
您所在的位置:网站首页 草图的英文翻译 【精细】的英文翻译和相关专业术语翻译


2023-12-16 05:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[地球科学]   在[地球科学]领域内搜索精细

精细表层结构调查 fine investigation of near surface structure  收藏  

二维精细成像 detailed 3-D imaging  收藏  

任意差分精细积分法 Arbitrary difference precise integration; arbitrary difference precise integration method  收藏  


精细描述 FINE DESCRIPTION; METICULOUS DESCRIPTION; refined description  收藏  

精细化工生产厂房 fine chemical production building  收藏  

[电子信息]   在[电子信息]领域内搜索精细

精细可分级编码 Fine Granularity Scalability; All-operation; fine granularity scalability coding; alogrithum  收藏  

纳米精细线路 nanometer fine circuit  收藏  

精细图案制造 fine pattern fabrication  收藏  

大面积精细图形光刻 Large area fine pattern  收藏  

精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery  收藏  

精细结构能级 Fine-structure; wavelength; fine-structure energy  收藏  

[机械]   在[机械]领域内搜索精细

精细可分级编码 Fine Granularity Scalability; All-operation; fine granularity scalability coding; alogrithum  收藏  

精细描述 FINE DESCRIPTION; METICULOUS DESCRIPTION; refined description  收藏  

精细时程法 precise time-integration method  收藏  

精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery  收藏  

精细结构能级 Fine-structure; wavelength; fine-structure energy  收藏  

[数理]   在[数理]领域内搜索精细

超精细相互酌 hyperfine interaction  收藏  

降维精细积分法 decrement-dimensional precise time integration method  收藏  

精细结构参数A fine structure parameter  收藏  

精细结构能级 Fine-structure; wavelength; fine-structure energy  收藏  


任意差分精细积分法 Arbitrary difference precise integration; arbitrary difference precise integration method  收藏  

江苏工业学院精细化工研究所 Research Institute of fine Chemical Engineering; Jiangsu Polytechnic University  收藏  

精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery  收藏  

[生物医学]   在[生物医学]领域内搜索精细

大鼠生精细胞 spermatogenic cell  收藏  

精细空域可扩展编码 fine spatial scalable coding  收藏  

[石油化工]   在[石油化工]领域内搜索精细

超精细偶合常数 hyperfine coupling constant  收藏  

精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery  收藏  


[商业经济] 精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery

[人文] 精细陶瓷 fine ceramics; Fine Ceramic; fine ceramie; Advanced Ceramics; fine Pottery




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