
您所在的位置:网站首页 英语作文主题句写法 2023届高考英语读后续写主题升华句:亲情类、成长类、趣事类、旅途历险类课件(下)(20张PPT)


2024-05-28 10:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共20张PPT)Miss Lin2022.11.24读后续写主题升华句 (下)——亲情类、成长类、趣事类、旅途历险类目 录分类一:亲情类分类二:成长类分类三:趣事类分类四:旅程历险类珍惜爱和温暖: cherish the love and warmth明白了一个道理: come to know a truth他母亲所教的道理:was taught by his mother传递爱和关怀:convey love and care被快乐环绕: surround by happiness亲情类:基础词块积累热身亲情类就在那时,我意识到,家人不是由于血缘而是因为爱联结在一起。It was then that I came to the realization that _______________________________________________(家人不是由于血缘而是因为爱联结在一起)2. 与此同时,他们都兴奋的笑了起来,笑声回荡在房间里。At the same time, all of them laughed with excitement, the laughter ________________________________________(在房间里回荡).Families are connected not by blood but by love.echoed in the room.3. 虽然我们不是血亲,但我们之间的关系甚至比那更紧密。。Although we are not ________________,the tie between us is even stronger than that.4.房间里不断传出灿烂的笑声,整个家庭包围在强烈的幸福中。Radiant laughter burst out from the room constantly, and the whole family _________________________________________(包围在强烈的幸福中).blood relativessurrounded by intense happiness5. 回想起来,Ben 庆幸自己做出了正确的决定,这是他母亲用几块巧克力教给他的。____________(回想起来), Ben congratulated himself on making the right decision, which was taught by his mother with several chocolates.6. 我用右臂搂住他的脖子,我们一起笑,我们现在是真正的家庭。I put my right arm around his neck, and we laughter together. We are _______________(真正的家庭) now.Thinking backtrue family7. 他会珍惜生命的爱和温暖——珍惜他心中每一颗闪闪发光的贝壳。He will ________________________________________(珍惜生命的爱和温暖)--cherish every little shining sea shell in his heart.8. 从那时起,我明白了一个道理——家庭的联结永远不会散开。From then on, I came to know a truth --- the string knot on the skirt could go untied but ________________________________________(家庭的联结永远不会散开).cherish the love and warmth of lifethe family bond will never break勇敢是重要的品质:Courage is an important quality诚实应该永远伴随我们: being honest should always be with us学到了一课:learn a lesson from it过着辉煌的生活:lead a brilliant life.诚实是一种美德: Honesty is a virtue成长类:基础词块积累热身(坚强、诚实、勇敢、感恩、耐心)成长类(坚强、诚实、勇敢、感恩、耐心)(1) 他认为Trasaun是一个意志坚定的榜样,他有着类似的先天残疾,但却过着辉煌的生活。He saw Trashaun _________________________(当做一个坚强的榜样) who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life.(2) 通过我们的生活,我们可以得到很多,也可以失去很多。但诚实应该永远伴随着我们,因为诚实是一种美德. Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us, as _____________________________________(诚实是一种美德).as a determined examplehonesty is a virtue(3) 勇敢是我希望她能拥有的最重要的品质。_________________________(勇敢是最重要的品质) that I wanted her to possess. (4) 之后,轮到我做了一个小演讲,我向母亲和她的朋友表达了我的感激之情,并向他们鞠了几躬。Afterwards, it was my turn to give a small lecture,in which I ________________________________________________________________________(向我的妈妈和朋友表示感谢),bowing to them several times. Courage is the most important qualityexpressed my gratitude to my mother and her friend(5) 缺失的手臂就像天使折叠的翅膀,只有你足够坚强才能看见翅膀。The missing arm is like a wing folded by an angel. ________________________________________________________________________________(只有你足够坚强才能看见翅膀)!" (6) 这是我第一次真正体会到这份礼物的意义——耐心。It was the first time that I ________________________________________________ --- patience.Only if you are strong enough can you see the wings!really know the significance of this gift趣事类:基础词块积累热身Regret历年高考考过趣事类如:浙江高考头卡南瓜Jump up happilyEmbarrassedawkwardNervous/ anxious三、趣事类1、趣事篇有关的后悔描写:With every angle tried in vain for my nose’s prevention, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of extreme regret and annoyance(被一种极度的遗憾和烦恼所淹没). 2、趣事篇有关的开心描写:We all jumped to our feet, dancing and screaming with joy(开心得欢呼雀跃). 3、趣事篇有关的感激描写:他们耸了耸肩,咧着嘴笑,这就驱散了她的一切烦恼,给了她安慰。They shrugged and grinned, which dissipated all her distress and consoled her.谢谢。她紧紧抓住打开的袋子,充满了感激和温暖。‘Thanks.’ Clinging her hands to the bag opening, she was overwhelmed by a surge of gratitude and warmth.这两个强壮的陌生人点亮了她的一天。The two strong strangers undoubtedly lit her day up.4、趣事篇有关的紧张描写: So nervous was he that (他太紧张了)he dropped the electric carving knife.他太紧张了,所以他的电刻刀掉了下来。I got into a panic( 陷入惊慌之中)as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use. 我陷入了恐慌陷入惊慌之中,当我紧紧地靠在桌子上,并四处移动我的头,试图找到正确的角度,但没有用。5、趣事篇有关的尴尬描写: 她立刻涨红了脸,感到尴尬几乎把她整个包围起来。Blushing scarlet instantly, she felt embarrassment almost wreathed her entirely. 旅程历险类:基础词块积累热身Filled with surprise and joyFear and despairnervousShout for helpWithout hesitation, she _____________________________________(疯狂挥动她的黄色衬衫), shouting, “Help!”It___________________________________(充满惊讶和愉悦), all because of my mother---loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful._______________________(害怕和绝望)that had been building up inside my body just came to an end. waving her yellow shirt crazilyis full of surprise and joyFear and despairUltimately, we were back,____________________(安然无恙).completely uninjured四、旅程历险类completely immersed in the charm of natureIn the process of seeking for it, I ____________________________________(完全沉浸在大自然的魅力中). Sitting in the guestroom, I found _________________________________________________(有我们所爱的人陪伴真的很幸福).It's really happy to have someone we love with usThe end读后续写约有八大话题:助人篇、救人篇、亲情篇、动物篇、成长篇、趣事篇、友情篇、旅途和历险篇等






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