每日新闻播报(November 25)

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每日新闻播报(November 25)

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每日新闻播报(November 25)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-11-25 15:37

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>China's polar icebreaker sets sail'雪龙2'号起航执行南极科考

Xuelong 2 sets sail from its homeport in Shanghai for its first Arctic expedition, on July 15, 2020. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Xuelong 2, China's first domestically built polar icebreaker, set off Tuesday from Shanghai for the country's 38th Antarctic scientific expedition. 11月23日,我国第一艘自主建造的极地科学考察破冰船"雪龙2"号从上海启程,执行中国第38次南极科学考察任务。

The vessel, carrying a 101-member team, will work with the icebreaker Xuelong, which set sail on Nov 5 with 154 members on board for the polar expedition, the Polar Research Institute of China said. 中国极地研究中心介绍称,此次"雪龙2"号共搭载南极科学考察队第二批101名队员,他们将与"雪龙"号队员合作开展科学考察任务。11月5日,搭载第一批154名队员的"雪龙"号极地科学考察船启程。

Hydrological, meteorological, and environmental investigations in the South Pole and monitoring of new pollutants like microplastics and drifting garbage in the Antarctic Ocean will take place during this scientific expedition. It will also carry supply and rotational staff to China's Zhongshan Station and Great Wall Station in the region. 据介绍,此次南极考察将开展水文气象、生态环境等科学调查工作,执行南大洋微塑料、海漂垃圾等新型污染物监测任务,并对南极中山站、长城站进行越冬人员轮换及物资补给。

The two ships are expected to return to China in mid-April next year.根据安排,中国第38次南极科学考察队将于2022年4月中旬返回国内。


>China has 4,762 'little giant' firms国家级'小巨人'企业达4762家

A technician works on the production line of a circuit board in a high-tech company in Hai'an, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Xinhua]

China has incubated 4,762 national-level "little giant" enterprises to date, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Tuesday. 工业和信息化部11月23日表示,目前已培育国家级"小巨人"企业4762家。

"Little giant" firms are small enterprises still in the early stage of development that focus on the new generations of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, biomedicine and other high-end fields. "小巨人"企业是指专注于新一代信息技术、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料、生物医药等高端领域,且处于发展初期的小型企业。

The operating incomes and total profits of "little giant" enterprises respectively increased 31.6 and 67.9 percent in the first nine months of this year, Xu Xiaolan, vice minister of the MIIT, said at a news briefing. 工信部副部长徐晓兰在吹风会上表示,2021年1至9月,"小巨人"企业营业收入、利润总额同比分别增长31.6%、67.9%。

The "little giant" enterprises have strong innovation capacities and development resilience, Xu said, adding a majority are operating in basic industrial fields and have invested more than 10 million yuan in research and development. "小巨人"企业创新能力强劲、发展韧性足,多数企业属于工业基础领域,超五成研发投入在1000万元以上。

By the end of October, more than 70 percent of "little giant" enterprises were able to obtain loans, and their average loan balance was 75.26 million yuan.截至10月末,"小巨人"企业整体获贷率超过七成,户均贷款余额为7526万元。


>Hong Kong plans to issue green bonds香港特区政府将发人民币绿债

The SAR government will issue RMB green bonds following the successful issuance of US dollar- and euro-denominated bonds earlier this month. [Photo/IC]

The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region plans to issue renminbi-denominated green bonds to further strengthen Hong Kong's status as an offshore RMB hub and green financial center. 为进一步强化香港作为离岸人民币枢纽和绿色金融中心的功能,香港特区政府将发行人民币绿色债券。

Fitch Ratings assigned Hong Kong's proposed RMB-denominated bonds an "AA-" rating. 惠誉评级给香港拟发行的人民币债券评级为"AA-"。

Proceeds from the bonds will be used to finance or refinance green projects as set out in the government's green bond framework, the agency said in a commentary posted on Monday. 该机构在11月22日发布的一份评论中表示,这些债券的收益将用于为政府绿色债券框架中规定的绿色项目提供融资或再融资。

The move shows the SAR's strong promotion of green finance development, and it will encourage more investors from the Chinese mainland to issue offshore green bonds and accelerate low-carbon construction, analysts said. 分析人士表示,此举显示出香港特区政府大力推动绿色金融发展,并将鼓励更多内地投资者发行离岸绿色债券,加快低碳建设。

The SAR government announced on Thursday it issued US dollar and euro-denominated green bonds equivalent to $3 billion in total.11月18日,香港特区政府宣布成功发售新一批绿色债券,总值30亿美元,包括美元债和欧元债。


>Biden intends to run for reelection拜登计划2024年再次竞选总统

US President Joe Biden announces the release of 50 million barrels of oil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve during a speech in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building's South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington, US, Nov 23, 2021. [Photo/Agencies]

US President Joe Biden intends to run for reelection in 2024, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Monday. 美国白宫新闻秘书珍•普萨基当地时间11月22日确认,美国总统拜登打算在2024年再次竞选总统,寻求连任。

"That’s his intention," Psaki told reporters, confirming reports Biden has been telling advisers and staff he plans to run again in 2024. "这是他的打算",普萨基告诉记者。这一回应证实了此前有关拜登告诉顾问和员工自己计划2024年再次竞选美国总统的报道。

The Washington Post reported over the weekend Biden and his advisers have been reassuring allies in recent days he plans to seek a second term. 美国《华盛顿邮报》上周末报道说,拜登和其顾问近期一直在向其盟友保证拜登计划寻求连任。

Still, speculation whether he will seek the presidency again has been fueled by his age and his waning popularity in recent weeks.尽管如此,由于拜登的年龄及其最近几周逐渐下滑的民调支持率,有人对他是否会寻求连任仍表示怀疑。


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