西安小雁塔下,安仁坊遗址展示厅与安仁驿站 / DDB秉仁设计 – 有方

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西安小雁塔下,安仁坊遗址展示厅与安仁驿站 / DDB秉仁设计 – 有方

2024-07-11 01:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

西安小雁塔下,安仁坊遗址展示厅与安仁驿站 / DDB秉仁设计 西安小雁塔下,安仁坊遗址展示厅与安仁驿站 / DDB秉仁设计 编辑:李博超 | 校对:李博超 | 2024.03.11 19:03 小雁塔与安仁坊遗址展示馆的实景鸟瞰  ©是然建筑摄影于荐福寺路望向安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影

设计单位  上海秉仁建筑师事务所

项目地点  陕西西安

建成时间  2022.6

建筑面积  14973平方米






Xi'an, a renowned historical city of thirteen dynasties, boasts rich cultural resources. The Small Wild Goose Pagoda (Jianfu Temple Pagoda), which was built in Anrenfang of Chang'an City in the early Tang Dynasty, is now located within Xi'an Museum. Due to its special geographical location and history of humanity, it has been designated as the historical and cultural area of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, bearing witness to the city’s long development.


小雁塔片区的整体氛围  ©是然建筑摄影


In December 2018, Xi'an launched the project called "Comprehensive Renovation of Small Wild Goose Pagoda Historical and Cultural Area", which aims to establish a museum and tourist service center in the Anrenfang heritage site, covering an area of approximately 12,600 square meters. In the overall planning of historic preservation, the design starts from how to deal with the relationship between architecture, historical sites and the city, to better integrate architecture with urban life and to recreate the historical features.


安仁坊遗址区位示意  ©DDB秉仁设计小雁塔保护规划范围示意  ©DDB秉仁设计





The Small Wild Goose Pagoda (included in the World Cultural Heritage List), the Suzaku Avenue and the Eighth Cross Street in Chang’an city and the Xi'an Museum together constitute the most important historical context and spatial volume in the target area of this project. Given such a complex urban background, humility best reflects our respect for history.


建成后片区鸟瞰  ©是然建筑摄影


Based on the fabric and the urban functions of the heritage site, the project needs to coordinate itself with the surrounding features of Small Wild Goose Pagoda. Therefore, we established a design strategy that centers on preserving the original features of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda and Xi'an Museum and moves the new museum and tourist service center to a supplementary role. In that case, the three buildings will face each other and respond to the historical and cultural context of this area.


设计理念  ©DDB秉仁设计


Through the understanding and analysis of the idea behind the construction of Chang'an city, the concept of houses in the Tang Dynasty has been transformed into the sequence of city, square, and courtyard. The organization of the architectural space hinted at the location of the ruins, and the landscape design was also added to display where the square walls are located. The shapes are all low-profile, with orderly undulations within the 12-meter height limit, and are integrated into the overall area in a way that subtly hides them from the city.


从里坊格局提取建筑体块  ©DDB秉仁设计安仁坊遗址展示馆周边高度分析  ©DDB秉仁设计安仁坊遗址展示馆鸟瞰  ©郑焰

安仁坊遗址展示馆室外空间  ©是然建筑摄影

安仁·驿馆室外空间  ©是然建筑摄影





In addition to displaying and protecting the ruins, the uniqueness of this project also lies in its close integration with urban space. The ancient square walls, ditches and square courtyards are translated into contemporary physical spaces, and the historical functions of the "square walls" are demonstrated with well-proportioned landscape walls, providing venues for public activities and becoming part of the exhibitions. Referring to the layout of the site, the gaps between the volumes are designed as passages for entrance. The ascending steps on the left side of the museum will lead visitors to the second-floor platform. Even when the museum is closed, people can still have the opportunity to overlook the Small Wild Goose Pagoda from this height.


回应坊院结构,重现坊墙坊沟景观  ©是然建筑摄影“坊墙”触发的公共活动  ©是然建筑摄影安仁坊遗址展示馆中的“缝隙空间”  ©是然建筑摄影舒缓上升的大台阶,前往二层室外景观平台  ©是然建筑摄影以借景手法与小雁塔产生空间对话  ©是然建筑摄影


When designing the museum, the human body dimension is employed to perceive the spatial information of the ruins, containing the ruins in a large-span space and contributing to the interaction of two "mansion" spaces of the ruins and the museum. Glass floors over the ruins are used to make sure the past scenes are both visible and preservable, and the connection of gaps between the ruins serve as the visiting route. In this way, visitors can wander through history and enjoy a spatial illusion of shuttling between the ancient and modern times. Additionally, the new technology of displaying also helps mobilize visitors’ physical sensation thus provide an immersive cultural experience.


安仁坊遗址展示馆里坊式参观实景 ©郑焰

安仁坊遗址展示馆遗址展示空间  ©郑焰安仁坊遗址展示馆可上人透明步道  ©郑焰结合空间投影技术的遗址展示空间  ©郑焰





We gained inspiration from history. The building blocks based on the layout of the ruins, combined with elements translated from different forms of roofs in the Tang Dynasty and the facade design that alternated between virtual and real, naturally constitute our own architectural language with a typical "contemporary Chinese style". Then, both the museum and the tourist service center can not only be well identified, but also can be woven into the surrounding historical features.


小雁塔与安仁坊遗址展示馆的实景鸟瞰  ©是然建筑摄影于第八横街遗址望向安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影


The museum is unfolded in the form of a central enclosure. The core large-span space is constructed with a glass roof with the Beam String Structure, completely wrapping the exhibition area of main ruins. Several well-proportioned roof combinations respond to the layout of the ruins and at the same time echo the characteristics of the traditional courtyards.

The tourist service center is also composed of well-proportioned volumes and roofs. Located on one side of the Eighth Cross Street, it dialogues with the exhibition hall on the other end, which allows for a historical review of Chang'an City.


安仁坊遗址展示馆与小雁塔及西安博物院互相对望的关系  ©是然建筑摄影安仁坊遗址展示馆钢结构与钛锌板屋面  ©是然建筑摄影夜色下的安仁驿站  ©是然建筑摄影


In order to avoid confusing the material of the museum with that of the ruins, new materials function as a proper medium for dealing with the relationship between the museum’s contemporary nature and the history and culture behind the site. The project chose titanium-zinc metal plates, solid wood grilles and glass curtain walls as the main facade materials. The roof uses a stacked matte metal roof to recreate the traditional image of roof tiles.  Through the plain and delicate material texture, the sense of history presented echoes the cultural relics of the site, creating a humble and elegant cultural temperament.


夕阳下的安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影于荐福寺路望向安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影于朱雀大街遗址望向安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影安仁驿站入口空间  ©是然建筑摄影夜色下的安仁坊遗址展示馆  ©是然建筑摄影





The design purpose of the Anrenfang Heritage Museum and Anren Station is not to simply establish a city monument, but to achieve a high degree of integration between the ruins and public life. With a humble attitude, we have constructed a museum and a tourist center that match well with the history and culture of the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, and we are sure they will create a story matrix assembling exhibition, education, social interaction, and humanity history experience.


隐匿在城市中的建筑  ©是然建筑摄影


设计图纸 ▽


总平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计



一层平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计二层平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计屋顶平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计东、南立面图  ©DDB秉仁设计西、北立面图  ©DDB秉仁设计



一层平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计二层平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计屋顶平面图  ©DDB秉仁设计东、北立面图  ©DDB秉仁设计西、南立面图  ©DDB秉仁设计剖面图  ©DDB秉仁设计
























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