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2024-03-13 20:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一个精彩的开场白往往能够引起观众的兴趣。那么,在进行英语新闻播报的时候应该怎么开场呢?下面是小编整理的关于英语新闻播报的开场白范例几篇,欢迎阅读参考。   播报新闻开场白一   hello everyone, i am today's news announcer xxx, today is xxxx x x x, the news that i bring today is 《xxxx》。   播报新闻开场白二   good morning,everyone.welcome to the xxxx on bbc.i'm xxx.first,let's look through the great news.   that's the lastest news update.staying for more on bbc.   播报新闻开场白三   audience friends! welcome to this news online special program. in may 12, 2008, the people of sichuan province the imprint is engraved on my heart. days in wenchuan county and its surrounding, a massive earthquake killed tens of thousands of lives. for a time, the land of the whole nation mourn, sorrow into the river. the earthquake can destroy our homes, but destroy the backbone of our nation does not collapse. the national people's solidarity, quickly started a our wills unite like a fortress., earthquake relief in the national fight. different people in the society in different ways to explain their love for the people in the disaster area......   播报新闻开场白四   dear students, it is a warm and beautiful day, xx campus radio station with the autumn wind and we met! first of all, we would like to listen to the broadcast of our teachers or students, all in this beautiful weather, there is a good mood to deal with the day's work and learning.   播报新闻开场白五   family affairs and the world are concerned about everything, let's take the time to express, through the time tunnel, understand the news, the focus on social drops, political and economic trends at home and abroad the latest and fastest, as in the morning news "through train".   播报新闻开场白六   good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls..   we’re so excited to welcome all the honoured guests . they’re………   thank you for join us .   your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence.   english is becoming more and more important in our daily life. in our school ,   all the teachers and students love english very much .today , we’ll show you our enthusiasm and interest for english . i hope you’ll enjoy it .   as you know , our life cannot be happy without lovely cartoons . now , let’s   begin the 12th english festival of our school with the lovely cartoons.   相关阅读   节目主持开场白+结束语   1.节目名称《新闻全接触 》   版头1: 建立国际化的时事板快,提供无微不至的专业服务, 量体定做合身的信息咨询, 我们的成功绽放在您的笑容你的笑容,就是我们的追求你的笑容,就是我们的安慰关注时事,聚焦热点每周一敬请关注时事空间,主持与您共同体会时事冷暖。   版头2:(1)盘点国际动态变化,纵观国内时事热点,引领体坛最新赛况; (2)真人,真情,真事,现场,现象,现实,一周要闻热点追踪,东西南北,精彩放送,《要闻天下》为您一网打尽!(3)网罗最新资讯,掌控动感地带,感受时代脉搏,聆听校园之声,拉上耳朵,提高警惕,一起吸收潮流资讯吧!   版头3 《新闻全接触》在远离市区的教育城,你想了解最新鲜最真实的国际国内时事吗?你想时刻掌握政坛时策?关注国内外,了解一切动态,尽在《新闻全接触》   版头4:“家事国事天下事事事关心”,让我们乘上时代的快车,穿越时空隧道,了解新闻动态,这里聚焦了社会的点点滴滴,最新最快的国内外政治经济动态,尽在每天下午的《新闻全接触》   结束语:熟悉的声音、熟悉的音乐、缓缓地流泻在正午时钟上,不知融入拥挤人流中的您,对我们的节目是否满意。   我们真诚的渴望您的支持,渴望与您心灵相通的时刻。   主持人感谢您的收听,我们下次再会。   节目定位:以新闻,资讯内容为主。   同时结合学校新闻动态,资讯量大,时效性强,以最简洁的语言传递最大信息量。   2.《娱乐无极限》   版头1: 跳动青春的旋律,闪动年华的音符,舞动梦想的节奏,晨曦、晚霞,我们释怀岁月流逝的踌躇,轻拥昨日青涩的泪水,求索的脚步,时尚的气息,青春的活力,千恣百态的幽幽校园生活,描绘你我心中的绚彩人生,透过岁月的年轮,我们回忆淡淡校园思绪,穿越时尚的前沿,我们追求娱乐新天地,青春的炫丽,斑瓓的岁月,我们将带给您《娱乐无极限》   版头2:这里是娱乐无极限,我们将为你提供最权威的流行资讯,最精彩的娱乐新闻,最炫的音乐、最酷的时尚、最high的报道、最in的流行,我的地盘,我做  心情,我选择,欢迎走进流行地带,跟我们一起娱乐一下。   版头3:亲爱的同学们,老师们晚上好!现在是娱乐无极限时间,结束了一天愉快的课堂生活,漫步在美丽校园林荫小道,如果耳边还能欣赏到优美的歌曲,悦耳的声音,会不会觉得分外惬意呢?我们今天 为大家准备了一份丰富的听觉大餐,先让我们上第一道菜吧,一首好听的歌曲《 》   节目设置: 第一单元:娱乐抢先报   播报国内外最新的娱乐动态,以说新闻的形式,让大家在轻松快乐的气氛下了解相关的娱乐资讯。   第二单元:先声夺人   介绍最新的音乐专辑,本单元开设互动环节,将定期邀请本校小有名气的学生歌手,走进直播间,放歌一曲,挑战歌星,我行我秀。   此外,本单元还将穿插校园笑话、爆笑短信等内容   第三单元:影视同期声   介绍最新的影视剧,主持人将用令人耳目一新的“说台词”形式,来介绍影视剧的精彩片断,并且面向校园征集原创影评。 本文来自 好问网(www.haowenwang.com),转载请保留网址和出处




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