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经典优秀英语诗朗诵精选:诗朗诵 优秀传统文化 经典优秀英语诗朗诵精选:诗朗诵 优秀传统文化

抗战期间兴起的朗诵诗运动,是中国现代文学史上一个重要的文学现象。下面小编整理了英语诗朗诵,希望大家喜欢! 英语诗朗诵摘抄 我只想爱你生生世世All I Want Is To Love You Forever All I want is to love you for the rest of my life... to wake up every morning with you by my side, knowing that no matter what happens, I ll be able to come home to your loving arms. 我只想爱你生生世世, 早晨醒来看你温柔呼吸。 无论人生多劫变幻无绪, 我也永远与你双宿双栖。 All I want is to share everything with you... to talk to you about your ideas, our dreams, the little everyday things, that make us laugh, and the not-so-little things that we can t help worrying about. 我只想与你敞开心扉绝无秘密 与你憧憬未来倾听你的心事 每天我俩欢笑的点点滴滴都要谈起 还有我们必须牵挂的复杂巨细 All I want is to give you my love... as a place you can always come to for acceptance or the simple comfort that silence brings, when things left unspoken can still be understood. 我只想给你满腔爱意 我敞开双臂永远接受你 我们沉浸在幸福的默契 心中有爱何需千言万语 All I want is to grow old with you... to watch our life unfold, our dreams, one by one, come true. 我只想与你一起老去 静静等待生命休止 还有我们的梦想一一变成现实 All I want is to love you forever! 我 只想爱你地老天荒 生生生世! 英语诗朗诵鉴赏 论获得成功 On Achieving Success We cannot travel every path. Success must be won along one line. We must make our businessthe one life purpose to which every other must be subordinate(服从). 我们不可能把每条路都走一遍。必须执着于一条道路才能获得成功。我们必须有一个终生追求的目标,其他的则从属于这个目标。 I hate a thing done by halves(不完全的). If it be right, do it boldly. If it be wrong, leave itundone. 我痛恨做事半途而废。如果这件事是对的,就大胆勇敢地去做;如果这件事不对,就不要去做。 The men of history were not perpetually(不断地) looking into the mirror to make sure of theirown size. Absorbed in their work they did it. They did it so well that the wondering world seesthem to be great, and labeled them accordingly. 历史长河中的伟人并不是靠终日瞻观镜中的自己来衡量自身的形象的。他们的形象来自




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