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2023-04-06 03:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

   英语的温习是一个终年累计的进程,这些温习都是咱们堆集的一个进程,只要堆集了足够多的素材和经历,才能在专升本考试中一展辉煌,专升本英语试卷中选择题、阅览了解和翻译、作文所占的分时份额比较大。其间选择题首要调查的是我们的词汇和语法。相对来说调查这些根底知识点最多的仍是选择题,下面老师共享给我们20道语法的选择题,考生需求仔细的做一做!  21. Exploring ________space is exciting, yet dangerous. There is ________need for both robots and humans for space exploration.  A. the; a B. a; a  C. /; a D. /; the  22. Scientific research results can now be quickly ________ to factory production.  A.used B.applied  C.tried D.practiced  2

  3、 Computer has become a(n) ________ part of my life, without which I can hardly deal with my job.  A.special B.specific  C.essential D.especial  24. I ________ on a sofa because my grandparents have been here for the weekend.  A. slept B. was sleeping  C. have slept D. am sleeping  25. I”m interested in a one-bed room. Do you have any ________?  A.convenient B.available  C.possible D.personal  26. The further falling of the stock market as reported today has ________ a fresh wave of selling.  A.given off B.set off  C.put off D.got off  27. The incomes of skilled workers went up. ________, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.  A. Moreover B. Therefore  C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise  28. You may imagine what great difficulty I had________complicated ideas in simple English.  A.expressing B.to express  C.expressed D.express  29. Thanks to Mr. Smith the father and the son eventually________after ten years” cold relationship between them.  A.took up B.made up  C.looked up D.turned up

  3、0.He ________ whether the articles exhibited at the back of the department store were for sale.  A.demanded B. decided  C.required D.requested

  3、1.—Shirley, can I have a look at your photos?  —________.Here you are.  A.By any means B.By no means  C.By this means D.By all means

  3、2. I hadn”t seen him for 10 years but I ________ him at first sight.  A. realized B. spotted C. watched D. observed


  3、 ________while writing, he locked himself in his study.  A.Not to interrupt B.Not being interrupted  C.Not to be interrupted D.Being not interrupted

  3、4. If we keep wasting so much energy, ________are that our oil wells will dry up and the environment will be destroyed.  A. problems B. difficulties  C. questions D. chances

  3、5. —Andrew won”t like it, you know.  —________? I don”t care what Andrew thinks!  A. So what B. So where C. So why D. So which

  3、6.— What do you think of the furniture on exhibition?   — Well, great! But I don’t think much of ____ you bought.   A.the one B.it C.that D.which

  3、7.Do you know how much time and effort they devoted ______ such a completed project?  A. to complete B. completed  C. completing D. to completing

  3、8.________ yourself with positive people and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what you can’t.  A. Surrounding B. Surrounded C. Surround D. Having surrounded

  3、9.If you are the last student ______ the room, remember to turn off the lights.  A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. leaves  40.______ several times, but he still doesn’t know how to do it properly.  A. Being shown B. Having shown  C. Having been shown D. I’ve shown him  参考答案:  21-25:CBCDB 26-






  小伙伴们,英语单选怎么全刁难,老师你总结支好办法,让你轻松应对各类巨细英语考试。以下是老师收拾的一些小办法,小伙伴们一定要仔细看哦!  1. 找准要害词语  有时题干中带有对解题起着要害效果的词语,如果能敏捷找准这些词语,再结合各选项的含义和特点,就能很快选出正确答案。  2. 剖析语句结构  有些试题的考点原本非常简单,但出题者却经过运用定语从句,或者将咱们了解的固定词组有意拆分,重新组合,使咱们在结构上发生错觉,呈现利诱。这时,咱们只需坚持清醒的脑筋,仔细剖析语句的结构,就会拨开迷雾。

