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2023-03-17 22:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265











 What is your hobby. Why do you have such a hobby?



(2)知识点考察分析:考察个人能力和对某项爱好与技能的介绍能 力 

(3)答题结构:总分(首先讲出自己的爱好,最好不要同时介绍三四个,介绍一个把理由分开讲清楚就好,可以结合自己的成长经历, 讲自己形成爱好的起因和自己后来因为这个爱好受益的点) 

(4)重点句型推荐:① 总说句型:…is my special hobby/ the reason I make …as my hobby is that…(选一个自己擅长的爱好与技能,) 如:rewarding 受益匪浅的 Beneficial 有益的 low-key 低调的 distinctive 独特的 ② 分述句型:There are three reasons I have this hobby… ③分述思路:besides/ on one hand/ on the other hand/ due to…




1. 不知道如何恰当开始及结束回答:开始:Thank you for your question. Here are my opinions. 结束:目光示意。/ Well,I think that's about it.

2. 使用的形容词有些过于简单,在题目本身就不具有挑战性的前提下可以尝试用一些更复杂的形容词,可以用一个比较大的爱好引出自己其他爱好,但最好不要着重介绍多于一个的爱好 

3. 发音和语感问题,大家可以尝试通过模仿跟读英语演讲,刷一些自己感兴趣的美剧,有能力的可以找一些简单的家庭剧和没有中文字幕的美剧对照练习,增强语感,调整语气,积累一定的连接词提高语言连贯性 

4. 素材问题,建议大家可以专门用一个文档,来准备口语答案,在素材积累的过程中,同学们会发现哪怕一些之前没有准备过的答案, 也可以接用准备过的素材。



Version  1:

As a literary lover, my biggest hobby is reading. I like reading all kinds of books, such as books about history, novels and essays. This habit was formed when I was a kid. I was very curious about the world since then and I often chased my parents to ask many questions. Later, my parents bought me a large set of 100000 whys encyclopedia, so I would read books whenever I had questions. In most cases, I could find answers to my questions in the book, but sometimes I failed. Even so, I still got chances to learn new knowledge. Over time, I gradually fell in love with reading, and Ialso like the changes in my personality brought by reading. Reading has benefited me a lot and changed my life. I have a rich spiritual world and have fallen in love with a quiet life. In short, I will always keep this good habit.

Version 2:

I have a unique hobby, collecting brooches. It doesn't sound like a popular hobby, but it is in line with my special personality. First of all, I like colorful ornaments, but the dressing style is very low-key, so I need some small ornaments to show my personality label, because I hope I can be distinctive. Secondly, I will wear different brooches according to different moods every day, which makes me feel happy. At the same time, wearing different brooches on the same dress can make the dress look new. Therefore, this is my personal hobby.

Version  3: 

Because I love sports, I have the hobby of running. At first, I practiced running because I had to improve my running score to pass the high school entrance examination, and the physical performance was highly valued. Later, I found that I was calm when jogging. I will think about all kinds of problems I encounter in my study and life when I run, especially when I am very sad. Therefore, in running, I not only got a change of mood, but also improved my physical quality. I will stick to running and explore more hobbies at the same time.




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