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2024-07-13 12:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

英语话剧剧本:孟母三迁 标签: 文体 兴趣 上传时间:2019-04-02 15:31:12 文章来源:网络





  Children A:Hey! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before.

  Ken:Yeah.Mm...My mom and I have just moved here yesterday. My name is Ken.

  Children B:I am John.

  A:Alexandar.You can call me Alex.

  B:We are playing an interesting game, you want to join us?

  Ken:What kind of game?

  A:"Dead body carrying".One person pretend to be a dead man, then another two carry him to the gravejard. Our village is near the gravejard, therefore many people make a living by carrying corpse for whose family has funeral affairs.

  B:It's a fantastic work. It also can earn a lot of money. We now learn to play this that we can make money by carrying corpse when we grow up.

  Ken:Sounds like an interesting game.

  B:Let's begin the game.

  A:I will play the role of the dead man.




  Mom:It's so late now,why hasn't Ken back home yet?(张望门口)


  Ken:Mom!I'm starving,get me something to eat,please!


  Mom:Ken,why your classes over so late?

  Ken:Oh, our teacher let us leave school very early before. We went to play games. It's really fun.

  Mom:Oh? Is it? What did you guys play?

  Ken:Mom,I am so hungry, let me have something, then, I will tell you.

  Mom:Ok,Ok,Ok, meal first~


  Ken:I am full.

  Mom:So can you tell me now?

  Ken:Well,we play the game called "dead body carrying". John act as the corpse, we try hard but still can't move him!

  Mom:There is so many kinds of game, why you prefer this?

  Ken:Didn't you see uncle Dog carried dead body for others again today? It can earn lots of money. When I grow up, I will take this work to earn money and then you would not need to do exhausting sewing works any more.

  Mom:How did you play this?

  Ken:One person lie on the floor, and another two lift him up and move him by grabbing his head and feet.

  Mom:It's so dangerous.You'd better do not play this again.

  Ken:It's ok. It's ok. It's a gratifying experience to be moved by others as a pretend corpse.


  【室外。两个男童欢快上。一齐呼喊孟轲英语话剧《孟母三迁》剧本 英语话剧《孟母三迁》剧本 。

  A:Ken,let's play "dead body carry".

  B:Year~Let's have fun.

  Ken:I am coming.I am coming~

  Mom:Hey!Ken!Don't play that game. Come back!


  Mom:We can't live near the gravejard any more, we have to move as soon as possible.(下。)

  二 迁





  Ken:Mom, I am enough.I have to go for school now.

  Mom:Be careful on your way to school. Listen carefully on class. Don't truant. Don't fight with others.Back home as soon as your classes over.Remember?

  Ken:Mom, don't keep chattering.

  Mom:Back home as soon as your classes over. Don't play here and there, got it?

  Ken:Ok,I got it. No play.

  Mom:Docile you!I will buy you some meet to eat for rewa

  rd after the fabric having been sold.

  Ken:Wonderful!We haven't eatten any meat for half a year already!

  Mom:If you study hard, I surely buy some meat for you.

  Ken:Of course I will study hard.I am dying to eat meat.Oh~ I am going to eat meat!


  Mom:Since we haved move here, Ken has not learned to carry corpse any more.It seems that I made a right decision.


  Mom:It's time to cook the meal.(下。)



  Mom:Evening is coming,why hasn't Ken back yet? I have to go and find him.(出屋)

  Mom:Mrs wong, did you see Ken somewhere?

  A:No,I didn't see him.

  Mom:Mrs Lee, did you see Ken somewhere?

  B:Sorry,I didn't see him anywhere. Maybe you can go home and wait for a while, he will back soon.

  Mom:I hope so.(回屋)


  Ken:Mom, quick, cook the pork, I can't wait to have a taste.

  Mom:Jesus! Where did you get this?

  Ken:We seize it together after school.

  Mom:No wonder you are so late to come back.

  Ken:Mom, I am not going to school any more,I want to learn butchering. It's very easy and can earn much.

  Mom:whose pig it is?

  Ken:We seized it in the street.

  Mom:Oh~,you are crazy. Go and ask who own it, so I can compensate for his lose.

  Ken:Well, ok~(下,旋上)

  Ken:Mom, it's Uncle Chan's,he said it's ok, we don't need to pay for it.

  Mom:It's not good. We have to pay back the money after having the fabric sold.

  Ken:Mom, I don't wanna go to school any more.

  Mom:Dropping out's not negotiable.Only studying can increase one's wisdom and that you can gain a bright future.

  Ken:The neighbor's son Tony doesn't go to school, just help his father to slaughter pigs, but he eat well,dress well. It proves that going to school is not necessary.

  Mom:My good kid, listen to my words, don't drop out.

  Ken:I don't wanna go to school.It won't work no matter you say.

  Mom:Now that you are not willing to go to school, I will no longer force you from now on.【取出剪刀,将织绢的经线一刀剪断。 Well, so I don't want to do this any more, let us starve to death together.(哭泣)

  Ken:Mom, please, I know I am wrong. I won't say that again. I will go to school tomorrow.

  Mom:(破涕为笑)That's what my good boy will do.You hungry? Let me heat the meal for you.

  Ken:Great! It's really hungry I feel.


  Mom:It seems that we can't live here any longer. Move right away.(下。)





  【孟母为孟轲缝制新衣。朗朗读书不绝于耳(播放学生诵读国学录音带)英语话剧《孟母三迁》剧本 话剧剧本。

  Mom:It's a nice place here.I can see what Ken is doing in school just at the house's door and don't need to worry that he would play truant.


  Ken:Mom, night's falling, why don't you light up the light?

  Mom:I don't need it while I am at home alone.

  Ken:Didn't you ever tell me that would hurt eyes?

  Mom:It won't matter much to adults.You go light it up. I get the meal ready.(下,旋取饭上)


  Mom:Ken, would you take the supper first? Aren't you hungry?

  Ken:I am not that hungr

  y. I want to recite the passage first. Mom, you look at the book, I recite it, if I forget, please remind me of some words.



  Mom:Clever you! You got them all. Now wash your hands and we can have supper.


  Mom:Ken, it's very late now, time to go to bed.

  Ken:I don't want to go to bed until I get this article recited.

  Mom:Don't be too late.


  Mom:We finally move to a right place. So much the living environment affects the child. No wonder people always say that "One will learn to be a good man if stay with a good man, learn to play the piano if stay with the pianist.".













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