
您所在的位置:网站首页 英语的logo怎么设计小学版 “英语学科核心素养”理念下,如何写教学目标?


2024-01-09 03:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1. 原来的“语言知识”和“语言技能”和“学习策略”中的“交际策略”合并为“语言能力”;

2. 原来的“学习策略”和“情感态度”中的“合作精神、自信意志”合并为“学习能力”;

3. 原来的“文化意识”和“情感态度”中的“国际视野、祖国意识、动机兴趣”合并为“文化品格”;

4. 为了突出《课标》的“课程性质”中提出的“进一步促进思维能力的发展”和“发展创新能力”,在英语学科核心素养中专门增加了“思维品质”。这是一个非常重要的变化,让外语教学不再仅仅是“培养会学习(听说读写)外语的人”,而是进阶为“培养会学习(听说读写)外语的聪明人”。






下面,凌哥以PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season B Let’s talk为例,撰写几条教学目标,供您参考哦。

Linguistic Aims

1. SS will finish the listening part (Let’s try) and be able to repeat after the recording. For less able students, they will have the chance to read the s.

2. SS will read the passage of Let’s talk and get the detail information with the help of questions.

3. Students will make a thought-flow map to help themselves reproduce the conversation.

4. Students will learn and try to use the conversation strategy of “giving reasons” in their own conversations.

5. Students will make up a similar conversation with supporting picture banks and word banks. They will be encouraged to share their own ideas.

在上面5点中,您能看出“思维品质”和“学习能力”是如何嵌入到Linguistic Aims中的吗?

Cultural Aim

SS will show their real attitudes and feelings towards the seasons by giving real reasons of their own.返回搜狐,查看更多




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