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A->文此條目可参照英语版本的Aiden Pearce来扩充。注意事项[展开][折叠] 不要翻译不可靠或低质量的原文。请尽可使用原文的参考材料验证。 请勿直接提交机械翻译。 您必须列明来源以遵守版权规定,并提供指向翻译来源的跨语言链接。 还应该将模板添加{{Translated page}}到讨论页。 艾登·皮尔斯 AidenRender 1基本信息英文全称 Aiden Pearce化名 乔·史密斯 尼古拉斯·克里斯平(冒充)被称为 狡猾的狐狸 私法制裁者国籍(族裔) 美国、Flag of the United Kingdom北爱尔兰[註 1]角色 主角年龄 38(《看门狗》)现状 在世出生日期 1974年5月2日生于 北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特居住地 伊利诺伊州芝加哥出现位置登场游戏 《看门狗》客串登场 《看门狗2》首次出现 Mission WD18局下半最后出现 Mission WD1人不一定能定胜天最后提及 Bad Blood Remake icon WD1Mission WD1审判Mission Shadows WD2交易会面职位与特长从属关系 戴米安·布伦克斯[註 2]约尔迪·秦(之前为其收尾人)克菈菈·里爾(之前为其黑客)职位 灰帽黑客 私法製裁者 收尾人家庭关系父亲 他的父亲(姓名未知) 兄弟姐妹 妮琪·皮尔斯(妹)其他成员 傑克森(侄子)、麗娜(姪女)其他信息饰演人 诺姆·詹金斯 “ 我不知道戴米安在最後一刻想要什麼,死亡吧,我猜。我想我能為一個女孩的死而復仇,但取而代之的是這一切的到來--曝光的謊言、腐敗的統治者、一個殘破的城市。而我--一個洗心革面的人,我不再回顾以往,我不再後悔莫及,我会向前邁進。這一切都已經產生關聯,而我將利用它來揭秘、用來保護,而如果必要的話--用來制裁。 ” 原文[展开][折叠] I don't know what Damien wanted in those final moments. Death, I supposed. I thought I could fix a little girl's death, but instead it led to all of this - exposed lies, corrupted kings, a broken city. And me, a changed man. I don't look back anymore. I don't regret. I look forward. Everything is connected, and I'll use that to expose, to protect, and if necessary - to punish. https://watchdogs.fandom.com/zh/wiki/File:Quote_Aiden_article_1.flac ——艾登·皮尔斯(人不一定能定胜天任務結尾)

艾登·皮尔斯(Aiden Pearce),(也被媒体称为“私法制裁者”和“狡猾的狐狸”)是《看门狗》的主角。他是一名技术高超的电脑黑客,能访问芝加哥的ctOS,并且痴迷于监视、保护和控制。他所爱的人受过伤害是他成为私法制裁者的原因。他处于道德的“灰色地带”,既非善,亦非恶。 他于1974年5月2日出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特市,现籍美国。由于非法入侵、持有武器和盗窃罪,现被通缉。他曾经在库克(Cook)郡监狱服刑11个月。

艾登有着绿色的眼睛,棕色的中长头发(或浅色的头发)。 在任务披上外皮中拍摄入狱囚犯照片时,他的身高为6'2英寸(1.88 m)。艾登喜爱穿一件灰色长袖拉链领毛衣,通常不打褶, 他的衣服可以换成其他几件风格相似的夹克。在毛衣外面,艾登穿着一件棕色及膝的现代风衣。艾登身着深灰色的裤子和棕色的靴子。他的嗓音深沉而沙哑。

艾登在脖子上塞了一条保暖围巾,他可能会拉起围巾直到鼻梁以使围巾作为面罩遮住脸。 艾登还戴着深棕色的帽子,上面印有“ Nexus”徽标或狐狸头。

目录 1 生平(看门狗1) 1.1 背景 1.2 2012年 1.3 调查开始 1.4 “老朋友”重逢 1.5 监狱之行 1.6 威胁 1.7 新的基地 1.8 深入调查 1.9 寻找丁骨 1.10 恢复数据与挫败迪福特 1.11 家庭离别 1.12 杀死奎恩 1.13 最后 2 生平(其他作品) 2.1 《看门狗2》 3 能力 4 家庭成员 4.1 父親 5 其他 5.1 身份 6 图集 6.1 身份 7 注释 8 参考

