关于地震的英语句子 16个

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关于地震的英语句子 16个

2023-04-25 12:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: The struck at a.m.,关于地震的英语句子 16个, causing damage to and .这次地震发生于凌晨3点,给建筑和基础设施带来了广泛的破坏。)

1. The earthquake struck at 3 a.m., causing widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure. (这次地震发生于凌晨3点,给建筑和基础设施带来了广泛的。)

2. The magnitude 7.0 earthquake was felt as far as 100 kilometers away from the epicenter. (这次7级地震的震感甚至能够传到距震中100公里远的地方。)

3. After the earthquake, thousands of people were left homeless and in need of aid. (地震过后,成千上万的人无家可归,需要援助。)

4. The seismic activity in the region has been increasing in recent years, raising concerns about future earthquakes. (这个地区的地震活动近年来日益增加,引起了对未来地震的担忧。)

5. The earthquake triggered a tsunami that caused even more devastation along the coast. (地震引发的海啸在海岸线上造成了更多的。)

6. Emergency responders rushed to the scene to search for survivors and provide medical istance. (紧急救援人员赶到现场搜索幸存者并提供医疗援助。)

7. The aftershocks continued for several days after the initial earthquake, causing further damage and disrupting recovery efforts. (余震在最初地震之后持续几天,造成进一步的并干扰恢复工作。)

8. Earthquakes often occur along fault lines, where tectonic plates meet and shift. (地震经常发生在断层带里,也就是板块相遇和移动的地方。)

9. Seismic waves can be measured and yzed to determine the intensity and location of an earthquake. (地震波可以被测量和分析,以确定地震的强度和位置。)

10. Earthquake-resistant building design is an important consideration in areas e to seismic activity. (抗震建筑设计是在地震频繁地区的重要考虑因素。)

11. The 2011 earthquake and resulting nuclear disaster in Japan was one of the worst in history. (xx年日本的地震和随之而来的核灾难是历史上最严重的之一。)

12. In some cases, earthquakes can trigger landslides and avalanches, adding to the danger and destruction. (在某些情况下,地震可能会引发山体滑坡和雪崩,增加危险和。)

13. The Richter scale is a commonly used measurement system for earthquakes, with each whole number representing a ten-fold increase in magnitude. (里氏震级是地震常用的测量系统,每个整数代表一个数量级的增加。)

14. Earthquakes can cause tsunamis, floods, and other secondary phenomena that can be just as deadly as the quake itself. (地震可能会引发海啸、洪水和其它次生现象,这些会和地震本身一样致命。)

15. The Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960 remains the strongest earthquake ever recorded, with a magnitude of 9.5. (xx年的智利大地震仍然是有记录以来最强烈的地震,震级达到9.5级。)

16. Earthquakes can have a profound impact on the environment, altering landscapes and creating new geological formations. (地震对环境可能会产生深远的影响,改变地貌并创造新的地质构造。)

17. Predicting earthquakes is a complex and ongoing area of research, with no foolproof method currently available. (预测地震是一个复杂而持续的研究领域,目前还没有可靠的方法。)

18. The Indonesian earthquake of 2004 triggered a tsunami that killed over 200,000 people in Southeast Asia. (xx年的印尼地震引发的海啸在东南亚地区造成了20万多人死亡。)

19. In areas with frequent earthquakes, building codes and infrastructure must be carefully designed to withstand seismic activity. (在频繁地震区域,建筑规范和基础设施必须仔细设计以抵抗地震活动。)

20. Earthquakes are a natural and inevitable part of the earth's geological processes, but their impact on human lives and infrastructure can be devastating. (地震是地球地质过程中的自然且不可避免的一部分,但其对人类生命和基础设施的影响可能是灾难性的。)





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