
您所在的位置:网站首页 英语戏剧节目 北京中学举办第三届英语戏剧节


2024-07-16 07:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

深知还原原作的难度,伟大的编剧田园同学成功地找到了“悬崖上的落脚点”,并将此作品的立意直观地呈现出来。通读剧本后,一群天真孩童、一位恶霸校长和一个正义小天才的形象在我眼前熠熠生辉,《玛蒂尔达》和“玛蒂尔达”活了,从白纸、从舞台上走了出来,仿佛就走进了北京中学。学校究竟是什么?“A place to learn, to feel, and to love.”这些话语流淌在北中,无论是在戏剧节所有人的默默支持中,还是在总导演、指导教师的持续跟进与协调中。我作为班内戏剧的导演,更加清晰地看到了来自学校各方的努力,这都是戏剧节的成功开展所不可缺少的。《玛蒂尔达》的立意真的在于叛逆吗?我想我得出了答案。

“Never again will she get the best of me, never again will she take away my freedom, and we won't forget the day we fought for the right, to be a little bit naughty.”“待我长大……待我长大……”无数的旋律与歌词萦绕在心头,这是属于童年的歌,属于天真的歌,也是属于所有人的歌。

By Grade 9

Sophia Lou (Lou Jingting)




My impressions of English Drama Festival


On 17th May, 2021, our school held the third English Drama Festival. This is my first time to participate in such an activity and I did some work behind the scenes, which have left a deep impression on me.


First of all, every class’s performance was amazing, which was really impressive. Exquisite acting skills, superb settings, beautiful costumes, and creation have deeply attracted the audience. I had’t seen English drama before, but the performances shown by the students gave me a sense of professionalism. I think they wouldn’t have done this without their hard work and I had a great interest in drama because of their perfect performances.


Secondly, after enjoying such a wonderful show, I should thank the directors and volunteers behind the scene. Careful preparations and planning before the activity, and conscientious work during the activity made the English Drama Festival so successful. Though I was only responsible for a simple task, I felt the pressure of the work, not to mention other students and teachers. Therefore, I should thank them for their contributions to the huge success of our English Drama Festival.


Through this activity, I not only came into contact with English drama as a form of performance, but also had more interest in English and improved my English speaking skills. Moreover, I learned how to cooperate with others, and how to direct a drama well. I think this is one of the best activities I have ever experienced in Beijing Academy. I am grateful for my school for giving me such an opportunity to expand my interest and relax myself during my busy study.


Congratulations on the successful conclusion of this year’s English Drama Festival, and look forward to the future activities.


By Grade 9

Penny Wang (Wang Xinyue)




Let life be sparkling as stars

——feelings to the third English Drama Festival



Anyone who pays their efforts and determination to their dreams can be sparkling. That's one of the most impressive feelings this English Drama Festival brings me.


Successfully held in May and with two grades took part in, this is the third English Drama Festival in our school. In my point of view, this festival becomes a chance to those who want to develop their English proficiency and enrich their activity experiences. Actually, all the participants have done a great job from writing s to directing a drama. What really impressed me is that most of the s are original works of students, which requires both English and literature abilities. Including Snow "White", Dark Side Of The Sun, Under The Sunshine, Name Of Honor etc.


In addition to that, I admired the theme a lot. Sparkling is such an awesome word to describe one's growth and dream. Anyone can be sparkling when fighting for their dreams or chasing after a higher life. Most of the plots fit the theme by telling the audience a profound and exciting story. For instance, The Truman Show expressed a kind of courage which motivates Truman to step out of his comfortable zone and chase after the truth. Name Of Honor highlighted the commitment of numerous people who devoted to social security. Every drama is unforgettable.


Last but not least, like Truman in The Truman Show said: "I am no star, I am myself." The thing is all about being yourself and show your dream on the stage, Where the directors are scheduling the stage, actors and actresses are performing on the stage. Whether they are to complete a competition or to accomplish one's dream, they are sparkling. Thanks to that tiny but long lasting sparkle, the festival succeeded.


Looking forward to the next English Drama Festival, we can be more than just amazing.


By Grade 10

Sara Yin (Yin Junyi)




I give, I am happy


The Beijing Academy English Drama Festival has come to an end, and the tension, busyness and excitement have been relieved. However, the process of self devotion of my classmates and I in the process of participating in the festival is still in my mind, which can not be dispersed for a long time. This may be a happy happiness.


Maybe it's because the class appointed me as the director of this drama festival. I found it very difficult. I've never been so involved in any drama festival, and the pressure was really great. It's hard because I have to discuss with my classmates in every details from topic selection to planning, from props to rehearsal. We had to spend a lot of time rehearsing when we finished the normal study. The pressure for that is because we all want to show the best to the audience, because Grade 9 Class 6 is a collective class, we all want to strive for the best results.


Looking back at our contribution of the drama festival, I sometimes feel that the friendship between students is everywhere. Frank, one of my classmates, thinks positively, and only takes one day to set the theme of the program and assist in the production of PPT. When I finished sorting out the s and sending it to everyone, it was almost dawn. I think the progress of preparing for the performance is full of joy. When Max, one of my other classmates, took a toy gun on the stage, we all laughed and thought the scene was very interesting. After this acitivity, teachers and students may feel different, but the same thing is that everyone can feel the happiness after hard work.


I hope this happiness continues.


By Grade 9

Candy Zhang (Zhang Yaxi)





顾问组:赵震谣 陈增云 赵志成 葛茹 赵帅 张婷婷 高梦婵 崔丽伟 周亚楠















国际部导演:姜昱坤 杨睿琦

评审组:周亚楠老师 王昕玥 陈宇涵 谭明潇 李雅琪

宣传组:赵志成老师 高宜帆 侯锦怡 张辰响 王郁馨 尹可祯 尹君伊 张垚

技术组:郭世珂老师 胡浩东老师 赵帅老师 王子轩 陆蕙乔 陈宇涵 洪潇煜 杨睿

照片:王子轩 陆蕙乔

主持组:高梦婵老师 贾鸿菲 盛莘淇

场务组:葛茹老师 麻竞月 宋子涵 林亚歆 顾语菲 刘诗然 卢俊秀

海报组:崔丽伟老师 王雨萌 樊子祎

奖品组:张婷婷老师 杨秦心怡 翟子墨







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