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现在一英镑被划分成100份,1/100镑是一便士,单数penny(1 penny),复数pence(2 pence),生活中一般就用P代替(1P, 5P, 20P)。 1971年以前,一英镑是被划分为240份, 主要货币单位是镑(pound),便士和先令(shilling),所以传统的货币系统又叫做£sd(£=pound, s=shilling, d=penny),或者L.S.D。 £sd最小的货币单位仍然是便士,但是1 pound = 240 pence,换句话说,当年的便士的面值和今天是不同的。先令和镑,便士的换算方式是:1 pound (£1) = 20 shillings (20s),1 shilling (1s) = 12 pence (12d)。至于前面提到的2/6实际上是2先令6便士的另一种写法,而5先令整也可以写成5/-。如果再加上镑,比如2镑14先令5便士,可以写成£2 14s 5d,或者2/14/5,看上去有点像日期。

金币: 皇家玫瑰 Rose noble ,1皇家玫瑰=2英镑=40先令 。 Rose noble (ryal) = 10/- = £0.5, = 15/- = £0.75 from 1553, (1464–1470, 1487, 1553–1603); Rose ryal = 30/- = £1.5 (1604–1625); Spur ryal = 15/- = £0.75 (1604–1625) 君主Sovereign,1君主=1.5英镑=30先令。这以下似乎都是镑或镑的另一种说法。 Half sovereign = 10/- = £0.5 (1544–1553; 1603–1604; 1817–1937) Sovereign =20/- = £1 (1489–1604; 1817–1937) 几尼Guinea,最初是用几内亚的黄金铸造的,因此得名。又称畿尼。几尼。这个经常看到的。一几尼等于二十一先令,比英镑面值还大一点,是刻有乔治像的半克朗 Quarter guinea = 5/3 = £0.2625 (1718, 1762) Third guinea = 7/- = £0.35 (1797–1813) Half guinea = 10/6 = £0.525 (1669–1813) Guinea = 21/- = £1.05 (1663–1799, 1813) Two guineas / double guinea: originally = 40/- = £2, later = 42/- £2.1 (1664–1753) Five guineas: originally = 100/- = £5, later = 105/- = £5.25 (1668–1753)

银币: 英镑 Pound Sovereign,1英镑=20先令,最初一英镑等于一磅白银,因此得名,但是只是征税用的货币单位,因此没有具体货币。后来才铸造金币。Pound。Two pounds = 40/- = £2 (1823–1937)。 Five pounds = 100/- = £5 (1826–1990) 金币。一英镑硬币,2002年现时的英镑又叫“英镑”,一英镑等于100新便士(New Pence)。所有硬币正面皆为英国君主像,背面除铸有币值外,在不同行政区所铸的硬币铸有不同的图案。但不论硬币于那个行政区铸造,皆全国通用。英国纸币分为1镑(于1988年停止流通),5镑,10镑,20镑和50镑,所有币值的纸币正面皆印有英国君主像,编号及币值,不同币值的纸币,背面则印有不同的英国名人像。 半镑 Half Sovereign,等于0.5英镑或10先令 Half pound = 10/- = £0.5 (1559–1602; 1642–1644) 两克郎 Double Crown,等于0.5英镑或10先令,又名Angel。 Angel,也是中世纪货币。 Quarter angel = 2/- = £0.1 (1547–1600) 金币。 Half angel = 3/4 = £0.1667 later = 5/6 = £0.275 (1470–1619) Angel = 6/8 = £0.3333 (1461–1643) 克郎Crown ,1克郎=5先令。也是巨老一货币。 Half crown = 2/6 = £0.125 (1526–1969) Crown of the rose = 4/6 = £0.225 (1526–1551) Crown = 5/- = £0.25 (1526–1965) Double crown = 10/- = £0.5 (1604–1619; 1625–1662) 弗罗林Florin ,1弗罗林=2先令。这种货币分为两个系统,一个是中世纪florin,half florin, 和quarter florin,这三种是金币,原本还用于欧洲大陆的交易;另一个是后来的维多利亚florin和double florin。这两个系统的florin面值不同。不过中世纪那一套用了一年就没在用了,据说因为含金量不达标,欧洲的商人不收。 Quarter florin (helm) = 1/6 = £0.075 (1344) Florin (two shillings) = 2/- = £0.1 (1848–1970) Half florin (leopard) = 3/- = £0.15 (1344) Double florin =4/- = £0.2 (1887–1890) 银币。 Florin (double leopard) = 6/- = £0.3 (1344) 先令Shilling,1先令=20便士。先令(Shilling),符号(/-),是英国的旧辅币单位。先令是一种金币,起源非常早,可以追溯到罗马帝国时代的苏勒德斯币,便士(pence)是小额银币,在中世纪,它的名字第纳尔、德涅尔或许更为人熟知。英国最早使用先令。一英镑等于20先令。1971年英国货币改革时被废除。与之相关的硬币面值有: Shilling = 1/- = £0.05 (1502–1970) Two shillings = 2/- = £0.1] (1848–1970) Fifty shillings = 50/- = £2.5 (1656) 四便士Groat。1 groat = 4d,与之相关的硬币面值有: Half groat = 2d = £0.0083] (1351–1662) Groat = 4d = £0.0167 (silver 1279–1662, 1836–1862) 侏儒Dandyprat 等于2便士

