在 Android 中打开和关闭手电筒的 10 种最佳方法

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在 Android 中打开和关闭手电筒的 10 种最佳方法

2024-07-09 10:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

您的Android设备不仅仅是一部手机。它也是一个可以帮助您导航周围世界的工具 - 特别是当灯熄灭时!没错,Android设备最有用的功能之一就是内置手电筒。


注意:由于Android平台的开放性,您的手机菜单和选项的确切名称很可能与每个人不同。我们使用运行Android 13 的(Android 13)三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra),上面装有三星的 One UI。品牌和手机型号(例如摩托罗拉(Motorola)、OnePlus、Google Pixel等)之间的差异通常不会那么大,但仍然将您在此处看到的任何说明视为一般指南,而不是确切的步骤。

1. 使用快速设置菜单(Quick Settings Menu)切换手电筒(Flashlight)

快速设置(Quick Settings)面板可让您轻松访问最常用的设置。它旨在使访问设置更快、更方便,因此您可以打开或关闭Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)、蓝牙(Bluetooth)和手电筒等 重要功能,而无需导航多个菜单或设置。

要访问“快速设置”(Quick Settings)面板,请用一根手指从屏幕顶部向下滑动。出现一个图标面板,代表可快速访问的设置。


由于每个Android手机制造商都会自定义其Android用户界面,因此如何自定义或重新排列快速设置面板(Quick Settings Panel)的具体细节可能会有所不同,因此您必须参阅特定手机的文档。

2. 使用语音(Voice) 命令(Commands)打开/关闭手电筒(Flashlight)

使用语音命令打开和关闭Android手电筒是一个很酷的免提选项,通过使用Google Assistant,您只需几句话即可完成。

要使用语音命令控制手电筒,您需要确保设备上已激活Google Assistant 。如果您不确定是否有Google Assistant,可以通过说“Hey Google”或“Ok Google”来检查您的设备是否有响应。

如果没有,请转到如何在 Android 设备上打开和关闭 OK Google(How To Turn OK Google On and Off on Your Android Device)。

设置完 Google Assistant后,您可以通过说“嘿 Google,打开/关闭手电筒”来打开或关闭手电筒。

3. 使用电源按钮(Power Button)访问手电筒(Flashlight)




启用此功能后,您可以通过双击侧面/电源按钮快速打开或关闭手电筒。在此示例中,我们使用的是Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra;请记住,您的Android手机可能不支持此功能,或者根据品牌和(Android)Android版本的不同,激活它的路径可能略有不同。

4. 在锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)上添加手电筒快捷方式(Flashlight Shortcut)

默认情况下,您的锁定屏幕上应该有两个快捷方式,以便快速访问某些应用程序。通常,这些是电话拨号器和相机应用程序,但您可以将其更改为手电筒应用程序,类似于 iPhone iOS 锁定屏幕的手电筒快捷方式。

前往Settings > Lock Screen,然后选择编辑锁定屏幕。

(Choose EDIT)在锁定屏幕图表上(Lock)选择“编辑”。





在Android 智能(Android)手机上使用专用手电筒应用程序可以让您更好地控制手电筒设置,甚至可以提供内置手电筒所不具备的附加功能。如果您经常使用手电筒并想要探索更多选项,请考虑从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载手电筒应用程序。

Play 商店(Play Store)中有许多手电筒应用程序,每个应用程序都有自己独特的功能。一些流行的选项包括HD 手电筒(Flashlight HD)、微型手电筒(Tiny Flashlight)和超亮 LED 手电筒(Super-Bright LED Flashlight)。选择手电筒应用程序时,阅读评论并检查应用程序的权限以确保其安全可靠非常重要。有些手电筒应用程序实际上是恶意的!


6.(Flashlight)使用主屏幕小部件(Home Screen Widget)快速(Quick Access)访问手电筒


要使用手电筒的主屏幕小部件,您需要从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载手电筒小部件。有许多选项可供选择,因此请务必在下载前阅读评论并检查应用程序的权限。

下载手电筒小部件后,您可以将其放置在主屏幕上以便于访问。大多数优秀的手电筒应用程序都包含一个小部件,并且会在Play 商店(Play Store)描述中注明。





7. 使用手势打开Flashlight On/Off



请注意,并非所有Android手机都有此选项,例如,在编写本指南时运行最新 One UI 版本的(Android)三星(Samsung)设备上不提供自定义手势。

8. 使用第三方启动器控制手电筒(Flashlight)

