通用版 小升初英语专项复习:句型转换(含答案)

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通用版 小升初英语专项复习:句型转换(含答案)

2024-07-10 04:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


句型转换按要求完成句子。(一)1.I’m 16 years old.You are 14 years old.(合并为一句)I’m years older than you.2.These are hamburgers.(改为单数句)is hamburger.3.He has a ping-pong ball.(对画线部分提问)How ping-pong does he have 4.These are your chairs.(同义句转换)These chairs are .5.Mike is 48 kilograms.(对画线部分提问)is Mike 6.My last weekend was fine.(对画线部分提问)was your last weekend 7.They are Mike’s storybooks.(对画线部分提问)storybooks are they 8.The boys are doing homework in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)What the boys in the classroom 9.Bill played ping-pong yesterday.(改为否定句)Bill play ping-pong yesterday.10.I was at home last night.(改为一般疑问句)you at home last night (二)1.My grandma is going to watch Peking Opera.(对画线部分提问)is your grandma going to 2.My father goes to work by bike every day.(对画线部分提问)your father go to work every day 3.There are some flowers on the ground.(改为一般疑问句)there flowers on the ground 4.You shouldn’t make noise in class.(改为祈使句)noise in class.5.What a nice girl she is!(同义句转换)nice the girl !(三)1.I’m 1.65 metres.(对画线部分提问)are you 2.John saw a film yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)John a film yesterday 3.Did you buy gifts for your grandma (作否定回答)No, .4.My mother cleans the room every day.(改为否定句)My mother the room every day.5.We went to Hainan by plane last weekend.(对画部分提问)did you to Hainan last weekend (四)1.I’m eleven years old.(对画线部分提问)are you 2.The boys are running on the playground.(对画线部分提问)are the boys on the playground 3.My feet are size 37.Your feet are size 38.(合并为一句)Your feet are mine.4.Does she live in Sydney (作否定回答)No, .5.My sister had a cold yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)your sister a cold yesterday (五)1.She is a teacher.(改为否定句)She is a teacher.2.I’m going to climb a mountain.(对画线部分提问)to do 3.I saw that tower in a movie.(改为一般疑问句)You that tower in a movie 4.Can you see that library (作否定回答), .(六)1.I saw a film last Sunday.(改为否定句)I a film last Sunday.2.Su Hai is going to buy some snacks tomorrow.(同义句转换)Su Hai some snacks tomorrow.3.Are there a lot of vegetables (作否定回答)No, .4.He will live in Beijing for two years.(对画线部分提问)will he live in Beijing (七)1.What is your father’s job (同义句转换)your father do 2.They are playing football in the playground.(改为一般疑问句)they football in the playground 3.Mike is swimming in the river.(对画线部分提向)is swimming in the river (八)1.I like toy pandas.(对画线部分提问)you like 2.Their father likes playing the piano.(改为否定句)Their father the piano.3.Was it Sunday yesterday (作否定回答)No,it .4.My dog has a long tail.(改为一般疑问句)your dog a long tail (九)1.The lion could get out from the net.(改为否定句)The lion get out from the net.2.I have to go to the supermarket.(同义句转换)I go to the supermarket.3.He bought some bread and honey.(改为一般疑问句)he any bread or honey '4.We use plastic to make bottles.(用yesterday改写句子)We plastic to bottles yesterday.5.I am going to play with my new toy car tomorrow afternoon.(对画线部分提问)are going to play with tomorrow afternoon (十)1.I’m 55 kilograms.(对画线部分提问)are you 2.My father went fishing yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)father fishing yesterday 3.Wu Yifan is 1.64 metres.John is 1.60 metres.(合并为一句)John is Wu Yifan.4.Sarah bought some books last Sunday.(改为否定句)Sarah books last Sunday.(十一)1.They saw some toys on the floor.(改为否定句)They toys on the floor.2.Mike is from Shanghai.(改为否定句)Mike Shanghai.3.I’m going to visit the museum tomorrow.(对画线部分提问)you going to tomorrow 4.They brought some drinks to Nancy’s house.(改为一般将来时)They some drinks to Nancy’s house.(十二)1.Mike didn’t go for a picnic last Sunday.(用every Sunday替换last Sunday改写句子)2.I’d like to have supper with them.(改为一般疑问句)like to have supper with them 3.Are you going to have a party (作肯定回答)4.We will fly to Australia from China.(同义句转换)We will go to Australia from China.5.We will dance after school.(对画线部分提问)after school (十三)1.I like singing and dancing.(用She替换I改写句子)singing and dancing.2.I know how to make it.(改为否定句)know how to make it.3.We walk on the beach and swim in the sea.(改为一般过去时)(十四)L.I got up late last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)you up late last Sunday 2.Does she work in a hospital (作否定回答),she .3.I stayed at home last weekend.(对画线部分提问)did you last weekend 4.I did my homework at home last Sunday.(改为否定句)I my homework at home last Sunday.5.Bill plays football every week.(用now替换every week改写句子)Bill football now.(十五)1.I went camping last weekend.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)— you camping last weekend —No,I .2.Lily is 45 kilograms.Lucy is 48 kilograms.