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2023-03-22 06:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



deliberately ad. 故意,有意地

deliberately ad.深思熟虑审慎地

exclusively ad. 仅仅地

explicitly ad. 明确地

forcibly ad. 强行地,有力地

formerly ad. 原先地以前,从前

inevitably 必然地不可避免地

intentionally 有意地,故意地



simultaneously 同时发生地

somewhat 颇为,稍稍,有几分


startlingly ad. 惊人地


virtually ad. 事实上,实际地

accessory n.同谋 a.附属的




1) 在动词之前。

2) 在be动词、助动词之后。

3) 多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。


a. 大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。

We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us.

b. 方式副词well,badly糟、坏,hard等只放在句尾。

He speaks English well.


1) 时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。

2) 方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。

Please write slowly and carefully.

3) 多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+方式+时间副词。

注意:副词very 可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。

改错:(错) I very like English.

(对) I like English very much.


I don't know him well enough.

There is enough food for everyone to eat.

There is food enough for everyone to eat.


duals,characters, folks替换(people ,persons)

2: positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, pleasurable , excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换eg.An army of college students indulge themselves in playing games, enjoying romance with girls/boys or killing time passively in their dorms. When it approaches to graduation ,as a result, they find their academic records are less impressive.

4.(an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of ,a host of, many, if not most)替换many.注:用many, if not most 一定要小心,many后一定要有词。Eg. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that….同理 用most, if not all ,替换most.

5: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

6:harbor the idea that, take the attitude that,hold the view that, it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that)替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)

7:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing8: shared 代 common

huge fruits 替换get many benefits )

10:for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion

11:Increasing(ly),growing 替换more and more( 注意没有growingly这种形式。所以当修饰名词时用increasing/growing.修饰形容词,副词用 has gained growing popularity.Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth.

if anything, 或little or nothing替换hardly

13..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,

r,client,consumer,purchaser, 替换customer

ingly,extremely, intensely 替换very

necessary, hardly inevitable ... 替换 unnecessary, avoidable

appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / sb. be interested in.



Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。

Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。


I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。

You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。


The baby is generally healthy, but every now and then she does catch a cold. 那孩子的健康状况尚好,但就是偶尔患感冒。

Do be quiet. I told you I had a headache. 务必安静,我告诉过你,我头疼。


He drank it to the very last drop.他把它喝得一干二净。

Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops. 只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。

He didn’t answer even my letter.他甚至连我的信都不回。

I will too go! 我要去的!

The scenery is just superb. 风景真是美极了。

五、用“...and that”,“...and those”,“not...too much”,“否定加否定”等结构表示强调

They fulfilled the task, and that in a few days. 他们在几天内完成的就是那项任务。

I gave her some presents, and those the day before yesterday. 前天我送给她的就是那些礼物。

I can’t thank you too much. 我无论怎样感谢你都不过份。

I am not unfaithful to you. 我对你无比忠诚。





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