如果您是高级用户并且希望对Android(Android)设备有更多控制,您可能需要考虑使用第三方启动器(third-party launcher)。Nova Launcher和Action Launcher等启动器允许您为手电筒创建自定义手势和快捷方式,以便您可以快速轻松地访问它。


9. 使用Tasker或Automate创建自定义手电筒控件(Create Custom Flashlight Controls)

对于喜欢自动化和自定义的人来说,使用Tasker(2.99 美元)或Automate应用程序创建自定义手电筒控件是一种高级选项。这些应用程序允许您创建复杂的脚本和宏,可以根据某些特定条件(例如一天中的时间、您的位置或各种其他触发器)控制您的手电筒。

要使用Tasker或Automate创建自定义手电筒控件,请从Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)下载并安装这些应用程序之一。安装应用程序后,您可以创建包含手电筒控制的新任务或流程。这些应用程序并不像乍看起来那么难用。它更像是用预先存在的块构建东西,而不是原始编程。



某些可穿戴设备(例如Wear OS手表)允许您直接从手腕启动手电筒应用程序或使用语音命令打开或关闭手电筒。

例如,Galaxy Watch 4可以使用适用于(Galaxy Watch 4)Wear OS的开源SimpleWear应用程序来控制手机的手电筒(以及其他功能) 。确切的细节可能会根据您的具体可穿戴设备而有所不同,但值得检查您的可穿戴设备是否有适当的远程控制应用程序或功能。


Top 10 Ways to Turn Flashlight On and Off in Android

Your Android devicе is more than just a phone. It’s also a tool that cаn help you navigate the world around yoυ — specifiсally when the lights go out! That’s right, one of the most useful featurеs of an Android device іs the built-in flashlіght.

In this guide, we’ll show you various ways to toggle your flashlight on and off, so you can spare your shins the job of finding objects for you in the dark.

Note: Thanks to the open nature of the Android platform, there’s a good chance your phone’s menus and the exact names of options are likely different to the next person. We used a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra running Android 13, with Samsung’s One UI on top. The differences between brands and phone models (e.g. Motorola, OnePlus, Google Pixel, etc.) usually isn’t that large, but still think of any instructions you see here as general guidelines rather than exact steps.

1. Using the Quick Settings Menu to Toggle the Flashlight

The Quick Settings panel allows you to access your most-used settings with ease. It’s designed to make accessing settings faster and more convenient, so you can toggle important features like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and your flashlight on or off without navigating multiple menus or settings.

To access the Quick Settings panel, swipe down from the top of your screen with one finger. A panel of icons appears, representing the settings available for quick access.

You might not see the flashlight icon in your Quick Settings panel. If so, you may have to customize the panel to include it, or you may have to swipe left or right to reveal it as part of the icon overflow.

Since every Android phone maker customizes their Android user interface, the exact details of how to customize or rearrange the Quick Settings Panel may differ, so you’ll have to refer to your specific phone’s documentation.

2. Using Voice Commands to Turn On/off the Flashlight

Using voice commands to turn your Android flashlight on and off is a cool hands-free option, and by using Google Assistant, you can do it with just a few words.

To use voice commands to control your flashlight, you’ll need to ensure that Google Assistant is activated on your device. If you’re unsure whether you have Google Assistant, you can check by saying “Hey Google” or “Ok Google” to see if your device responds.

If not, head over to How To Turn OK Google On and Off on Your Android Device.

Once you have Google Assistant set up, you can turn your flashlight on or off by saying, “Hey Google, turn on/off the flashlight.”

3. Use the Power Button to Access the Flashlight

Some Android devices have a feature that allows you to access the flashlight directly from the power/side button without navigating through menus or settings.

To enable this feature, go to your device’s Settings> Advanced Features > Side Key > Double Press and then toggle it.

Next, Open app and select Torch/Flashlight.

Once this feature is enabled, you can quickly turn your flashlight on or off by double-pressing the side/power button. In the example here, we’re using a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra; bear in mind that your Android phone may not support this feature or may have a slightly different path to activate it depending on the brand and Android version.

4. Adding a Flashlight Shortcut to Your Lock Screen

By default, you should have two shortcuts on your lock screen to access certain apps quickly. Usually, these are the phone dialler and camera apps, but you can change that to your flashlight app, similar to how the iPhone iOS lock screen has a flashlight shortcut.