(合并为一句)Lucy is Lily.3.He often cleans the room.(用yesterday 改写句子)He the room .4.We went there by plane.(对画线部分提问)(十六)1.We must follow the rules in class.(对画线部分提问)you in class 2.Bobby did his homework at school yesterday.(改为否定句)Bobby his homework at school yesterday.3.I will go to the zoo with my family.(改为一般疑问句)you to the zoo with family 4.Mrs Brown is from London.(同义句转换)Mrs Brown London.(十七)1.My father went to Xinjiang by plane.(对画线部分提问)your father to Xinjiang 2.She’s going to draw pictures in the park.(对画线部分提问)she going to draw pictures 3.They can sing English songs.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)— they sing English songs —No,they .4.— Sarah yesterday (根据答句写问句)—She washed her clothes yesterday.(十八)1.I usually watch TV on the weekend.(对画线部分提问)What you usually on the weekend 2.We went to the bookstore last Friday.(对画线部分提问)Where you last Friday 3.My mother did the housework last Sunday.(改为否定句)My mother the housework last Sunday.4.Did they go hiking on the weekend (作否定回答),they .5.Were there any computers in your school (作肯定回答),there .(十九)I.How tall is she (用heavy改写句子)2.Did you watch TV yesterday (用stay at home改写句子)3.He is stronger than me.(用younger改写句子)4 I saw a film last weekend.(用yesterday改写句子)5.There were no computers in my school.(用dining halls代替computers改写句子)(二十)1.Peter is older than me.(同义句转换)2.I read many English stories last month.(改为一般疑问句)3.I don’t go to school on foot.(用five years ago改写句子)4.We get to Shanghai by plane.(对画线部分提问)5.My mother is 53 kilograms.(对画线部分提问)6.I saw a lot of apples there.(对画线部分提问)(二十一)1.They did some housework for their parents last Sunday.(改为否定句)2.He keeps his room clean and tidy.(改为一般疑问句)3.I’m going to tell a story at the party.(对画线部分提问)4.Nancy is good at writing.(同义句转换)5.My father is going to visit Ocean Park next week.(用last week替换next week改写句子)(二十二)1.John went to the Great Wall with his father last year.(对画线部分提问)2.Tim visited his grandparents last Saturday.(改为否定句)3.What are you doing,Lisa (用play badminton回答)4.Mike went swimming with his father yesterday morning.(改为一般疑问句)(二十三)1.My shoes are smaller than his.(同义句转换)2.He reads a new magazine.(用last Monday改写句子)3.He slept at home last Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)4.Tom went swimming with his friends last Saturday.(对画线部分提问)(二十四)1.There was no Internet or computers at that time.(英译汉)2.visit,one,am,to,going,day,the,moon,I(.)(连词成词)3.There is a big tomato.(改为复数)4.我比你高。(汉译英)参考答案(一)1.two/2 2.This;a 3.many;balls4.yours 5.How heavy 6.How7.Whose 8.are;doing 9.didn’t10.Were(二)1.What;do 2.How does 3.Are;any4.Don’t make 5.How;is(三)1.How tall 2.Did;see 3.I didn’t4.doesn’t clean 5.How;go(四)1.How old 2.What;doing 3.bigger than4.she doesn’t 5.Did;have(五)1.not 2.What are you going 3.Did;see4.No I can’t(六)1.didn’t see 2.will buy 3.there aren’t4.How long(七)1.What does 2.Are;playing 3.Who(八)1.What do 2.doesn’t like playing 3.wasn’t4.Does;have(九)1.couldn’t 2.must 3.Did;buy4.used;make 5.What;you(十)1.How heavy 2.Did your;go 3.shorter than4.didn’t buy any(十一)1.didn’t see any 2.isn’t from 3.What are;do4.will bring(十二)1.Mike doesn’t go for a picnic every Sunday. 2.Would you3.Yes,I am/we are. 4.by plane5.What will you do(十三)1.She likes 2.I don’t3.We walked on the beach and swam in the sea.(十四)1.Did;get 2.No;doesn’t 3.What;do4.didn’t do 5.is playing(十五)1.Did;go;didn’t 2.heavier than 3.cleaned;yesterday4.How did you go there (十六)1.What must;do 2.didn’t do 3.Will;go;your4.comes from(十七)1.How did;go 2.Where is 3.Can;can’t4.What did;do(十八)1.do;do 2.did;go 3.didn’t do4.No;didn’t 5.Yes;were(十九)1.How heavy is she 2.Did you stay at home yesterday 3.He is younger than me. 4.I saw a film yesterday.5.There were no dining halls in my school.(二十)1.I am younger than Peter.2.Did you read many English stories last month 3.I didn’t go to school on foot five years ago.4.How do you get to Shanghai 5.How heavy is your mother 6.What did you see there (二十一)1.They didn’t do any housework for their parents last Sunday.2.Does he keep his room clean and tidy 3.What are you going to do at the party 4.Nancy does well in writing.5.My father visited Ocean Park last week.(二十二)1.Where did John go with his father last year 2.Tim didn’t visit his grandparents last Saturday.3.I am playing badminton.4.Did Mike go swimming with his father yesterday morning (二十三)1.His shoes are bigger than mine.2.He read a new magazine last Monday.3.Did he sleep at home last Sunday 4.What did Tom do last Saturday (二十四)1.在那时,没有网络和电脑。2.I am going to visit the moon one day.3.There are some big tomatoes.4.I am taller than you.






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