  3、 恰当转化句式  有时将题干的句式转化成自己更了解的句式,就很简单选出正确答案。比方将疑问句、着重句、感叹句或倒装句改为陈述句,将被迫句改为自动句,无序句调整为正常句。  4. 补全省掉成分  白话中常常会运用一些省掉句,做题时若将被省掉的成分弥补完整,答案就会一望而知。  5. 删去搅扰部分  便是将起搅扰效果的定语从句、介词短语或插入语,如I think / suppose / believe, do you think /suppose / believe, you know, of course等删去,然后更简单地选出正确答案。  6. 使用对称结构  便是在做题过程中要长于使用and,but等并列连词。若前面是个语句,后边也必定是个语句,反之亦然;若衔接的是几个动词,这几个动词也必定是同一时态或同一方式。



  1、找准要害词语  有时题干中带有对解题起着要害效果的词语,如果能敏捷找准这些词语,再结合各选项的含义和特色,就能很快选出正确答案,  例如:  The Foreign Minister said, ” _____ our hope that the two sideswill work towards peace.”  A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is  解析:在名词性从句中,that既无词义,也不作语句成分,衔接一个语句成分完好的陈述句。依据句意和语句结构,特别是that的暗示,可判断题干为一个含有主语从句的复合句,句首的it为方法主语,真实的主语为这以后的that从句,故最佳答案为D。

  2、剖析语句结构  有些试题的考点原本非常简略,但出题者却经过运用定语从句,或者将咱们了解的固定词组有意拆分,重新组合,使咱们在结构上发生幻觉,呈现利诱。这时,咱们只需坚持清醒的脑筋,仔细剖析语句的结构,就会拨开迷雾。  例如:  We keep in touch _____ writing often.  A. with B. of C. on D. by  解析:许多同学依据 keep in touch with(与…坚持联系)这一调配揣度出此题应选A。可是选A错了,因为套此调配此句意思不通,正确答案应是D,by 表明方法,bywriting 意为“经过写信”,全句意为“咱们经过常常写信坚持联系”。  请再看两例:  We”ve talked a lot _____ cars. What about trains?  A. of B. with C. about D. in  解析:因为受 a lot of 这一常用结构的影响,许多同学毫不犹豫地选了A,可是错了。原因是:若选 of,a lot of cars即为动词 talk 的宾语,但事实上,动词 talk 是不及物动词。正确答案是C,句中的a lot是修饰动词 talked的状语,talk about才是一个动词短语。 全句意为”咱们对轿车已谈了不少,现在谈谈火车怎么样?”  We all regarded the poor old man _____ sympathy.  A. as B. with C. of D. by  解析:许多同学一看到句中的 regard 和选项中的 as,立刻就联想到 regard… as…(把…看作…)这一调配,然后断定此题应选A。错了,原因是将此调配套入原句,语句意思不通。正确答案是B,句意为“咱们咱们都很怜惜这位白叟”。

  3、恰当转化句式  有时将题干的句式转化成自己更了解的句式,就很简单选出正确答案。比方将疑问句、着重句、感叹句或倒装句改为陈述句,将被动句改为自动句,无序句调整为正常句。  例如:  -Mr. Wang, whom would you rather _____ the important meeting?  -Tom.  A. have attend B. have attended  C. having attend D. have to attend  解析:若将疑问句改为陈述句,便是I would rather have Tom attend the important meeting. 其间would rather后有必要接动词原形,have sb. do sth.是“要或人做某事”。所以选A。

  4、补全省掉成分  白话中常常会运用一些省掉句,做题时若将被省掉的成分弥补完好,答案就会一望而知。  例如:  -What do you think made Mary so upset?  - _____ her new bike.  A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing  解析:将答句补全,便是 _____ her new bike made Mary soupset,明显,只能选C,用动名词短语作主语。

  5、删去搅扰部分  便是将起搅扰效果的定语从句、介词短语或插入语,如I think / suppose / believe, do you think /suppose / believe, you know, of course等删去,然后更简单地选出正确答案。  例如:  It is the ability to do the job _____ matters not where you come from or what you are.  A. one B. that C. what D. it  解析:去掉题干中的not where you come from or what you are,题干即为是一个简略句:Theability to do the job matters. 把主语The ability放在着重结构中,即变为题干,明显最佳答案为B。






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