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Knowing how to say good night and good morning is important for every English learner. Before going to bed and after waking up in the morning, it's common to make small talk about sleeping. Here are the most common phrases used.知道如何说晚安和早安对每个英语学习者都很重要。在睡觉前和早上醒来后,谈论睡觉是很常见的。以下是最常用的短语。

Going to Bed上床睡觉

In English, there are a variety of expressions to use when talking to someone before going to bed. Many involve wishing the other person a night of peaceful sleep and pleasant dreams:在英语中,睡觉前和别人说话时有各种各样的表达方式。很多人都希望对方能睡个安稳觉,做个美梦:

Good night.晚安。

Sleep well.祝你睡得香。

Have a good night's sleep.祝你睡得好。

Make sure you get a good night's sleep.祝你安然入睡。

I hope you sleep well.我希望你睡得甜美。

See you in the morning.明天早上见。

Sweet dreams.祝你好梦。

Sleep tight!睡得安稳!

Night, night.晚安。

Other expressions are more insistent, including those a parent might use to tell a restless child it's time to go to sleep:其他的表达方式更加坚持,包括父母可能用来告诉不安的孩子该睡觉了:

Lights out!熄灯睡觉!

Time for bed!睡觉时间到!

Example Dialogues示例对话

Kevin: Good night.凯文:晚安。

Alice: See you in the morning.艾丽斯:早上见。

Kevin: I hope you sleep well.凯文:我希望你睡得好。

Alice: Thank you. Make sure you get a good night's sleep as well.爱丽丝:谢谢。确保你也能睡个好觉。

Kevin: Get some good sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.凯文:好好睡一觉。我们明天有个大日子。

Alice: Okay, you too.艾丽斯:好吧,你也是。

Kevin: Lights out!凯文:熄灯!

Alice: Okay, I'm going to sleep. Night, night.艾丽斯:好吧,我要睡觉了。晚安,晚安。

Kevin: I'm heading up to bed now.凯文:我现在要去睡觉了。

Alice: Sleep tight!爱丽丝:睡得安稳!

Waking Up醒来

The moment after waking up in the morning is another time when people make small talk. They often ask each other how they slept and how they're feeling.早上醒来的那一刻,又是人们闲聊的时候。他们经常问对方睡得怎么样,感觉怎么样。

Good morning.早安

I hope you had a good night's sleep.我希望你睡个好觉。

I hope you got some good rest.希望你能好好休息。

Did you sleep well?你睡得好吗?

Did you get a good night's sleep?你睡得好吗?

I slept well, how about you?我睡得很好,你呢?

How did you sleep?你睡得怎么样?

Did you have any dreams?你做梦了吗?

Rise and shine.起床。

Example Dialogues示例对话

Kevin: Good morning.凯文:早上好。

Alice: Good morning. Did you sleep well?艾丽斯:早上好。你睡得好吗?

Kevin: I hope you had a good night's sleep.凯文:我希望你睡了个好觉。

Alice: Yes, thank you, I did. And you?爱丽丝:是的,谢谢你,是的。你呢?

Kevin: Good morning, honey. I hope you got some good rest.凯文:早上好,亲爱的。希望你能好好休息。

Alice: I did. How did you sleep?爱丽丝:是的。你睡得怎么样?

Kevin: Good morning. Did you have any dreams?凯文:早上好。你有梦想吗?

Alice: I did. I had a strange dream and you were in it!爱丽丝:是的。我做了一个奇怪的梦,而你却在梦里!

Kevin: Good morning.凯文:早上好。

Alice: I'm still sleepy. I think I'll hit the snooze for ten minutes.艾丽斯:我还是很困。我想我要打十分钟的瞌睡。

Kevin: We don't want to miss our appointment, though.凯文:不过,我们不想错过约会。

Alice: Oh, I forgot about that.爱丽丝:哦,我忘了。

Kevin: Rise and shine.凯文:起来吧。

Other Common Sleeping and Waking Expressions其他常见的睡觉和醒来的表达

English is filled with idioms related to sleeping and waking up. Learning some of these expressions will be especially helpful to English learners:英语中充满了与睡觉和起床有关的成语。学习这些表达方式对英语学习者特别有帮助:

Night owl: a person who likes to stay up late夜猫子:喜欢熬夜的人

Early bird: a person who usually wakes up early早起的人:通常早起的人

Tossing and turning: being restless and unable to sleep, usually after lying in bed for a long period of time辗转反侧:不安,不能入睡,通常在长时间卧床后

To tuck someone in: to put someone to bed, usually by pulling the covers up over them so that they are warm and snug给某人掖被子:把某人放在床上,通常是把被子往上拉,使其暖和舒适

To sleep like a baby: to sleep restfully, without any disturbances睡得像婴孩,睡得安稳,不受惊扰

To hit the hay: to go to bed上床睡觉

To catch some Zs: to go to bed去睡觉

To wake up on the wrong side of the bed: to be in a bad mood在床的反面醒来:心情不好

Example Dialogues示例对话

Kevin: I don't usually go to bed until 2 a.m.凯文:我通常凌晨两点才睡觉。

Alice: You really are a night owl.爱丽丝:你真是个夜猫子。

Kevin: Did you sleep well?凯文:你睡得好吗?

Alice: No, I was tossing and turning all night.爱丽丝:不,我整夜辗转反侧。

Kevin: You're in a grumpy mood today.你今天脾气不好。

Alice: I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.艾丽斯:我想我醒来时睡错了床。

Kevin: I feel great this morning.凯文:我今天早上感觉很好。

Alice: Me too. I slept like a baby.爱丽丝:我也是。我睡得像个婴儿。

Kevin: I feel exhausted after that long hike.凯文:长途旅行后我觉得很累。

Alice: Yeah, you look pretty tired. Time to hit the hay.艾丽斯:是啊,你看起来很累。是时候睡觉了。





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