
您所在的位置:网站首页 苹果字体app怎么更换 太激动!Android修改全局字体样式,替换整个APP字体


2023-08-31 18:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



参考链接: Android应用使用自定义字体 Android应用使用自定义字体的一些探究 Android如何高效率的替换整个APP的字体? Android自定义字体的库 小体积字体文件集

首先将项目需要的字体资源放置在app下: 放置需要的字体文件

这是我自己找的字体文件,分别代表粗体,方正准圆,华文彩云,华文行楷,华文新宋,华文新魏,幼圆。 注意,字体ttf文件只能用英文字母,中文会报找不到文件异常。

我们先看看未设置之前的布局样式: 原始图片 字体文件准备好后,我们就可以按需设置自己想要的字体样式。下面提供了3种设置方法,这3种方法都可以改变可以显示文本的控件字体样式,如TextView,Button,EditText,CheckBox,RadioButton等等:

方法1:自定义控件 FontTextView


package com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.view; public class FontTextView extends TextView{ public FontTextView(Context context) { super(context); } public FontTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public FontTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); } private Typeface createTypeface(Context context, String fontPath) { return Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), fontPath); } @Override public void setTypeface(Typeface tf, int style) { super.setTypeface(createTypeface(getContext(),"fonts/fzzy.ttf"), style); } }


前后对照布局文件,因为这里只重写了TextView,所以只有TextView有变化: 第一种方式设置

这种设置方式的优缺点: 优点:使用简单方便,不需要额外的工作。 缺点:只能替换一类控件的字体,如果需要替换Button或EditText控件的字体,需要以相同的方式自定义这些控件,这样工作量大。



public class TypefaceUtil { /** *

Replace the font of specified view and it's children

* @param root The root view. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public static void replaceFont(@NonNull View root, String fontPath) { if (root == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(fontPath)) { return; } if (root instanceof TextView) { // If view is TextView or it's subclass, replace it's font TextView textView = (TextView)root; int style = Typeface.NORMAL; if (textView.getTypeface() != null) { style = textView.getTypeface().getStyle(); } textView.setTypeface(createTypeface(root.getContext(), fontPath), style); } else if (root instanceof ViewGroup) { // If view is ViewGroup, apply this method on it's child views ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) root; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); ++i) { replaceFont(viewGroup.getChildAt(i), fontPath); } } } /** *

Replace the font of specified view and it's children

* @param context The view corresponding to the activity. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public static void replaceFont(@NonNull Activity context, String fontPath) { replaceFont(getRootView(context),fontPath); } /* * Create a Typeface instance with your font file */ public static Typeface createTypeface(Context context, String fontPath) { return Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), fontPath); } /** * 从Activity 获取 rootView 根节点 * @param context * @return 当前activity布局的根节点 */ public static View getRootView(Activity context) { return ((ViewGroup)context.findViewById(android.R.id.content)).getChildAt(0); } }


TypefaceUtil.replaceFont(this, "fonts/fzzy.ttf");

前后对照布局文件,可以发现所有的控件字体都变了: 第二种方式设置

这种设置方式的优缺点: 优点:不需要修改XML布局文件,不需要重写控件,可以批量替换所有继承自TextView的控件的字体,适合需要批量替换字体的场合,如程序的默认字体。 缺点:如果要替换整个App的所有字体,需要在每个有界面的地方批量替换一次,页面多了还是有些工作量的,不过可以在Activity和Fragment的基类中完成这个工作。其次,性能可能差一点,毕竟要递归遍历所有子节点(不过实际使用中没有明显的性能下降程序依然流畅)。




-- Customize your theme here. --> -- Set system default typeface --> monospace


package com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.util; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Typeface; import android.support.annotation.NonNull; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import java.lang.reflect.Field; /* * Copyright (C) 2013 Peng fei Pan * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public class TypefaceUtil { /** * 为给定的字符串添加HTML红色标记,当使用Html.fromHtml()方式显示到TextView 的时候其将是红色的 * * @param string 给定的字符串 * @return */ public static String addHtmlRedFlag(String string) { return "" + string + ""; } /** * 将给定的字符串中所有给定的关键字标红 * * @param sourceString 给定的字符串 * @param keyword 给定的关键字 * @return 返回的是带Html标签的字符串,在使用时要通过Html.fromHtml()转换为Spanned对象再传递给TextView对象 */ public static String keywordMadeRed(String sourceString, String keyword) { String result = ""; if (sourceString != null && !"".equals(sourceString.trim())) { if (keyword != null && !"".equals(keyword.trim())) { result = sourceString.replaceAll(keyword, "" + keyword + ""); } else { result = sourceString; } } return result; } /** *

Replace the font of specified view and it's children

* @param root The root view. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public static void replaceFont(@NonNull View root, String fontPath) { if (root == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(fontPath)) { return; } if (root instanceof TextView) { // If view is TextView or it's subclass, replace it's font TextView textView = (TextView)root; int style = Typeface.NORMAL; if (textView.getTypeface() != null) { style = textView.getTypeface().getStyle(); } textView.setTypeface(createTypeface(root.getContext(), fontPath), style); } else if (root instanceof ViewGroup) { // If view is ViewGroup, apply this method on it's child views ViewGroup viewGroup = (ViewGroup) root; for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); ++i) { replaceFont(viewGroup.getChildAt(i), fontPath); } } } /** *