铜币: 便士Penny,与之相关的硬币面值有: Halfpenny = 1/2 d = £0.0021 (1272–1969) One penny = 1d = £0.0042 (757–1970) Three halfpence = 1½d = £0.0063 (1561–1582, 1834–1870) Twopence = 2d = £0.0083 (silver 1668–current; copper 1797–1798) Threepence = 3d = £0.0125 (silver 1547–1945; nickel-brass 1937–1970) Sixpence = 6d = £0.025 (1547–1970) Gold penny = 1/8 [£0.0833] to 2/- [£0.1] (1257–1265) 纯金的。稀有。现如今很值钱。 半便士Hapenny,等于1/2便士。 1/4便士Farthing 。1 farthing = 0.25 penny,这个拼法的来源是英文“fourth part”,意为便士的四分之一。曾出现过的与之相关的硬币面值有: Quarter farthing = 1/16 d = £0.00026 (1839–1868) Third farthing = 1/12 d = £0.0003472 (1827–1913) Half farthing = 1/8 d = £0.00052083 (1828–1868) Farthing = 1/4 d = £0.00104167 (1200–1960) Three farthings = 3/4 d =£0.0031 (1561–1582)


【转】古老的英国货币制度2008-11-12 16:41http://autumnppg.blogbus.com/logs/19897758.html


现在一英镑被划分成100份,1/100镑是一便士,单数penny(1 penny),复数pence(2 pence),生活中一般就用P代替(1P, 5P, 20P)。1971年以前,一英镑是被划分为240份, 主要货币单位是镑(pound),便士和先令(shilling),所以传统的货币系统又叫做£sd(£=pound, s=shilling, d=penny),或者L.S.D。其中最小的货币单位仍然是便士,但是1 pound = 240 pence,换句话说,当年的便士的面值和今天是不同的。先令和镑,便士的换算方式是:1 pound (£1) = 20 shillings (20s),1 shilling (1s) = 12 pence (12d)。至于前面提到的2/6实际上是2先令6便士的另一种写法,而5先令整也可以写成5/-。如果再加上镑,比如2镑14先令5便士,可以写成£2 14s 5d,或者2/14/5,看上去有点像日期。


£sd是货币系统的主要组成部分,但是在谈到不同面值的硬币的时候还会冒出来一些奇怪的名称。 不过如果搞清了£sd的规则,把其他的也搞清就不是那么困难了。


Farthing。1 farthing = 0.25 penny,这个拼法的来源是英文“fourth part”,意为便士的四分之一。曾出现过的与之相关的硬币面值有:

    Quarter farthing = 1/16 d = £0.00026 (1839–1868)

    Third farthing = 1/12 d = £0.0003472 (1827–1913)

    Half farthing = 1/8 d = £0.00052083 (1828–1868)

    Farthing = 1/4 d = £0.00104167 (1200–1960)

    Three farthings = 3/4 d =£0.0031 (1561–1582)



    Halfpenny = 1/2 d = £0.0021 (1272–1969)

