【英文打招呼】只會說 How Are You? 100最常見的英文問候語! – 英文庫

您所在的位置:网站首页 英语祝贺信内容有哪些句子 【英文打招呼】只會說 How Are You? 100最常見的英文問候語! – 英文庫

【英文打招呼】只會說 How Are You? 100最常見的英文問候語! – 英文庫

2024-07-11 13:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Hey Guys!我是英文庫的 Columbus!今天想要告訴你 100 種打招呼的方式!

打招除了 “How are you” 之外,還有很多種方式,今天我整理了 100 種英文打招呼的方式,包含正式和比較 casual 的版本都有,下次遇到外國人打招呼時,不要再只有一成不變的 “Hi”、”How are you” 了!

如果想知道如何回答 How are you,也可以參考另外一篇文章:如何回答 How are you? 各式各樣的英文打招呼/問候語

1 2老舊/正式的英文打招呼方式

Here’s Johnny Greetings.(已過時) Salutations(已過時) Greetings and Salutations(已過時) What’s the good word?(已過時) Good day. Good morning. (比較casual的方式可以講mornin) Good afternoon. Good evening How do you do? It’s nice to see you. It’s good to see you. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Pleased to meet you. 較 casual 的英文打招呼方式

Yo! Hi! Hi there! Hello! Hello there! Hey Hey there! What’s up Sup? Whazzup? Whaddup? How are you? How are you doing? How you doin’? How you doin’?(猥瑣版本) How’s it going? How goes it? What’s goin’ on? What’s new? What’s happenin’ How’s your day? How’s your day going? Good to see you! Look who it is! Look what the cat dragged in! There he is! 超級 casual 的英文打招呼方式

Ay! Holla! Hiya! Heya! Yello! Howdy! Howdy-doo! Howdy, partner?(牛仔愛用) How’s tricks? How’s it rollin? How’s it hanging’?(有點帶黃) What’s up, homeslice? What’s up doc? Whaddup, buttercup? What’s good? What’s good in the hood! What’s the dilly? What’s the dizzle? What’s trippin’ Whats poppin’ What’s crackin’? What’s crackalackin? What’s cookin’? What’s cookin’, good looking? What’s kickin, chicken? What’s shakin’, bacon? 好久不見的英文打招呼方式

Long time no see. It’s been such a long time. How long has it been? It’s been too long! It’s been ages! It’s been a while It’s been a minute.  Where have you been hiding? How have you been? What have you been up to? Whatcha been up to? How are things? How are things with you?  How are things coming along? How are you getting on? How are you holding up? How’s life? How’s life been treating you? How’s everything? How’s everything with you? How’s everything going? 特殊的打招呼方式

Oi! (英國或澳洲打招呼方式) What’s the craic?(愛爾蘭打招呼方式) You okay?(英國打招呼方式) you alright?(英國打招呼方式) Alright? (英國打招呼方式) G’day mate! (澳洲打招呼方式) How are you going?(英國打招呼方式) AHOY, matey!(海盜用的) Aloha!(夏威夷語) Hola (西班牙文) Ciao.(義大利語) Namaste!(印度教)


That’s All for Today!

下次遇到外國人不防換個方式打招呼看看吧! 即使學完了這麼多技巧,勤於練習還是非常重要的喔!學語言沒有捷徑,一定得花時間用心學習的!大家加油!

💛 想看影片內容請點此 👉別再只會說 How are you!100個最常見的英文打招呼方式/問候語!




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