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例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.


1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At a restaurant.B. At a cinema.C. At a shop.

2. What does the man do?

A. A player.B. A teacher.C. A doctor.

3. When will the game begin?

A. At 5:00 p.m.B. At 5:45 p.m.C. At 6:00 p.m.

4. How does the man think about the boss?

A. Tough.B. Strict.C. Clever.

5. What will Eddie do next month?

A. Travel to Mexico.B. Celebrate his birthday.C. Return home.




6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A movie.B. A novel.C. A magazine.

7. Who wanted to choose Marilyn Monroe?

A. The author.B. The producer.C. Audrey Hepburn.


8. What does the school collect?

A. School bags.B. Newspaper.C. Water bottles.

9. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleagues.B. Couples.C. Teacher and student.


10. Which camp will the man sign his kids up for?

A. The camp in June.B. The camp in July.C. The camp in August.

11. What is “Potty Training”?

A. A safety training.B. A camp training.C. A toilet training.

12. How much will the man pay?

A. $200.B. $210.C. $220.


13. What does the woman say about the houses?

A. They were all built in the 1960s.

B. Most of them have two bathrooms.

C. They all look different.

14. What is the most important thing to the man?

A. Safety.B. Size.C. Price.

15. What type of housing will the man probably see?

A. One of the smaller houses.B. A four-bedroom apartment.C. A two-bedroom apartment.

16. When will the man see the woman next time?

A. When will the man see the woman next time?

A. Tomorrow morning.B. Tomorrow afternoon.C. Later this afternoon.


17. Where is Kasey working?

A. In a supermarket.B. In a big company.C. In a restaurant.

18. How much did Kasey pay for the old lady?

A. $1.B. $17.C. $500.

19. Why was the old lady so depressed?

A. She lost her wallet.B. She lost her job.C. She lost her husband.

20. What does the speaker want to tell us?

A. Kindness will be rewarded.B. Surprises always happen.C. Pay more attention to work.


第一部分 听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1-5ABCCA    6-10AACBB    11-15CBBAC    16-20BCBCA


Text 1

M: We don’t have any reservations. Is it still possible for us to get a table for two?

W: You’re lucky. A party of two just call off their reservations. We can seat you in about 15 minutes.

Text 2

W: You came back from the hospital? What happened on your first day?

M: Well, I had a class of, oh, about eight kids. One boy kicked the football too hard and it just hit me on the face!

Text 3

W: What time does the game start?

M: At 6:00 p.m. But there is a show which starts at 5:45 p.m. before the game.

W: Let’s hurry! It’s already 5:00 p.m., and I don’t want to miss anything!

Text 4

W: How is everything going? Do you like your new boss?

M: At the beginning, I thought it would be tough, since everybody said he is very strict. But after working with him, I think he is a smart guy.

Text 5

M: Time is too fast. By next Sunday, Eddie will have been in New York for six months.

W: I wish he could come back home to celebrate his birthday with us next month.

M: Unfortunately, his plan is to visit Mexico at that time.

Text 6

W: I just read in a magazine about how they made the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”.

M: I know that movie and Audrey Hepburn is my favorite actress.

W: But the magazine said that the author of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s wanted Marilyn Monroe to play the lead role at first.

M: Really? I can’t imagine that.

W: Yea. But then the producer of the film chose Audrey Hepburn as soon as they learned that she had an interest in the role.

Text 7

M: I’ll drive Nick to school so you can have more time at home finishing your report.

W: Thank you. Why didn’t you put the milk containers and the newspapers into Nick’s school recycle bag?

M: They don’t need those.

W: Aren’t they collecting the recycling stuff for their school activity now?

M: They only need the stuff they can use to receive money from the recycling center, such as water and juice bottles, as well as cans.

W: OK. Here is my juice bottle then.

Text 8

M: Hi, I am interested in signing my kids up for your summer camp program. They are 3 and 5 years old.

W: Thanks. We have different themes in different months. The topic in June is “Amazing Artists”, the topic in July is “Under the Sea”, and the topic in August is “Adventure in the Forest”, kids can learn more about nature.

M: Sounds really great. I’d like to sign them up for the “Under the Sea” camp.

W: Cool. So did your 3-year-old kid complete potty training?

M: Sorry, what is potty training? Is it some special training or safety training for the camp?

W: Oh, “Potty training” means your kid already knows how to use the toilet by themselves.

M: OK. Then, they are good to go. So the price for the first child is $110 and the second has a $10 discount. Is that correct?

W: That is right.

Text 9

W: Hey, there. What can I do for you?

M: I’m looking for an apartment or a house to rent for my wife and two kids.

W: Very good, sir. In this neighborhood, most of the houses have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Apartments can range from 2-4 bedrooms and 2-3 bathrooms.

M: That’s interesting. Why is there so much variety in apartments but not houses?

W: All the houses in this neighborhood were built in the 1950s. Back then, they were all considering a particular family size, so they all have a similar style.

M: I see. Well, we are looking for something that is clean and, most importantly, in a safe area. Our budget is about $2,500 a month.

W: Well, this neighborhood is very safe, sir, so you’ll have no problems. But $2,500 won’t really be able to get you a house or the bigger apartments, I’m afraid.

M: As long as there are two bedrooms, we’ll be fine.

W: Well, I’m seeing about a few places that meet your needs. If you don’t mind waiting until tomorrow afternoon, I can take you to look at them.

M: Great!

Text 10

We believe that people who do good deeds out of their own kindness and not for profit will always be rewarded. Sometimes, they get rewarded even more than they could have imagined--for example, Kasey, a waiter from Texas.

Kasey loves to make people smile. Recently, he got a big surprise smile himself. A woman came to his restaurant and ordered a $1 cup of cola. Then she quickly paid for her order and left, but she left a very generous tip of $500 for Kasey without saying anything. The woman left a note on the table, where she wrote the reason for such a present. It turned out that Kasey met a very upset elderly lady in a supermarket a few days ago. He thought she lost her wallet, so he had tried to make her happy by paying for her groceries. “It was only $17, and although I hadn’t found my job at that time, it wasn’t about the money,” Kasey said, “It was about showing someone you care.”

The older lady turned out to be the mother of the generous visitor, and she was so depressed because her husband passed away on the same day 3 years ago. Nobody was paying attention to her but Kasey. In the woman’s note, she wrote, “Although we have a big successful family company, nothing makes my mom happy since my dad passed away, but your kind words made her day wonderful.”




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