Go to Settings > Lock Screen, then choose to edit your lock screen.

Choose EDIT on the Lock screen diagram.

Select either of the current shortcuts and then choose the flashlight app from the list of options that pops up. We’ve chosen the right-hand one here that’s currently set to open the camera app.

From the available apps, choose the Torch or Flashlight app.

Now you can simply swipe the shortcut icon on the lock screen in any direction, and it will toggle the light on or off.

5. Using a Dedicated Flashlight App

Using a dedicated flashlight app on your Android smartphone can give you more control over your flashlight settings, and even provide additional features that aren’t available with the built-in flashlight. If you use your flashlight frequently and want to explore more options, consider downloading a flashlight app from the Google Play Store.

There are many flashlight apps available on the Play Store, each with its own unique features. Some popular options include Flashlight HD, Tiny Flashlight, and Super-Bright LED Flashlight. When picking a flashlight app, it’s important to read reviews and check the app’s permissions to make sure it’s safe and reliable. Some flashlight apps are actually malicious!

One cool thing to look for in a dedicated flashlight app is the ability to adjust the flashlight’s brightness. This can be especially useful if you need less light or are trying to conserve battery life. Some flashlight apps even offer features like strobe effects or emergency signals.

6. Using the Home Screen Widget for Quick Access to the Flashlight

A home screen widget allows you to access the flashlight with a tap, without navigating through menus or settings.

To use a home screen widget for your flashlight, you’ll need to download a flashlight widget from the Google Play Store. Many options are available, so be sure to read reviews and check the app’s permissions before downloading.

Once you’ve downloaded a flashlight widget, you can place it on your home screen for easy access. Most good flashlight apps include a widget and that will be noted in the Play Store description.

Once you have the widget installed, long-press on an empty area of your home screen, then select Widgets from the menu that appears.

Find the flashlight widget in the list of available widgets.

Then select Add and drop the widget where you want it on the home screen home.

Once the widget is on your home screen, you can tap it to turn your flashlight on or off. Some flashlight widgets may also offer additional features, such as adjustable brightness levels or strobe effects.

7. Using Gestures to Toggle the Flashlight On/Off

Some Android devices have a feature that allows you to use gestures to control your flashlight, such as double-tapping the screen or making a specific gesture with your device.

To see if this feature is available on your device, go to your device’s settings and look for the “Gestures” option. From there, you should see a list of available gestures that you can customize, including the option to toggle the flashlight on or off.

Just be aware that not every Android phone will have this option, for example custom gestures were not available on the Samsung device running the latest One UI version we had while writing this guide.

8. Using Third-Party Launchers to Control the Flashlight

If you’re a power user and want even more control over your Android device, you might want to consider using a third-party launcher. Launchers like Nova Launcher and Action Launcher allow you to create custom gestures and shortcuts for your flashlight so that you can access it quickly and easily.

Not that we’d recommend installing a custom launcher on your phone just to get fancier flashlight features, but it might be a factor to consider if you’re going down this route anyway.

9. Using Tasker or Automate to Create Custom Flashlight Controls

Using the Tasker ($2.99) or Automate apps to create custom flashlight controls is an advanced option for people comfortable with automation and customization. These apps allow you to create complex scripts and macros that can control your flashlight based on certain specific conditions, such as the time of day, your location, or various other triggers.

To use Tasker or Automate to create custom flashlight controls, download and install one of these apps from the Google Play Store. Once you’ve installed the app, you can create a new task or flow that includes the flashlight control. These apps aren’t as hard to use as it may seem at first. It’s more like building things out of pre-existing blocks than raw programming.

10. Using a Wearable Device to Control the Flashlight

Using a wearable device to control your Android flashlight is a convenient option for those with a smartwatch or fitness tracker, especially if you have to set your phone down and want to operate the flashlight from a distance.

Some wearable devices, such as Wear OS watches, allow you to launch the flashlight app directly from your wrist or use a voice command to turn the flashlight on or off.

For example, the Galaxy Watch 4 can control your phone’s flashlight (among other things) using the open-source SimpleWear app for Wear OS. The exact details may differ based on your specific wearable, but it’s worth checking if the appropriate remote control apps or functions are available for your wearable device.

To use your wearable device to control your flashlight, you’ll need to ensure that your device is connected to your Android device and that the appropriate apps are installed on both devices. Once you’ve set up the connection, you can launch the flashlight app directly from your wearable device or use a voice command to turn the flashlight on or off.




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