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#阿狸/背景故事 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

传说[ | ] Ahri Render



“ “慈悲是人类的奢侈之举,但也是责任所在。” — 阿狸 Separator

台词[ | ] Champion selection 播放 "Don't you trust me?" Attacking 播放 "Play time's over." 播放 "他们现在是我的了." 播放 "大发慈悲?太迟了." 播放 "我们去找点真正的乐子." 播放 "没有人能阻挡我的道路." 播放 "They've exhausted their use." Movement 播放 "Shall we?"我們應該嗎? 播放 "Indulge me."放縱我 播放 "How tempting."多麼誘人 播放 "Don't hold back."別忍住 播放 "Tell me a secret."告訴我一個秘密 播放 "Don't you trust me?"你不相信我嗎? 播放 "I know what they desire."我知道他們想要什麼 Taunt 播放 "Should I make your pulse rise? Or...STOP! (giggles)" 我應該讓你的心跳加速? 或者...停下! (笑聲) Joke

Ahri plays with her orb like it's a basket ball using her tails.

播放 "If you'd like to play with me, you'd better be sure you know the game." 如果你想和我玩,你最好確定你知道這場遊戲 播放 "Come try your luck, if you think you're in my league. (giggles)" 來試試你的運氣,如果你認為你和我是同一陣線的 Laugh 播放 Ahri laughs. 播放 Ahri laughs. 播放 Ahri laughs. 播放 Ahri laughs. Development[ | ]

Ahri was designed by Ezreal.

1st Classic Ahri splash art during her development1st Classic Ahri splash art during her development Special Champion Sneak Peek[ | ]

Announcement made in the Sneak Peek by Average Gatsby[1]:


Occasionally we debut future champions a bit ahead of time because we’re super excited about them and we just can’t contain ourselves!

Let us introduce you to our take on the Asian legend of The Nine Tails Fox:

Ahri OriginalSkin old

Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox

We think her combination of strength, beauty, power and grace will yield a fun and amazing champion to play! While she is very early in development, here’s a little sneak peak at what she’ll be able to do:

Based on the story of a fox who wanted nothing more than to become human, this champion will be a ranged caster who utilizes her Fox Bead to decimate her opponents on the battlefield. She’s going to be extremely agile and versatile, using her nine tails to maneuver in and out of combat with style and grace. She will also make use of her Fox Fire, where she will summon balls of fire which will seek out and destroy nearby enemies.

She’s very early in development, so as always her abilities and artwork are subject to change, but we hope you’re as excited about her as we are!

Mechanics Preview[ | ]

Announcement made in the mechanics preview by Morello:[2]

Greetings Summoners!

Back in the end of September, we announced The Nine Tails Fox much to the excitement of our community. Well the time has finally come and after much anticipation, we wanted to reveal the gameplay style for Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Ahri's gameplay style revolves around mobility and managing position to aim her spells. When played properly, Ahri darts around teamfights, picking off wounded stragglers and harrying soft enemies.

This is largely accomplished through her ultimate, which allows her to dash multiple times before going on cooldown. Ahri can either use all three quickly to chase, burst, or escape, or she can spread out their uses to keep enemies guessing and juke around the battlefield. Combining this with her high magic damage and her Seduction ability to lock enemies down, she can strike from unexpected angles or bait enemies into over-committing to disadvantageous situations.

Ahri's major gameplay decisions are based on her assessment of risk/reward. Her burst is high, but must be in short range to maximize it. This creates a dynamic that requires her to endanger herself to reach full potential. Play it safe and have more light damage, or commit and go for the kill? Use your dash for damage, or save it for escape? The choices are constant with these opposed strengths and weaknesses.

Her kit is really designed to appeal towards opportunistic players who prefer characters with a lot of action, and especially players that like to lull enemies into overconfidence, only to capitalize and punish them. Ahri's dangerous, seductive nature is something we're happy to deliver for players who like to toy with their enemies before destroying them.

Foxfire Ahri[ | ]

Announcement made by NeeksNaman:[3]

This blazing-hot new take on Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox, will definitely turn up the heat. Featuring fiery ambient effects on her tails along with some sizzling new spell effects on Foxfire and Spirit Rush, Foxfire Ahri is sure to leave you sweating.

Ahri Firefox.jpgAhri Firefox Screenshots 历史补丁[ | ]


Essence Theft Essence Theft No longer occasionally allow Ahri to spell vamp off more than one spell. Spirit Rush Spirit Rush Damage now matches the tooltip.


Fox-Fire Fox-Fire Damage reduced at later ranks to 40/65/90/115/140 from 40/70/100/130/160. Ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.375. Spirit Rush Spirit Rush Damage reduced to 85/125/165 from 100/140/180. Ability power ratio increased to 0.35 from 0.3.


Spirit Rush Spirit Rush: The allied HUD indicator will now remain green until all 3 spell casts are used. Cooldown between casts increased to 1 second from 0.75. Cooldown increased to 110/95/80 seconds from 90/80/70.


Orb of Deception Orb of Deception Mana cost increased to 70/75/80/85/90 from 60/65/70/75/80. Spirit Rush Spirit Rush Cooldown increased to 90/80/70 from 80/70/60.

