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2023-05-19 13:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”交通拥堵“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:traffic jam。以下是关于交通拥堵四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:traffic jam

Today, and city people own pvate cars. There is no dou that pvate cars make o travel faster and farther, but they do cse some pblems. For example, they emit too much exhst gas, which pollutes the air, which cses pblems, especially for the elderly.

Pvate cars have also greatly increased the number of traffic jams and accidents. For a long time, traffic congestion has been a pblem that people pay close attention to and complain about. It has bught a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work.

For example, people must start in advance, go to work on time, and come back late fm work. If the speed of ad construction can not keep up with the rapid gwth of the number of cars, howr, with the passage of time, the ad will be seously congested, and the dlopment of pvate cars will be impved With great convenience and flexibility, you can no longer rely on public transport to go to yo place at will. Pvate cars and ban traffic conditions will become worse.

Traffic jams can be seen rywhere. Too many cars will pollute the air. My view is that pvate cars should be dloped to pmote economic dlopment and facilitate people's lives.

But for the envinment, I We can work harder to ptect other areas.





Instruction D: for the second part, you can wte a short essay about traffic jams in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words according to the outline given below. Traffic congestion has always been a pblem of concern and complaint in big cities.

It bngs a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. People have to leave in advance to go to work on time and come back late after work. There are many reasons for this pblem, but the following may be the most important one.

The first reason is that the number of pvate cars has increased by a large margin. The cars take up but carry fewer people. Some pvate car dvers iore the traffic regulations and only care about their own convenience, which hinders the passage of other public transport vehicles.

The second reason is the large population and the lack of car ownership The construction and reconstruction of ads and streets are slow and inefficient, and some ads have not been impved. The last reason is that the traffic is not well mad and people are lack of awareness of traffic rules. Even if many pedestans css the ad at traffic lights, traffic congestion is an gent pblem becse it is related to traffic safety.

If we only rely on the government to let us Let's take action now to solve the traffic jams. There is no dou that traffic jams have become a gwing concern for most ban residents. The main ads are often blocked dung rush hos.

The limited transportation capacity has largely contbuted to the headache pblem. How to solve the existing traffic jam solutions is to establish the subway public transportation and baden the main ads. The widening of the existing ads can solve the traffic congestion pblem of the flying cars to a certain extent.

The ownership has aggravated the long-term pblems that have plagued us. Therefore, we must greatly reduce the heavy dependence on tomobiles, Tning to mass transit is a cheap and good way to a customized bus line that highlights the dlopment of subways, tlleys and light rail. The effective combination of these solutions will make ban traffic ooth.





Some people support the policy, saying it is an effective way to deal with the seous traffic congestion in the capital. In the past few years, cars have increased sharply. Seous traffic congestion occs not only in peak traffic hos, but also at any time of the day, At other times, they stngly oppose these restctions.

They think that frequent use of a large number of official cars is an important factor in csing traffic congestion. Howr, this policy is mainly aimed at pvate cars, and there are no stct restctions on the use of official cars. The pchase restction will hinder the dlopment of China's tomobile industry and people will lose their jobs.

I think that if the number of cars is not limited, the number of cars should be limited The pchase and use of cars, including official cars, is inevitable, and it is also a time pblem in Beijing, which will bng great disasters to the envinment, ad resoces, the travel demand of normal people and the impvement of living standards.







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