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雅牧 (系于孤独之途) 2011-02-21 00:23:14

我对各种猫的了解,均是通过阅读各种资料获得的。我想,作为一个既没养过那么多种纯种猫,也不可能有机会养那么多种纯种猫的普通猫咪爱好者,这种途径总是还有点谱吧,相信这些资料也是繁育者及养猫者通过实践写出来,想必他们也都热爱自己的猫咪,希望更多的人了解,才着手写出这些文字的。而作为一个想了解他们的爱猫者而言,这些资料,总还算有一些参考价值吧。(否则,我该怎么办,全然不信各大网站及书籍上的介绍,自己瞎猜?或者在遇到有人询问时闭口不言说自己因为没有亲自养过因此啥也不能说?遇到有人询问的时,我提供一些参考信息并给出信息的来源,总是还是比较可行的吧。) 为了做个对比,我收集了几个网站对于美短及暹罗性格的评价,通过这些评价(相信这些评价都是猫咪的繁育者或者饲养者通过亲身接触而对自己咪所做的描述),我们也可以大致了解这两个品种的广泛具有的基本特性(我标出了关键词): 美短: Personality When describing the American Shorthair, the expression ?happy medium? springs to mind. These all-American cats are medium in size, build, type, and temperament; neither too big nor small, not overly cuddly nor distant, 【性格不冷不火】neither couch potatoes nor hyperactive. Breeders note that the American Short-hair is the perfect breed for the person who wants a cat that enjoys being in your lap but not in your face. American Shorthairs are known for their quiet voices【声音小】 and adaptable personalities【适应性强】; they are sociable【好交际】, easily trained【易训】, and adapt well to other animals and children. 【易于适应其他动物与孩子】They generally do not like to be picked up【不喜欢被抓起】; like their Pilgrim companions who left England to find independence, they cherish their freedom. 【独立】 (以上是动物星球网站上的介绍。 。原址:http://animal.discovery.com/breedselector/catprofile.do?id=1020) Looking for a cat that will be a gentle companion【温和的伴侣】, a playmate for your children, and a full-fledged member of the family? Look no further than the American Shorthair. This breed is known for its longevity, robust health, good looks, quiet disposition【性情安静】 and amiability with children and dogs【对孩子和狗亲切】 (以上是CFA网站上的介绍。 原址:http://cfa.org/client/breedAmericanShorthair.aspx) According to the CFA, American Shorthairs are low-maintenance cats that are generally healthy, easy-going【随和】, affectionate with owners 【爱主人】and social with strangers.【与陌生人相处良好】 Personality Americans are good-natured,【脾气好】 easy-going cats【随和的】, popular with families, as they are known to be very tolerant of children.【忍耐力强】 They can be calm【可能比较安静】 but are also playful even into old age.【也可能爱玩,直至年纪大】 Female cats tend to be busier than the males; males are more easygoing. In general they are intelligent cats and quite interested in everything around them. 【聪明、好奇】Many Americans retain their hunting instincts with any insects that should venture into the house. They also like to watch birds and other activity from a windowsill. They enjoy the company of their people but retain their independence. 【保留独立】Many are lap cats, while some prefer just to be nearby. 【有些喜欢与人亲近、有些保持距离】 (以上是TICA网站上的介绍。 原址:http://www.tica.org/public/breeds/as/intro.php) 暹罗: Personality Some cats seem to think that a purr or a friendly rub speaks louder than words. Siamese are not of this school of thought and are known for their talent for communicating their ideas and desires clearly to their chosen humans. If you can?t be drawn into dialogue, they?re happy to keep up a running monologue for your enlightenment. No meaningless meows, these, but real attempts at communication, according to Siamese fans. To some cat lovers, who prefer their felines to be seen and not heard, the Siamese rasp (some would say yowl) can be a bit annoying. But Siamese worshipers wouldn?t have it any other way.【爱讲话,声音大】 Determinedly social【很好社交】 and very dependent upon their humans,【非常依赖人】 Siamese crave active involvement in your life.【渴望融入人的生活】 Like Mary?s little lamb, they want to follow wherever you may go. 【喜欢跟着人】Siamese can be unpredictable in their behavior and can appear aloof and disinterested, but it?s all an act. Siamese need to be treated with respect and patience and require lots of affection if they are to develop a close, caring relationship with their human companions.【需要关注】Siamese will pine if left too often alone. 【厌恶独处】 (以上是动物星球网站上的介绍。 原址:http://animal.discovery.com/breedselector/catprofile.do?id=4020) Their sleek lines, striking color contrast, finely chiseled aristocratic heads, deep blue almond eyes, and short silky coats make them living art. Combine this beauty with acute intelligence【智力出色】, inquisitive personality 【好追根究底】and a loving nature【充满爱的本性】 and you have the essence of the Siamese cat. This ancient breed, perhaps the oldest of all our cats, is able to communicate like no other. The Siamese voice is legendary. 【声音大】They speak both with their voice and with their body. They are the quintessential “people” cat, for they love to be in your lap, on your bed, at your table--and in your heart! 【喜欢与人在一起】 (以上是CFA网站上的介绍。 原址:http://cfa.org/client/breedSiamese.aspx) Siamese are affectionate【亲切充满爱意】 and very intelligent【智力很高】 cats, renowned for their social nature.【喜欢交际是出了名的】 Many enjoy being with people and are sometimes described as "extroverts". 【喜欢与人在一起,非常外向】As there are extroverts Siamese, some have very sensitive and nervous temperaments.【有些具有敏感与神经质的性格】 Those individuals may not easily adapt to the changes of environment or to strangers. 【难以适应陌生环境与陌生人】They do have a great need for human companionship. 【很需要人的友谊】Often they bond strongly to a single person. 【经常认准一个主人】Most Siamese like to have other sociable cats for company and do not thrive as only cats owned by people who are gone much of the day. Siamese are extremely vocal, with a loud, low-pitched voice – known as "Meezer", from which they get one of their nicknames[4] 【爱叫、声音大】– that has been compared to the cries of a human baby, and persistent in demanding attention.【需要关注】 These cats are typically active and playful, even as adults, 【典型的是活跃与爱玩的,即使到了成年】 and are often described as more dog like in behavior than other cats.【与其他猫相比,更经常被描述得像狗】 (以上是Wiki网站上的介绍。 原址:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_(cat)) The Siamese is the perfect pet for someone who wants lots of interaction and activity. 【对于需要大量互相交流与活动的人而言是个完美的选择】They are wonderful with children and other pets. They are very loving,【有爱】 loyal【忠诚】, intuitive【直觉?】, demanding【有需求的】 and social【爱社交的】. It has been said by many who have owned Siamese that one should have two - so that they can entertain each other while their owners are away. Otherwise, one must be prepared to drop everything upon returning home in order to spend half an hour or more "hearing about the day". Siamese are very intelligent【智慧】 and have a lot to say...they always have the last word. 【爱发言】 They are very playful,【好玩】 entertaining themselves for hours. 【能够自己闹腾几小时】They have their favorite toys and never tire of playing throughout their lives.【一辈子都不会厌倦玩耍】 They are natural fetchers and will fetch as long as someone is there to toss! 【会玩寻回游戏】They are very amusing【有趣的】pets. (以上是TICA网站上的介绍。 原址:http://www.tica.org/public/breeds/si/intro.php)

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