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2024-07-09 08:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Today's young adults (aged 18-34) seem to be bypassing phone calls altogether, with a quarter admitting they've never even answered one, according to The Metro.据英国《地铁报》报道,如今的年轻成年人(18-34岁)似乎已经完全摆脱了电话,四分之一的人表示他们甚至从未接过电话。

A recent survey reveals a clear shift in communication preferences. Texting reigns supreme, with over 70% of young adults favouring it. voice notes are also gaining traction, being preferred by nearly 40%. This trend seems linked to a general dislike of unexpected calls; more than half associate them with bad news.最近的一项调查显示,人们的通信偏好发生了明显的变化。70%以上的年轻人喜欢发信息。语音信息也越来越受青睐,有近40%的人喜欢发语音。这一趋势似乎与人们普遍不喜欢突如其来的电话有关;一半以上的人将电话与坏消息联系在一起。

Interestingly, this aversion to phone calls isn't shared by older demographics. Only 1% of those aged 35-54 prioritise texts over calls.有趣的是,这种对电话的讨厌并不为年长者所认同。在35-54岁的人群中,只有1%的人优先选择短信而不是电话。

The survey suggests a generational shift in communication styles. Phone calls, once a revolutionary tool for connection, are seemingly declining in favor of asynchronous methods like texting and voice notes.这项调查表明,沟通方式出现了代际差异。电话曾经是一种突破性的沟通工具,但现在似乎正逐渐式微,而越来越多的人选择短信和语音信息等非实时沟通方式。

As reported by The Metro, the younger demographic has played a notable role in the accumulation of 1.3 trillion online messages and 36 billion text messages exchanged in the UK from 2012 to 2022.据《地铁报》报道,从2012年到2022年,英国共积累了1.3万亿条线上信息和360亿条短信,年轻一代是主要贡献者。

A prevalent explanation for their reluctance to answer phone calls is the perceived pressure associated with them. More than half of them anticipate negative news when receiving unexpected calls.年轻人不愿意接听电话的一个普遍原因是,他们认为接听电话会带来压力。一半以上的人在接到意外电话时会预感到负面消息。

Younger individuals generally prefer scheduled phone conversations as the primary means of communication.年轻人通常更喜欢将提前约好的电话交谈作为主要的沟通方式。




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