Replace the font of specified view and it's children

* 通过递归批量替换某个View及其子View的字体改变Activity内部控件的字体(TextView,Button,EditText,CheckBox,RadioButton等) * @param context The view corresponding to the activity. * @param fontPath font file path relative to 'assets' directory. */ public static void replaceFont(@NonNull Activity context, String fontPath) { replaceFont(getRootView(context),fontPath); } /* * Create a Typeface instance with your font file */ public static Typeface createTypeface(Context context, String fontPath) { return Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), fontPath); } /** * 从Activity 获取 rootView 根节点 * @param context * @return 当前activity布局的根节点 */ public static View getRootView(Activity context) { return ((ViewGroup)context.findViewById(android.R.id.content)).getChildAt(0); } /** * 通过改变App的系统字体替换App内部所有控件的字体(TextView,Button,EditText,CheckBox,RadioButton等) * @param context * @param fontPath * 需要修改style样式为monospace: */ // // // // monospace // public static void replaceSystemDefaultFont(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String fontPath) { replaceTypefaceField("MONOSPACE", createTypeface(context, fontPath)); } /** *

Replace field in class Typeface with reflection.

*/ private static void replaceTypefaceField(String fieldName, Object value) { try { Field defaultField = Typeface.class.getDeclaredField(fieldName); defaultField.setAccessible(true); defaultField.set(null, value); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }



前后对照布局文件,可以看到,虽然是粗体,但和方法2一样,也是所有的字体都更换样式了: 第三种方式设置

这种设置方式的优缺点: 优点:方式2的优点+更加简洁 缺点:字体文件一般比较大,加载时间长而且占内存(不过实际使用中没有明显的性能下降程序依然流畅)。


我一般都是用第2,3种,简洁高效,现在说一下如何在个人设置里边改变你的app字体: 经实践,第2种方法是最好的,可以实时更新页面。而第三种需要返回重新进入到activity才会看到效果。


package com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.activity; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.Bundle; import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; import com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.constant.ConstantValue; import com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.util.PreferencesUtil; import com.laundrylang.laundrylangpda.util.TypefaceUtil; public abstract class BaseActivity extends FragmentActivity { private TypefaceChangeReceiver typefaceChangeReceiver; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(getLayout()); //改变新创建Activity的字体 onTypefaceChange(PreferencesUtil.getString(ConstantValue.AppSetting.SHPNAME,ConstantValue.AppSetting.typeface)); typefaceChangeReceiver = new TypefaceChangeReceiver(); IntentFilter typefaceFilter = new IntentFilter(); typefaceFilter.addAction(ConstantValue.ReceiverAction.TYPEFACE_ACTION); registerReceiver(typefaceChangeReceiver,typefaceFilter); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { unregisterReceiver(typefaceChangeReceiver); super.onDestroy(); } /** * 设置当前activity的layout * @return 当前界面的布局id */ protected abstract int getLayout(); /** * 字体改变 */ protected void onTypefaceChange(String typeface){ TypefaceUtil.replaceFont(this, typeface); } /** * 字体改变监听,用于改变整个APP字体 */ public class TypefaceChangeReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if(ConstantValue.ReceiverAction.TYPEFACE_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction())){ String typeface = intent.getStringExtra("typeface"); //改变未销毁尚存在的Activity的字体 onTypefaceChange(typeface); } } } }


interface AppSetting{ String SHPNAME = "SETTING"; String typeface = "typeface"; } interface ReceiverAction{ String TYPEFACE_ACTION = "font.TYPEFACE_CHANGE"; } interface Typeface{ String BOLD = "fonts/bold.ttf";//粗体 String FZZY = "fonts/fzzy.ttf";//方正准圆 String HWCY = "fonts/hwcy.ttf";//华文彩云 String HWXK = "fonts/hwxk.ttf";//华文行楷 String HWXS = "fonts/hwxs.ttf";//华文新宋 String HWXW = "fonts/hwxw.ttf";//华文新魏 String YY = "fonts/yy.ttf";//幼圆 }


@Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(ConstantValue.ReceiverAction.TYPEFACE_ACTION); String typeface = null; switch (v.getId()){ case R.id.bold: typeface = ConstantValue.Typeface.BOLD; break; case R.id.hwcy: typeface = ConstantValue.Typeface.HWCY; break; } //保存字体设置 PreferencesUtil.put(ConstantValue.AppSetting.SHPNAME, ConstantValue.AppSetting.typeface, typeface); intent.putExtra("typeface", typeface); sendBroadcast(intent); }

这里有两个动作, 一个是发送广播,用于修改之前创建了但并未销毁的Activity的字体; 另一个是保存设置的字体,用于修改之后将创建的Activity的字体。 不过需要在BaseActivity里setContentView之后添加代码:



private static Context context = BaseApplication.getContext(); private final static String DEFAULT_STRING_VALUE = ""; public static void put(@NonNull String SHPNAME,@NonNull String key,Object value){ SharedPreferences shp = context.getSharedPreferences(SHPNAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = shp.edit(); if(value instanceof String) edit.putString(key,(String)value); if(value instanceof Boolean) edit.putBoolean(key, (Boolean) value); if(value instanceof Float) edit.putFloat(key, (Float) value); if(value instanceof Long) edit.putLong(key, (Long) value); if(value instanceof Integer) edit.putInt(key, (Integer) value); if(value instanceof Set) edit.putStringSet(key, (Set) value); edit.apply(); } public static String getString(@NonNull String SHPNAME,@NonNull String key){ SharedPreferences shp = context.getSharedPreferences(SHPNAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); return shp.getString(key, DEFAULT_STRING_VALUE); }


使用注意: 1.如果字体文件比较大,当设置后可能并不会立即生效,有1~2s的延迟,具体还依据类中控件的数量来定。 2.至关重要,所有的Activity请务必要继承BaseActivity。




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