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2022-06-06 12:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



` backquote 反引号 ~ tilde ! exclam @ at # numbersign,英语国家是hash,美语是pound,音乐里作sharp,如:C# $ dollar % percent ^ caret

& ampersand * asterisk,star(美语),数学公式中作multiply ( parenleft,opening parentheses ) parenright,closing paretheses - minus;hyphen连字符,不读 _ underscore + plus = equ [ bracketleft,opening bracket ] bracketright,closing bracket { braceleft } braceright ; semicolon : colon ' quote " doublequote / slash / backslash 反斜杠 | bar , comma < less > greater . period ? question   space 空格 

数学符号<        is less than >        is more than ≮& is not less than   ≯        is not more than ≤       is less than or equal to 小于或等于号   -        hyphen 连字符   ≥        is more than or equal to 大于或等于号   '        apostrophe 省略号,英文中省略字符用的撇号;所有格符号 %        percent   - dash 破折号   ‰        per mille ∞        infinity 无限大号;  ∝        varies as 与…成比例   ( )        parentheses 圆括号   √   (square) root 平方根   [ ]        square brackets 方括号   ∵        since; because 因为   《 》        French quotes 法文引号;书名号   ∴        hence 所以

…        ellipsis 省略号   ∷        equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例   ¨   tandem colon 双点号 ∠        angle 角   ∶        ditto 双点号 ⌒ semicircle 半圆   ‖        parallel 双线号   ⊙       circle 圆   /        virgule 斜线号   ○        circumference 圆周 ~       swung dash 代字号   △        triangle 三角形   §        section,vision 分节号   ⊥        perpendicular to 垂直于   →        arrow 箭号;参见号   ∪  union of 并,合集 ∩        intersection of 交,通集   ∫      the integral of …的积分   ±        plus or minus 正负号   ∑        summation of 总和   ×        is multiplied by 乘号   °        degree 度   ÷       is divided by 除号   ′        minute 分 ″        second 秒 ≠        is not equal to 不等于号   ≡        is equivalent to 全等于号   ℃  Celsius degree 摄氏度   ≌        is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 希腊字母的读法 α  Α alpha ['?lfa]   β Β beta ['bi:ta / 'beita]   γ Γ gamma ['g?ma]    δ Δ delta ['delta]   ε Ε epsilon ['epsilan / ep'sailan]   ζ Ζ zeta ['zi:ta]   η Η eta ['i:ta / 'eita]   θ  Θ theta ['θita]   ι Ι iota [ai'outa] κ Κ kappa ['k?pa]   λ Λ lamda ['l?mda]   μ Μ mu [mju:]   ν Ν nu [nju:]   ξ Ξ xi [ksai / gzai / zai]   ο Ο omicron [ou'maikran]   π Π pi [pai]   ρ  Ρ rho [rou]   σ Σ sigma ['sigma]   τ Τ tau [tau]   υ Υ  upsilon ['ju:psilon / ju:p'sailan] o 是反 c 。   φ Φ phi [fai]   χ  Χ chi [kai]   ψ Ψ psi [psi:]   ω Ω omega ['oumiga / ou'mi:ga]





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