生平(看门狗1) 背景

艾登于1974年5月2日出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,音频记录暗示他的母亲将他与他的妹妹妮琪带到了美国以逃避他们的父亲。艾登在一个艰苦的社区长大,自食其力。她妹妹从小就崇拜他,and was noted for his cars, hockey and his friends were described as 'gross'. 最终,艾登加入了犯罪团伙,学习了如何战斗和使用武器。在他的犯罪生涯中,艾登结识了一名黑客戴米安·布伦克斯,戴米安教会了艾登黑客技术,两人随后成为了搭档。












在旅馆稍作休息后,艾登前往妮琪家里参加杰克森的生日聚会。这次艾登与妮琪交流很愉快,但是妮琪接了一个奇怪的电话,艾登窃听了这通电话,发现有人在威胁妮琪, 艾登询问妮琪这通电话,但妮琪却告诉他他无法解决所有问题,并命令艾登离开。艾登随后追踪了电话信号,并跟踪了来电者,在跟踪过程中艾登接到了妮琪的电话,妮琪为她的失控道歉并要求艾登回来,艾登装作通讯不良然后挂掉了电话。最终艾登追上了目标,解决了目标后艾登侵入了他的手机,得知是有人唆使他这么做。艾登将这些信息交给了BadBoy17希望能够查出些什么。









艾登越狱后接到了戴米安的电话。由于艾登需要戴米安的情报,艾登不情愿的去了和戴米安电话里约定会面的地点,可没想到戴米安没有在场,他打电话给艾登,并入侵了那个地方的电视,电视里戴米安出现在妮琪的家中。艾登愤怒的前往妮琪的家,一见到戴米安艾登就攻击了他,这时艾登接到了电话,电话中是妮琪的喊声,艾登不得不放开戴米安。戴米安坦白自己绑架了妮琪,他目前还未抓到艾登的侄子杰克森,但是他的手下也已经开始行动了。戴米安声称艾登如果和他合作,他就会把人质放了,戴米安将一个硬盘交给了艾登,里面是戴米安的调查数据,之后戴米安就离开了。艾登追踪到了杰克森的位置并设法在敌人找到杰克森之前黑入了捷运列车使杰克森逃离,艾登解决掉敌人后在捷运列车上与杰克森碰面,艾登询问杰克森有关绑架的细节,杰克森在平板上写道Racine Boat Restoration,这是妮琪被绑架时屋子里的人说的。艾登把杰克森托付给杰克森的治疗师约兰达·门德兹并撒谎说妮琪需要一段时间恢复以此掩盖妮琪的失踪。艾登开始寻找妮琪,在入侵了(请求指明位置,疑似梅德麦尔)的ctOS控制中心后,Aiden breaks into the boat restoration facility in an effort to find its owner, Robert Racine. After hacking an office computer and the security cameras connected to it, Aiden overhears a phone conversation between Racine and Damien and discovers that, while Racine did kidnap Nicole, he doesn't know anything of use. Aiden then kills Racine and gets in a heated phone conversation with Damien, who refuses to let Aiden speak to Nicole.






After hacking the local CTOS center, Aiden ventures into the Black Viceroys' compound and shuts down all three security terminals in order to make infiltration easier. He also discovers that the Viceroys had rerouted all of the CTOS activity in the area, something made more suspicious by Blume's lack of action in repairing the damage. Aiden also concludes that Chicago was drastically underestimating the Viceroys as a simple street gang when in reality they were smart and organized (a charade unbeknownst to Aiden was intentional). After hacking the CTOS tower in the Viceroy compound, Aiden leaves the district. On his way to the Bunker, Aiden receives a call from Tobias who informs him of an arms trade being orchestrated by the police.

Upon his return to the Bunker, and after a brief discussion about teamwork with Clara, Aiden uses his CTOS access to look inside Rossi-Fremont's cameras to gain a deeper insight into their operations. He discovers that they utilize cross wiring and are heavily armed, confirming Aiden's earlier suspicion that the Viceroys are not a typical street gang. Eventually, Aiden observes Delford "Iraq" Wade emerge from a server room which requires a security card to enter, which is hidden in his dog tags. Aiden and Clara watch as Iraq meets with both his cousin, Tyrone "Bedbug" Hayes, whom he briefly threatens and a Chicago South Club member. The Club member puts Lucky Quinn on speaker. Quinn angrily questions Iraq over his stealing of Quinn's guest list, although Iraq dismisses it as a business collaboration. Once the call ends, a Viceroy explains to Iraq the meaning behind one of Quinn's phrases, angering Iraq, who proceeds to bash the Viceroy's skull in with the briefcase containing the guest list. Iraq then dismisses the henchmen and returns to his locked server room.

