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2024-07-12 22:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”写卖书广告“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Wte a Book ad。以下是关于写卖书广告雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wte a Book ad

You should take a few minutes to complete this task. Some people think that popular pducts among consumers reflect the power of advertising rather than the real needs of people. You agree or disagree that you should wte at least some words.

You should support yo argument with yo own knowledge and expeence, with examples and related examples. Whether we like it or not, advertising has penetrated In o daily life, they are so powerful that some people think that it is not people's needs that make goods popular, but power advertisements. First of all, I don't agree with this view.

Let's make clear what people's real needs are. Real needs can be divided into o categoes: mateal satiaction and spitual satiaction. People often regard mateal satiaction as real needs Spitual satiaction is a waste of money and time.

This is not true. Some goods may not be useful, but they can give the owner a kind of. Second, let us make clear why advertising is powerful.

The key pnciple of advertisers is to seize the needs of consumers, and then pass the information that their pducts can meet yo needs to potential consumers. Advertisers can pmote people's needs and benefit No matter what they do, they exaggerate the function of commodities and tell consumers the wng information. They make commodities popular by cheating most consumers.

Some commodities are harmful to consumers' health and society. For example, oking is poisonous, but advertisements try to As a result, oking is very popular among young men. They dream of becoming a he in the eyes of women.

Howr, this kind of advertisement is a minoty nationality. It bngs us convenience to choose the goods that can meet o needs. Most of the commodities are popular becse they are useful, and only a part of them are influenced by the advertisement words.).




Wte a short passage according to the picte below. In yo article, you should: befly descbe the painting, explain its intention, and then state yo point of view. You should wte a first glance on the answer sheet.

This cartoon tells us that a matchmaker tes to a fascination beeen a man and a woman, but the veil is on, and the bde's head conceals the fact that she is old and ugly, contrary to the matchmaker's advertisement The picte fther points out that the matchmaker symbolizes false advertisements and women's infeor pducts. This cartoon skillfully rals a phenomenon that often occs in o society. The appearance of false commercial advertisements and pmotion activities is attbuted to the negative effects of advertisements.

The gwing economy emphasizes that the losers of competitive economy do not learn fm them, but are committed to deceiving customers rather than impving the quality of pducts and s. False advertisements seem to be the most convenient way to attract customers And increase pfits in the short term, but false advertising can in the long run, the false ppada of enterpses may damage the image of individuals and the whole society, damage the confidence of consumers, undouedly, only real advertising and qualified pducts can enterpses psper. Matchmaker: n ash: n err: adj review: n short term: long term: insiificant: adj harm: a sentence Sincety: the first time adj saw this cartoon, he told us that the picte fther pointed out that this cartoon skillfully rals a phenomenon that often occs in o society, and its appearance is attbuted to pets in the first place.




Note: in this part, you can wte a composition about my opinion on advertisement in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words. Yo composition should be based on the outline.

Below: some people think that advertising is an essential evil in modern life. What do you think (my view of advertising) is well known. Angels and evil are polazed, but is there anything What can combine the o perfectly? With the increasing influence of mass media, advertisements invade ry aspect of o lives.

Whenr we tn on TV, read newspapers, open e-mails, or the Internet, advertisements will immediately appear and jump into o sight. Becse they make the goods so attractive, we often end up buying things we don't really need advertising, which not only increases the pce of goods Howr, this is only part of the story. Advertisements are informative and persuasive.

They pvide us with the la information of the la pducts. Some advertisements are very elet. Whether they are evil or angels, we will be inspired and n moved.

Advertising has become a part of o modern life A possible or missing part.



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