中国文化概况笔记 CHAPTER2

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中国文化概况笔记 CHAPTER2

2023-10-05 15:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




《诗经》the Book of Songs   

《离骚》Sorrow After Departure

《尚书》the Book of History  

《春秋》the Spring and Autumn Annuals

《左传》Zuo’s Commentary  

《战国策》Intrigues of the Warring States

《国语》Discourses of the States 

《论语》the Analects of Confucius

《过秦论》On faults of Qin

《史记》Records of the Grand Historian  

《桃花源记》the Peach Blossom Spring

《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水浒传》Water Margin

《西游记》Journey to the West

《红楼梦》the Red Mansions

《聊斋志异》Strange Tales from a Scholar’s Studio

《儒林外史》the satirical novel The Scholars

四书五经 the Four Books and the Five Classics

四大名著 the Four Great Classical Novels

农民起义 peasant revolt/peasant uprising

替天行道 execute justice in the name of Heaven

八股文 eight-part essay

科举制度 imperial civil examination system

激流三部曲 Trilogy of the Turbulent Currents


genre 类型,体裁

mythology 神话

fable 寓言

allegory 寓言,讽喻

rival 与...媲美

strand 使陷入困境,组成部分

antiquity 古代

prelude 序曲,前奏

interlude 插曲,间奏

exile 流放

chronicle 编年史

meticulous 细腻的,一丝不苟的

aristocrat 贵族

eloquent 雄辩的

exuberant 丰富的

terse 简明扼要的

elaboration 详尽阐述,精心制作

historian 史学家

personification 拟人

ambience 环境,气氛

eulogize 歌颂

linger 萦绕

sonorous 洪亮的

resonant 共鸣的

allegorical 讽喻的

nostalgia 怀旧,念旧

splendor 光耀

poignant 辛酸的

disconsolate 孤独的,郁闷的

verse 韵文,诗节

metre 诗的格律,韵律

magpie 喜鹊

literati 文人学士

cunning 狡诈的

deity 神仙

adversity 困境

demon 恶魔

pinnacle 顶峰

probe 盘问,探测器

matrimonial 婚姻的

intricate 错综复杂的

epitomize 成为...的缩影

bourgeoisie 布尔乔亚,资产阶级

turbulent 动荡的

fervent 强烈的,热情的

crag 悬崖峭壁

penchant 嗜好

concubine 小妾

redemption 救赎

remain an enigma  仍是谜

encompass diversified genres and forms  包含各种各样的类型和形式

opposition to imperialism and feudalism  反帝反封建

win an important position in/occupy an important place in

evolve out of  从...发展而来

in the light of  鉴于,根据

it pioneered romanticism in Chinese poetry  开创

further the development of  促进...的发展

expound their theories  阐述他们的理论

be imbued with  满怀

sharply denounce feudal ethics 严厉谴责封建伦理

forcefully expose the social corruption 强力地揭露了社会腐败

poignantly expose the social injustice 尖锐地揭露了社会上的不公

with the deterioration of the government

the lack of opportunity to give full play to their talents 怀才不遇

elevate ... to a new height 把...提升到一个新的高度

become a byword for 成为代名词

reach the pinnacle of classical Chinese novels 达到了中国古典小说的顶峰

serve as a signpost for

with an utter lack of self-awareness

give free rein to 放任

come to fore 成为热点,出人头地

He was selected head of the Chinese Writer’s Association

spring up 突然出现,迅速成长










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