After witnessing these events, Aiden forms a plan to get inside the locked room. Theorizing that Bedbug is close to being eliminated due to incompetence, Aiden plans to blackmail Bedbug into sneaking into the locked room by getting evidence of him making his next mistake. Aiden also receives another call from Damien who allows him to speak to a significantly more calm Nicole after mocking him over his recent car chase, referencing his battle with the Fixers hunting Tobias.

Aiden arrives in Bedbug's neighborhood and begins to follow him as he makes contact with numerous associates. Slowly, Aiden begins to build up a cache of audio logs and videos proving that Bedbug is disloyal to Iraq. Eventually, Bedbug gets a call from his informant, Gary "Rabbit" Diggs. Aiden hacks a nearby surveillance camera and overhears the conversation between the two. Despite Rabbit trying to negotiate, telling Bedbug Iraq intends to kill him, Bedbug turns violent and pulls a gun on Rabbit. Aiden intervenes by causing a regulator to burst, interrupting the execution and giving Rabbit time to hide. Bedbug, suddenly enraged, orders the Viceroys in the vicinity to kill Rabbit on sight. Aiden, wanting to hear about the assassination plan, makes contact with Rabbit and offers to guide him to safety in return for information. Rabbit agrees and either escapes, giving Aiden information in the process or is seen and killed, meaning Aiden must hack his dropped phone to get the information. Either way, Aiden learns that an ambush has been set for Bedbug in the closed down Sienna Brick Factory, better known as "The Bricks". Aiden, seeing an opportunity, goes about setting up a trap for the hitmen so that it looks like Bedbug has murdered fierce criminals, which would lead to Iraq trusting him and gaining prestige in the Black Viceroys.

Aiden calls Jordi in order to procure some explosive IEDs and arranges to meet him along with "his boys". Aiden then meets Jordi and "his boys", in reality, two corpses Jordi wishes to dispose of, and, after testing the explosives, "the girls", on Jordi's truck, places several explosives around the site of the ambush. Using both the explosives and his own equipment, Aiden proceeds to kill all of the hitmen as well as their reinforcements. He then joins Bedbug's position in The Loop, where he exposes to him all the blackmail he collected on public screens. Aiden then informs Bedbug by phone that he is "gonna be [Aiden's] eyes and ears inside Rossi-Fremont". Bedbug tells him that the only way to approach Iraq is at an auction, where Iraq and Quinn will both be. Clara then tells Aiden that she can copy Iraq's key if he gets close enough.

Clara then localized the briefcase containing the guest list, which was spotted in Iraq's hands in Rossi-Fremont. Aiden tails the owner, finds it in an old Club-owned marina, and takes pictures of the list. He decides to assume the identity of Nicholas Crispin, an American friend of Quinn who moved to Europe 12 years prior, in order to safely approach Quinn. In order not to blow his cover, Aiden finds Crispin in a car dealership in Mad Mile (after hacking the district's local CTOS control center), hacks his cellphone, and kills him. He then goes to the Infinite 92 club where he meets "The Poppy Special", a sex slave intended to be Crispin's. Unaware of his identity, when he refused to harm her, she attacked him with a knife. Aiden managed to restrain her and showed that he had good intentions when he didn't raise the alarm. It was then that Poppy realized that he was an impostor. Aiden promised to help her. But as getting her out of the club would be risky, Aiden had Clara call the club, claiming to be his assistant requesting that Poppy be sent to the auction at the docks.

Aiden then attended the auction. Using Crispin's ticket, Aiden enters the auction, where he briefly meets Iraq. Aiden hacks Iraq's dog tags and sends the key to Clara. Lucky Quinn, however, was aware of Crispin's death and ordered his men to go after and kill Aiden on sight. Aiden, however, manages to escape the Viceroys' security guards and escape. On his way out, he calls the police and informs them about a shootout in Brandon Docks, at the auction, which would allow the police to raid the auction and rescue all of the women.