    One penny = 1d = £0.0042 (757–1970)

    Three halfpence = 1½d = £0.0063 (1561–1582, 1834–1870)

    Twopence = 2d = £0.0083 (silver 1668–current; copper 1797–1798)

    Threepence = 3d = £0.0125 (silver 1547–1945; nickel-brass 1937–1970)

    Sixpence = 6d = £0.025 (1547–1970)

    Gold penny = 1/8 [£0.0833] to 2/- [£0.1] (1257–1265) 纯金的。稀有。现如今很值钱。


Groat。1 groat = 4d,与之相关的硬币面值有:

    Half groat = 2d = £0.0083] (1351–1662)

    Groat = 4d = £0.0167 (silver 1279–1662, 1836–1862)



    Shilling = 1/- = £0.05 (1502–1970)

    Two shillings = 2/- = £0.1] (1848–1970)

    Fifty shillings = 50/- = £2.5 (1656)


Florin。这种货币分为两个系统,一个是中世纪florin,half florin, 和quarter florin,这三种是金币,原本还用于欧洲大陆的交易;另一个是后来的维多利亚florin和double florin。这两个系统的florin面值不同。不过中世纪那一套用了一年就没在用了,据说因为含金量不达标,欧洲的商人不收(囧)。

    Quarter florin (helm) = 1/6 = £0.075 (1344)

    Florin (two shillings) = 2/- = £0.1 (1848–1970)

    Half florin (leopard) = 3/- = £0.15 (1344)

    Double florin =4/- = £0.2 (1887–1890) 银币。

    Florin (double leopard) = 6/- = £0.3 (1344)



    Quarter noble = 1/8 = £0.0833 (1344–1470)

    Half noble = 3/4 = £0.1667, raised = 4/2 = £0.2083 (1464) 铸造于(1346-1438)

    Noble = 6/8 = £0.3333, raised = 8/4 = £0.4167 (1464), (1344–1464)

    Rose noble (ryal) = 10/- = £0.5, = 15/- = £0.75 from 1553, (1464–1470, 1487, 1553–1603);

    Rose ryal = 30/- = £1.5 (1604–1625);

    Spur ryal = 15/- = £0.75 (1604–1625)



    Quarter angel = 2/- = £0.1 (1547–1600) 金币。

    Half angel = 3/4 = £0.1667 later = 5/6 = £0.275 (1470–1619)

    Angel = 6/8 = £0.3333 (1461–1643)



    Half crown = 2/6 = £0.125 (1526–1969) 那时候一本企鹅小说就这个价。

    Crown of the rose = 4/6 = £0.225 (1526–1551)

    Crown = 5/- = £0.25 (1526–1965)

    Double crown = 10/- = £0.5 (1604–1619; 1625–1662)



    Quarter guinea = 5/3 = £0.2625 (1718, 1762)

    Third guinea = 7/- = £0.35 (1797–1813)

    Half guinea = 10/6 = £0.525 (1669–1813)

    Guinea = 21/- = £1.05 (1663–1799, 1813)

    Two guineas / double guinea: originally = 40/- = £2, later = 42/- £2.1 (1664–1753)

    Five guineas: originally = 100/- = £5, later = 105/- = £5.25 (1668–1753)



    Half mark = 6/8 = £0.333

    Mark = 13/4 = £0.667



    Half sovereign = 10/- = £0.5 (1544–1553; 1603–1604; 1817–1937)

    Sovereign =20/- = £1 (1489–1604; 1817–1937)



    Halfpound = 10/- = £0.5 (1559–1602; 1642–1644)

    Two pounds = 40/- = £2 (1823–1937)

    Five pounds = 100/- = £5 (1826–1990) 金币。



    Half laurel = 10/- = £0.5 (1619–1625)

    Laurel = 20/- = £1 (1619–1644)



    Half unite = 10/- = £0.5 (1642–1643)

    Unite = 20/- = £1 (1604–1619; 1649–1662)

    Triple unite = 60/- = £3 (1642–1644)



    Carolus = 20/- = £1, later = 23/- =1.15 (查理一世统治时期)

    Broad = 20/- = £1 (1656)







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