英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1130期:跟《老友记》学美语(61)

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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1130期:跟《老友记》学美语(61)

2024-07-01 03:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




(1).Leave me on read是什么意思?

(2).And that wholerage thing is definitely behind me, 我第一次听这句话的时候, 把rage听成了Rach(Rachel的nickname),我以为是Ross再说已经把Rachel的事放下了。因为我感觉rage 在连到thing的时候dʒ 这个音好像被轻化了所以听着像rach.,还有这里的behind是不是也可以读bɪ hɑind?多谢老师。

2、老师您好:little,constipated这两个单词在句子中的发音感觉听不到/t/的音。比如:OK,come on, let's just take a little break. Thebaby's constipated.具体该怎样读想请教一下.

3、我有两个单词总是读不准,drone 和drove ,我发现dr音后面跟[ou]的话,我舌头就好像打结了,发得不对,也不饱满。想知道dr 如何连接后面的ou 音。但当dr 后跟其他元音如drop, drive, drink时,我就能发对。谢谢老师。

4、我有一个关于时态的问题 No sooner had he fallen asleep than helay down on the bed.他一躺倒床上就睡着了。

不是应该先躺到床上,再睡着吗?为什么是had fallen asleep然后是lay down on the bed?不应该是had lay down on the bed吗?


片段二 第5季第21集





Joey: Hey Ross, is uh, isStaten Island really an island?

Ross: Uh-huh, that's why they call it Staten Island.

Joey: Ohhh. I thought it was likeLong Island.

Ross: Also an island.1

Joey: Hey, what time is it?

Ross: 2:17.

Joey: Wow! You realize that we'vebeen throwing this ball, without dropping it, for like an hour?

Ross: Are you serious?

Joey: Yeah. I realized it abouta half-hour ago but I didn't want to sayanything cause I didn't want tojinx it.

Ross: Wow! We arepretty good at this!Hey! We totallyforgot about lunch!

Joey: Oh, I–I, I think that's the first time I ever missed a meal! Yeah, mypants are a little loose!

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、that's why they call it StatenIsland.

2、what time is it?

3、We are pretty good at this!

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、Am I on fire today or what?

2、Put me out of my misery.

3、I'll take it down to 95% but that's thebest I can do.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202004/607896.shtml




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