provide sth for sb 还是 provide stn to sb ?【英语吧】

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provide sth for sb 还是 provide stn to sb ?【英语吧】

#provide sth for sb 还是 provide stn to sb ?【英语吧】| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Provide Somebody with Something or Provide Somebody Something?

天津城市建设学院外语系 唐建国 沈学甫


provide 这个词在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(1998)中是这样解释的。provide: [provide+obj+with] to cause or arrange for (someone) to have or use (something needed or useful); supply. 其提供的例句为:These letters should provide us with all the information we need. (这些信函应该为我们提供所需要的全部讯息。)

再看看《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》(1997)中的解释:provide sb (with sth); provide sth (for sb): make sth available for sb to use by giving, lending or supplying it. 并提供如下例句:The firm have provided me with a car.(公司供给我一辆汽车。)我们又查了The Random House Thesaurus(College Edition)(1984),它提供的例句是这样的:Was he able to provide you with the information?

总结以上几部词典所提供的provide 的一个用法是 provide somebody with something。

我们在阅读中还见到provide的另一种用法:provide somebody something。

著名美国华裔作家与讲演家朱津宁(Chin-Ning Chu),才思敏捷,常常妙语连珠。她曾与美国前总统卡特和英国前首相梅杰同台演讲。在其所著的Thick Face, Black Heart--The Path to Thriving, Winning & Succeeding (1992) 一书中,她曾使用了该用法。原文如下:Ruby is an apartment manager with a meager income. In an attempt to improve her financial situation, she works part-time selling real estate, but her hard work has never provided her any meaningful financial rewards. (Page162). 如果我们对这位华裔作家的用法犯嘀咕,下面再举一例。

在美国教授Stephen R. Covey 所著的 The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(1990) 也出现了同样的用法。下面是原文:He planned and saved for years to provide his son the opportunity to attend that institution, but when the time came, the boy refused to go. (Page199) 如果我们在阅读时留心的话,这种用法的例子应该还有。

根据上面所见,我们应该可以说provide somebody with something和provide somebody something两种用法都行,不过provide somebody with something更常见,使用频率更高一些。





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