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BBC world news

2023-10-14 01:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The main liberal opposition political movement in Egypt has said it won't nominate a candidate in the presidential election due next year after one of its leaders was sentenced

BBC world news2023-10-10 科学家解开脑细胞死亡谜团

Ukraine's armed forces say they've retaken a village Andriivka that lies south of Russian-occupied Bakhmut.乌克兰武装部队表示,他们已经夺回了位于俄罗斯占领的巴赫穆特南部的一

BBC world news2023-10-10 美俄呼吁停止卡拉巴赫地区的战斗

This is Danielle Yelvalyetscave with the BBC News, hello.Danielle Yelvalyetscave为您播报BBC新闻。The United States and Russia have led calls for fighting in the disputed territory

BBC world news2023-10-10 西非一少年骑行实现梦想

The government of Saudi Arabia has welcomed the positive results of 5 days of talks aimed at reaching a roadmap for peace in Yemen.沙特阿拉伯政府对为期5天的会谈取得的积极成果表示欢

BBC world news2023-10-10 沙特阿拉伯王储表示沙以关系趋于正常

BBC News with Sue Montgomery.苏·蒙哥马利为您播报BBC新闻。Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said his country is moving closer to normalizing relations with Is

BBC world news2023-10-10 男子被谷歌导航带入桥下淹死

The Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Brazilian counterpart have held their first face to face talks to try to ease tensions between the two countries.乌克兰总统弗拉

BBC world news2023-10-10 卡拉巴赫地区发生爆炸

Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.大卫·哈珀为您播报BBC新闻。An explosion at a fuel depot in the main city of the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh is said to have

BBC world news2023-10-10 美国少年和谐·高夫进入网球决赛

The foreign minister of France has reiterated her country's commitment to maintaining troops in Niger and keeping the French ambassador in place.法国外长重申,法国承诺会在尼日尔

BBC world news2023-09-19 调查未发现南非向俄罗斯提供武器

Hello, I'm Amy McHugh with the BBC News.艾米·麦克休为您播报BBC新闻。President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine has said he will ask parliament to dismiss the defense minister Ol

BBC world news2023-09-19 两名游客因误入阿尔及利亚水域被射杀

The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo says at least 43 people were killed when soldiers broke up a demonstration against UN peacekeepers in the eastern city of Goma on

BBC world news2023-09-19 美国两人因袭国会山被判长期监禁

Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.大卫·哈珀为您播报BBC新闻。Two former leaders of the far-right Proud Boys militia have been sentenced to long prison terms for stormin

BBC world news2023-09-19 英国将瓦格纳视为恐怖主义组织

Hello, I'm Chris Barrow with the BBC News.克里斯·巴罗为您播报BBC新闻。A court in Washington has jailed the former leader of the far-right Proud Boys group for 22 years for his

BBC world news2023-09-19 纽约一名被错判的男子洗清罪名

Reports from Tunisia say police have arrested the top two officials in the main opposition party.来自突尼斯的报道称,警方逮捕了主要反对党的两名最高官员。They include the interim head

BBC world news2023-09-19 香港暴雨致山洪暴发

BBC News with Sue Montgomery.苏·蒙哥马利为您播报BBC新闻。A jury has found Donald Trump's former trade adviser Peter Navarro guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress for de

BBC world news2023-09-19 朝鲜建造出水下核攻击潜艇

The United Nations says the world is failing women and girls and not meeting targets for equality.联合国表示,世界正在辜负妇女和女孩,没能实现平等的目标。A report by UN Women found tha

BBC world news2023-09-19 “海洋之门”停止了所有活动

The company that operated the Titan submersible, which imploded in the North Atlantic during a dive to the wreck of the Titanic, has halted all activities indefinitely.“泰坦号”潜

BBC world news2023-07-14 泽连斯基为加入北约争取支持

BBC News with Sue Montgomery.苏·蒙哥马利为您播报BBC新闻。President Zelensky has urged NATO to show its strength and unity ahead of a summit in Lithuania next week.泽连斯基总统敦促

BBC world news2023-07-14 以色列与白宫关系恶化

Hello, I'm Eileen McHugh with the BBC News.艾琳·麦克休为您播报BBC新闻。President Biden has described the current Israeli coalition government as containing some of the most ex

BBC world news2023-07-14 英国科学家发现检测蜜蜂寄生虫的办法

The authorities in Peru say they have rescued a group of Afghan migrants from people traffickers at a location near the Brazilian border.秘鲁当局表示,他们在巴西边境附近的一个地点从

BBC world news2023-07-14 印度引进的猎豹有多只死亡

The lawyer for a senior opposition politician in Senegal says his client has been charged over comments he made about president Macky Sall.塞内加尔一名资深反对派政客的律师表示,他的

BBC world news2023-07-14 拜登与土耳其总统商讨更多合作

BBC News. Hello, I'm Eileen Cue.BBC新闻。您好,我是艾琳·库伊。President Biden and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan have discussed further strategic cooperation betwe

BBC world news2023-07-14 ‘泰坦’号潜艇中发现疑似人类遗骸

BBC News, hello, I'm Gareth Barlow.BBC新闻,大家好,我是加雷斯·巴洛。The US Coast Guard says presumed human remains have been recovered from the wreckage of the submersible that i

BBC world news2023-07-10 法国街头抗议持续至第三晚

Hello, I'm David Harper with the BBC News.大卫·哈珀为您播报BBC新闻。Protests have continued in French cities for a third night following the fatal shooting of a teenager by a

BBC world news2023-07-07 以色列对约旦河西岸发动空袭

BBC News with sue Montgomery.苏·蒙哥马利为您播报BBC新闻。Palestinian health officials say at least four Palestinians have been killed and several seriously injured by Israeli airs

BBC world news2023-07-07 摩洛哥召回驻瑞典大使

Morocco is recalling its ambassador to Sweden following the burning of a Koran at a demonstration in Stockholm.摩洛哥召回驻瑞典大使,此前该国在斯德哥尔摩的一次示威活动中焚烧了一本古

BBC world news2023-07-07




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