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2024-03-26 13:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

汉语翻译n. 房间, 空位, 场所vi. 住宿, 居住vt. 留宿【医】 室, 房间相关词组: no room to turn in no room to swing a cat make room for set the room in a roar in sb's room词型变化:动词过去式:roomed 过去分词:roomed 现在分词:rooming 第三人称单数:rooms 词意辨析:room, place, space这一组名词都有空间,地方的意思。room: 有两层含义,一为“房间”,是可数名词;二表示人或物体所占的“空间或场所”、处事的“余地”等意思,是不可数名词,可用little,much,no,plenty等词修饰。可构成make room for给......让出地方;take up room占地方;leave room for留出空间给......等短语。there is room in improvement in your work.你在工作上还有上升空间。place: 指人们从事各种活动的“地方,场所,位置”,是可数名词,常用的短语有take one’s place就坐,入席;in place在适当的位置。wuhan is a hot place in summer.武汉是个夏天很热的地方。space: 意为“空间”,是不可数名词,表示万物存在之处,太空;作“空隙、空白”解时,是可数名词。there isn’t space in the classroom for thirty desks.英语解释:名词 room:an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceilingspace for movement同义词:way, elbow roomopportunity forthe people who are present in a room动词 room:live and take one's meals at or in同义词:board例句:He's rooming with my friend Alan.他住在我的朋友艾伦家里。There is not so much room for these books.没有这么大的地方来放这些书。I want a double room with a view.我要一间能看到风景的双人房间。详细解释:roomn.Abbr. rm.(名词)缩写 rm.A space that is or may be occupied:地盘,空间:被占用或可被占用的地方:例句:That easy chair takes up too much room.那张安乐椅占用太多的空间

An area separated by walls or partitions from other similar parts of the structure or building in which it is located:房间,室:建筑物里被墙或分隔物分割成许多相似部分的场地:例句:the first room on the left; an unpainted room.左手边第一间;未粉刷的房间The people present in such an area:房间里的人:例句:The whole room laughed.满房间的人都大笑起来rooms Living quarters; lodgings. rooms 生活区;公寓Suitable opportunity; occasion.合适的机会;时机v.intr.(不及物动词)roomed,,rooms To occupy a room; lodge.占一间房;寄宿来源:Middle English roum 中古英语 roum from Old English rôm * see reu…- 源自 古英语 rôm *参见 reu…- room,elbowroom,latitude,leeway,margin,play,scope同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .adequate space or opportunity for freedom of movement or action.: 这些名词所共有的中心意思是.足够的可以自由活动的空间或时机.: 例句:room for improvement;改善的余地;例句:needed elbowroom to negotiate effectively;进行有效谈判所必需的时机;例句:no latitude allowed in conduct or speech;不允许有任何行动或言论的自由;例句:allowed the chef leeway in choosing the menu;允许厨师有选择菜单的自由;例句:no margin for error;不允许出任何差错;例句:imagination given full play;自由驰骋的想象力;例句:permitting their talents free scope. 允许他们的才能得到自由发挥 参考词汇>




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