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2023-03-08 21:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、被被被被动语态动语态动语态动语态The Passive VoiceThe Passive VoiceThe Passive VoiceThe Passive Voice主讲人:XXX被动语态定义:表示主语是动作的承受者。(当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式是主动语态。 )We make a cake.主语 谓语 宾语A cake is made by us.主语 谓语 宾语注意:不及物动词没有被动语态,如happen、die、disappear等。被动语态的结构被动语态的结构:be + done(过去分词)时态/句型句型结构构一般一般过去去时一般一般现在在时一般将来一般将来时过去去进行行时过去完成去完成时过去将来去将来时现在完成在完成时含情含情态动词的句子的句子was/were doneare/am/is donewill/shall be donewas/were being donehad been donewould be donehave/has been done情态动词+be done用被动语态的情况一、动作的施行者是谁没有必要告知。翻译。我的自行车昨晚被人偷了。My

2、 bike was stolen last night.二、只强调动作的承受者,而不知或不强调动作的执行者。翻译。我们不知道谁将被送往那里。We dont know who will be sent there.被动语态练习(真题)按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. Jenny put her clothes in the suitcase yesterday evening. (改为被动语态) Her clothes _ _ in the suitcase yesterday evening.2. Mom opened the window just now. (改为被动语态) The window _ _ _ Mom just now.3. They have given a lot of help to the homeless in the earthquake. (改为被动语态) A lot of help _ _ _ to the homeless in the earthquake by them.were putwas opened byhas been given被动语态

3、练习(真题)完成句子,每空一词。1.你认为学生们应该被允许做出自己的决定吗? Do you think students _ _ _ to make their own decisions?2.这些书籍将捐赠给山区的孩子们。The books _ _ _ to the children in the mountains.should be allowedwill be donated主动语态变被动语态将主动语态变为被动语态时,按以下步骤:以:My mother is cleaning the window. 为例。1.把主动语态的宾语提到前面作被动语态的主语。 The windowThe window2. 观察主动语态句子的时态,把主动语态的谓语动词变成“be+过去分词”形式。 is cleaning -is/are/am being cleanedis cleaning -is/are/am being cleaned3. 判断被动语态的主语单复数,再对谓语be done形式进行相应的变形。 主语主语The windowThe window是单数,所以用是单数,所以用is being

4、 cleanedis being cleaned。4. 把主动语态的主语变为介词by的宾语,注意人称变为宾格形式。(可省略) The window is being cleaning by my mother.The window is being cleaning by my mother.主动语态变被动语态Its your turn.1.They will invent some famous actors.2.My father is mending my bike now.3.We must finish our homework first.4.My mother cooked some delicious food yesterday.5.Ms. Li waters the flowers every day.Some famous actors will be invented by them.My bike is being mended by my father now.Our homework must be finished first.Some deliciou

5、s food was cooked by my mother yesterday.The flowers are watered by Ms. Li every day.被动语态特殊情况1.除了不及物动词没有被动语态外,有一些及物动词(如cost、leave、have、hold容纳、contain包含、look like看起来像等)表示状态时,也不用被动语态。 This room can hold 20 people.2.含有双宾语的主动句变为被动语态时,可分别将其中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动。 (一般变间接宾语为主语的情况较多) My father made me a plane on my birthday. I was made a plane on my birthday. 当直接宾语(物)变为主语时,间接宾语(人)前根据需要加上to,for等介词。 A plane was made for me on my birthday.被动语态特殊情况直接宾语变为主语时,需在间接宾语前加介词to的常用动词:bring、give、hand、lend、offer、pass、pay、pr

6、omise、sell、show、take、teach、tell等。My book was lent to my desk mate.A famous picture will be shown to the children next Sunday.直接宾语变为主语时,需在间接宾语前加介词for的常用动词:buy、build、cook、choose、do、fetch、find、fix、get、keep、make、order、play、sing等。The dishes were cooked for us.This dress was chosen for me.被动语态特殊情况3. 含有复合宾语(主谓+宾语+宾补)的主动句变为被动句时,将主动句中的宾语变为主语,宾语补足语保留在谓语动词的后面。The classroom is always kept clean by the students.We were asked to do the homework by our teachers.被动语态特殊情况注意:在使役动词(let、make、have)、感官动词( see, watch,

7、 hear, notice, look at, hear、listen to, feel )等动词后作宾语补足语的动词不定式都不带 to,但改成被动语态后需还原to,这时不定式为主语补足语。(还原to)My mum make me clean the room-I was made to clean the room.I saw a man enter the room.-A man was sawn to enter the room.See/hear sb. doing sth.或have sth. done结构中,变为被动句时,doing形式或done不变。被动语态特殊情况4. 由动词+介词或副词构成的短语动词,变为被动句时,介词或副词不可拆开或漏掉。The doctor is operating on the patient. The patient is being operated on.You should hand in your homework. Your homework should be handed in.常用的“不及物动词+介词”的短语:agree to、

8、ask for、laugh at、operated on、listen to、look after、think of、talk about等。常用的“不及物动词+副词”的短语:bring about、find out、give up、hand in、look up、pass on、put away、put off、turn down、work out、turn out 等。被动语态特殊情况5. 含有“动词+名词+介词”结构的谓语,变为被动句时,动词后的名词和介词后的名词都可作主语。 We paid attention to the disease. (改为被动语态) Attention was paid to the disease. The disease was paid attention to by us.常用的类似词组:pay attention to、keep an eye on、take care of、make use of等。被动语态特殊情况5. 以 who 为主语开头的疑问句,变被动语态时,用by whom放在句首。Who took the cookie from

9、the cookie jar?By whom was the cookie taken from the cookie jar?被动语态特殊情况6. 主动形式表示被动意义。1)感官动词(feel、seem、sound、taste、look)和一些系动词构成的系表结构。The silk feels soft.The flowers smell nice.2)某些即是及物动词,也是不及物动词的行为动词后加副词,表示物品的品质或性能时,也可以主动形式表示被动意义。This kind of cloth sells well.被动语态特殊情况6. 主动形式表示被动意义。3)在want、need、require、deserve、stand、wont bear、worth等词的后面可以用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。This novel is worth reading. 这本小说值得一读。My bike needs repairing. 我的自行车需要修理一下。若动名词是不及物动词,应加上适当的介词。The poor children need taking care of.这些可怜的孩子需要照顾

10、。被动语态特殊情况7. 一些常见的不出现主语的被动语态句型。It is said that 据说lt is reported that 据报道lt is supposed that 据推测It is hoped that . (人们)希望It is well known that . 众所周知lt is generally considered that 普遍认为lt is suggested that (人们)建议被动语态专项练习1. The books _ for two weeks.A. may be keptB. may keepC. borrow D. are borrowed2. Susan, do your homework quickly. Well go for a picnic as soon as your homework _.A. finishes B. will finishC. is finishedD. will be finishedAC被动语态专项练习3. This kind of book sells well and _ out in this





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