December 21, 2011 Hotfix:

Soul Eater Soul Eater renamed to Essence Theft Essence Theft.

V1.0.0.131: Added December 14th

Soul Eater Soul Eater (Innate) Ahri gains a charge of Soul Eater whenever one of her spells hits an enemy (max: 3 charges per spell). Upon reaching 9 charges, Ahri's next spell will have bonus Spell Vamp. Orb of Deception Orb of Deception (Q) Ahri throws out and pulls back her orb, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back. Fox-Fire Fox-Fire (W) Ahri releases three fox-fires, which after a short delay lock on and attack nearby enemies. Charm Charm (E) Ahri blows a kiss that damages and charms an enemy it encounters, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her. Spirit Rush Spirit Rush (Ultimate) Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, damaging 3 nearby champions. Spirit Rush can be cast up to three times before going on cooldown. 参考资料[ | ] ↑ Special Champion Sneak Peek - The Nine Tails Fox ↑ Mechanics Preview - Ahri, the Nine-Tailed Fox ↑ New Skins: Glacial Malphite, Foxfire Ahri 英雄一览 AhriSquare阿狸 AkaliSquare阿卡丽 AlistarSquare阿利斯塔 AmumuSquare阿木木 AniviaSquare艾尼维亚 AnnieSquare安妮 AsheSquare艾希 BlitzcrankSquare布里茨 BrandSquare布兰德 CaitlynSquare凯特琳 CassiopeiaSquare卡西奥佩娅 ChoGathSquare科'加斯 CorkiSquare库奇 DariusSquare德莱厄斯 DianaSquare黛安娜 DrMundoSquare蒙多医生 DravenSquare德莱文 EliseSquare伊莉丝 EvelynnSquare伊芙琳 EzrealSquare伊泽瑞尔 FiddlesticksSquare费德提克 FioraSquare菲奥娜 FizzSquare菲兹 GalioSquare加里奥 GangplankSquare普朗克 GarenSquare盖伦 GragasSquare古拉加斯 GravesSquare格雷福斯 HecarimSquare赫卡里姆 HeimerdingerSquare黑默丁格 IreliaSquare艾瑞莉娅 JannaSquare迦娜 JarvanIVSquare嘉文四世 JaxSquare贾克斯 JayceSquare杰斯 KarmaSquare卡尔玛 KarthusSquare卡尔萨斯 KassadinSquare卡萨丁 KatarinaSquare卡特琳娜 KayleSquare凯尔 KennenSquare凯南 KhaZixSquare卡'兹克 KogMawSquare克格'莫 LeBlancSquare乐芙兰 LeeSinSquare李青 LeonaSquare蕾欧娜 LuluSquare璐璐 LuxSquare拉克丝 MalphiteSquare墨菲特 MalzaharSquare玛尔扎哈 MaokaiSquare茂凯 MasterYiSquareMissFortuneSquare厄运小姐 MordekaiserSquare莫德凯撒 MorganaSquare莫甘娜 NamiSquare娜美 NasusSquare内瑟斯 NautilusSquare诺提勒斯 NidaleeSquare奈德丽 NocturneSquare魔腾 NunuSquare努努 OlafSquare奥拉夫 OriannaSquare奥莉安娜 PantheonSquare潘森 PoppySquare波比 RammusSquare拉莫斯 RenektonSquare雷克顿 RengarSquare雷恩加尔 RivenSquare锐雯 RumbleSquare兰博 RyzeSquare瑞兹 SejuaniSquare瑟庄妮 ShacoSquare萨科 ShenSquareShyvanaSquare希瓦娜 SingedSquare辛吉德 SionSquare赛恩 SivirSquare希维尔 SkarnerSquare斯卡纳 SonaSquare娑娜 SorakaSquare索拉卡 SwainSquare斯维因 SyndraSquare辛德拉 TalonSquare泰隆 TaricSquare塔里克 TeemoSquare提莫 ThreshSquare锤石 TristanaSquare崔丝塔娜 TrundleSquare特朗德尔 TryndamereSquare泰达米尔 TwistedFateSquare崔斯特 TwitchSquare图奇 UdyrSquare乌迪尔 UrgotSquare厄加特 VarusSquare韦鲁斯 VayneSquare薇恩 VeigarSquare维迦 ViSquareViktorSquare维克托 VladimirSquare弗拉基米尔 VolibearSquare沃利贝尔 WarwickSquare沃里克 WukongSquare孙悟空 XerathSquare泽拉斯 XinZhaoSquare赵信 YorickSquare约里克 ZedSquareZiggsSquare吉格斯 ZileanSquare基兰 ZyraSquare婕拉 已取消 UrfSquareUrf AverdrianSquareAverdrian GavidSquareGavid OmenSquareOmen RobBlackbladeSquareRob Blackblade PriscillaSquarePriscilla TabuSquareTabu WellSquareWell 原画 Avasha Eagle Rider Iron Engineer Mardok Tiki LuluSquare

"Transmogulate!" 本文是英文页面 Ahri/Background 的翻译,最后翻译时间:2013-10-01 ,点击这里可以查看翻译后英文页面的改动。




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