intellect? Will there be a book in the house? Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering? Will the kids ever get to hear Bach?”

在让自己成为人类经验宝库的途中,我们得到了许多人、许多书籍的帮助。而Liberal Arts大学存在的意义就是尽全力让你们能够接触到这些宝贵的、让自己成为‘开化的人’的知识。

“We have been aided by many people, and by many books, in our attempt to make ourselves some sort of storehouse of human experience. We are here to make available for you, as best we can, that expertise.”


“A university has no real existence and no real purpose except as it succeeds in putting you in touch, both as specialists and as humans, with those human minds your human mind needs to include.”




The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for “human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans.


Humanism comes from the same Latin word humanitas, which means “education that befits a civilized man.” This belief system or cultural movement bubbled up during the Renaissance, promoting classical Greek and Roman values like reason, justice and ethics instead of supernatural religious ideas. People who follow humanism are called humanists, and they’ve probably studied a lot of literature, philosophy and history.

Do you think humans should use their brains and reason to be the best they can be, instead of relying on religion? Then you believe in humanism.


葛传椝英语惯用法词典对art一词的注释:1. Bachelor of Arts(文学士),Master of Arts(文科硕士),Faculty of Arts(文学院)等表达方式里的 Arts 是 liberal arts 的简称,指语言、哲学、历史等,别于专门的或职业的教育,注意用复数形式。liberal arts 前面有 the。2. fine arts(美艺术)前面有 the。通常包括绘画、建筑和雕塑等,有时也包括诗歌、音乐、舞蹈和戏剧。the arts=the fine arts。3. arts college 是“文学院”,不是“美术学院”。但英国的 Royal Academy of Arts 是“美术院”。


Liberal arts来源于拉丁语artes liberales:“the name for the seven attainments directed to intellectual enlargement, rather than immediate practical purpose, and thus deemed worthy of a free man (liberal in this sense is opposed to servile or mechanical). They were divided into the trivium — grammar, logic, rhetoric (see trivial — and the quadrivium — arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy. Explained by Fowler (1926) as “the education designed for a gentleman (Latin liber a free man) & … opposed on the one hand to technical or professional or any special training, & on the other to education that stops short before manhood is reached.”Liberal来自拉丁语liberalis: mid-14c., “generous,” also “nobly born, noble, free;” from late 14c. as “selfless, magnanimous, admirable;” from early 15c. in a bad sense, “extravagant, unrestrained,” from Old French liberal “befitting free people; noble, generous; willing, zealous” (12c.), and directly from Latin liberalis “noble, gracious, munificent, generous,” literally “of freedom, pertaining to or befitting a free person,” from liber “free, unrestricted, unimpeded; unbridled, unchecked, licentious.”Liberal was used 16c.-17c. as a term of reproach with the meaning “free from restraint in speech or action.” The Enlightenment revived it in a positive sense “free from prejudice, tolerant, not bigoted or narrow,” which emerged 1776-88. In 19c. often theological rather than political, opposed to orthodox, used of Unitarians, Universalists, etc. For educational use, see liberal arts

Princeton对liberal arts的官方定义:

A liberal arts education offers an expansive intellectual grounding in all kinds of humanistic inquiry.By exploring issues, ideas and methods across the humanities and the arts, and the natural and social sciences, you will learn to read critically, write cogently and think broadly. These skills will elevate your conversations in the classroom and strengthen your social and cultural analysis; they will cultivate the tools necessary to allow you to navigate the world’s most complex issues.


参考^现代大学英语精读2. 杨立民主编.外语教学与研究出版社.2011^为了区分概念,“艺术学”应当用fine arts 来表示(fine在英语中有”细微的“”精细的“的意思,这里可以理解成对于art方向的“细分”)^之所以不说“素质教育”,是因为这个词近几年有被污名化为“快乐教育”的趋势^让人伤感的人工智能ChatGPT,可惜它只是聪明[Z]. 姜大白. 微信公众号, 2023(0302)




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