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中国日报网 2021-08-02 13:36

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Dashing across the track like a bolt of red lightning, the 31-year-old burned himself out by clocking a personal best of 9.83 seconds - the fastest among all semifinalists and a new Asian record - to become the first Chinese to qualify for the men's 100m finals on Sunday.8月1日,31岁的苏炳添像一束红色的闪电一样飞速冲过跑道,拼尽全力达到了9秒83的个人最好成绩,以半决赛第一晋级决赛,同时创造了新的亚洲纪录。他是第一个冲进奥运会男子百米决赛的中国人。


这里的dash是动词,表示“快跑,猛冲”,比如:I must dash - I've got to be home by seven.(我得赶快跑了,7点之前必须到家)。这个例句中的dash也可以用sprint替换,用作名词的时候,dash和sprint都可以表示体育比赛中的“短跑”项目,比如:100-meter dash/sprint,苏炳添就是一名sprinter(短跑运动员)。此外,dash还有“猛烈拍打”的意思,比如:Waves dashed against the cliffs(波涛拍打着悬崖)。而短语dash one's hope表示“使某人的希望破灭”,比如:Saturday's 2–0 defeat dashed their hopes of reaching the final(上周六的比赛0比2告负,让他们进入决赛的希望泡汤了)。



In the final two hours later, Su crossed the finishing line sixth in 9.98 seconds. 在2小时之后的决赛中,苏炳添以9秒98的成绩名列第六。


"After the semifinals, my strength had dropped significantly, I just wanted to try my best in the final," said Su.半决赛后,我体能下降得非常厉害,决赛尽可能发挥出自己的水平就胜利了。

But Su set a "small" target to finish the final race within 10 seconds regardless of the ranking.我给自己定了目标,不管第几名,我的目标就是突破10秒。

"If I made it, it would mean I could run two consecutive races both within 10 seconds, that's big progress for myself," Su said of his plan on the final.如果能做到,这么短的时间内还能两度跑进10秒,对我来说是一个非常大的进步。




Expressing appreciation to the constant encouragement he received from fellow Olympian Liu Xiang, who made history to win the 110m hurdles at the 2004 Athens Games, Su said he hoped his achievement could inspire future Chinese athletes.苏炳添表示,2004年雅典奥运会男子110米栏冠军刘翔不断地鼓励和支持他,希望自己的成绩也能激励之后的中国选手。

"Liu Xiang was indeed an inspiration for Chinese athletics, we wouldn't even think of trying to make it to an Olympic final or win Olympic medals if not for him," said Su.刘翔是我们中国田径队的开路人。如果没有他的话,我们可能很多人没有想法——要站在奥运会的决赛场上,我们亚洲人也能够拿到奥运会冠军。

"I hope my performance today could serve as an inspiration for younger athletes in their sporting careers. When I was their age, my speed was no match for them. With the techniques and ideas we have, they could achieve much more than I do."希望我今天的成绩,也能激励更多的年轻运动员。我在他们的这个年龄,根本跑不出这样的成绩。我相信,把现在的技术、理念用到他们身上,肯定会事半功倍。




sprint 短跑

middle-distance race 中距离跑

long-distance race 长跑

marathon 马拉松

relay race 接力赛跑

hurdles 跨栏跑

the 400 meter hurdles 400米栏

the 110 meter hurdles 110米栏

walking 竞走

steeplechase 障碍赛

high jump 跳高

pole jump/pole vault 撑杆跳

long jump 跳远

triple jump 三级跳

shot put 推铅球

discus throwing 铁饼

hammer throwing 链球

javelin throwing 标枪

decathlon 十项全能(100米跑、跳远、铅球、跳高、400米跑,110米跨栏跑、铁饼、撑杆跳、标枪、1500米跑)

heptathlon 七项全能(100米跨栏跑、跳高、铅球、200米跑、跳远、标枪、800米跑)

triathlon 铁人三项:游泳(1500米);自行车(40公里);跑步(10公里)



(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)





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