Once done, Aiden is contacted by Yolanda Mendez to inform him that Jackson disappeared. Aiden then receives messages from Jackson and finds out that he attempted to go out in search of his mother. Aiden manages to trace Jackson to a building in Mad Mile and goes to the Fixer-controlled area. Aiden eliminates all the Fixers and their reinforcement before meeting Jackson in the security room. Jackson is scared when Aiden approaches him - Aiden realizes that Jackson witnessed his uncle killing all of the Fixers. Aiden then takes Jackson back to Yolanda's house where Aiden tells him that making sure he is safe is what makes his uncle strong, Jackson comparing himself to a "healer" from the game "Glitch Wars". Yolanda then threatens Aiden with calling the police if she doesn't get news from Nicole soon.

Aiden then continues his job at Rossi-Fremont. He leaves a wire in a bin at a bar not far from the compound and calls Bedbug to tell him to pick it up. Sneaking into the building, Aiden enters a small room then hacks in the cameras to find Bedbug. Aiden guides Bedbug through the local security to the server room, which he opens using the key he hacked from Iraq at the auction. Bedbug starts downloading the data but starts panicking after hearing someone approaching, while he has only downloaded 23% of the data. Iraq and his bodyguard then enter the room and find Bedbug inside. Iraq threatens to throw Bedbug by the window, asking him why was he in the restricted part of the building. He, however, notices the bug from Aiden and orders his men to find Aiden. After Aiden evades the Viceroys' men, Bedbug calls him to tell him he is still alive and that Iraq mentioned a Rose Washington in the video. Convinced that Bedbug knew nothing, Iraq spared him. Aiden then agrees to cut him loose. He then calls Clara, who was looking at the partial download and discovers that Iraq has blackmail on the police and Blume, hence why no one has moved on Rossi-Fremont.

Upon his return to the Bunker, Clara tells Aiden that she is not able to decrypt Iraq's data. She then tells Aiden about Raymond Kenney, a former CTOS pioneer, who went missing after causing the 2003 North-Eastern blackout, which killed eleven people. She thinks that only he is able to decrypt the data. Aiden then called Damien to update him on his plans. However, Damien was against recruiting Kenney, knowing his reputation as a whistleblower, who would most likely release the blackmail to the public. Aiden noted that Damien sounded worried, and deduced that he wanted the blackmail.

Aiden went to The Wards, where Kenney's last signal came from. However, it turns out Fixers were looking for Kenney as well. Aiden eliminates the Fixers in the area before using a computer, allowing Clara to trace Kenney to Pawnee, and wipes the hard drive. Two Fixers aware of Kenney's whereabouts, however, escape in a fire truck. Aiden chases them and kills them, before heading to Pawnee to find Kenney.


As Aiden arrives at Pawnee, he must first hack into the local CTOS center. Having CTOS access in the area, he finds Kenney's signal coming from a computer in the local marina. Aiden uses it to track another signal from "Ray", which came from an abandoned CTOS station in the mountains. Aiden hacks the terminal and finds an audio log, which gives Ray's position to a bar in Pawnee. Aiden goes there and finds a man who goes by the name of "丁骨 Grady". When Aiden asks 丁骨 if he knows Kenney, he challenges him to a drinking game. As Aiden succeeds, 丁骨 punches him out of the bar. Aiden briefly handles him with his baton, but 丁骨, who turns out to be Raymond Kenney, paralyzes Aiden using his taser. Later, Aiden wakes up in Ray's safehouse. "Ray" warns Aiden that he is not able to help Aiden in Chicago as Blume programmed the CTOS to identify him. 丁骨 accepts to help Aiden if he sneaks into the Blume headquarters and wipes out all data about Kenney from their servers, using a virus 丁骨 programmed. 丁骨 then shows Aiden his safehouse, with armed robots that he crafted in case he was ever attacked. 丁骨 offers Aiden a deal: if Aiden gives him some favors, 丁骨 will help him. Aiden must first steal a truck containing hardware, that was taken from him by the local Pawnee Militia.

丁骨 then asks Aiden to tail a Blume helicopter that is heading towards a Blume compound, as Aiden needs the ID of a Blume security chief in order to break inside their headquarters. Aiden finds the two chiefs in a camping lot and copies their ID. He then proceeds to kill a few Militia men heading for the Blume HQ, in order to reduce the amount of security at the HQ. 丁骨 then tells him that he has created a virus that should wipe any file about Kenney on the database. Aiden then heads into the Blume HQ. He sneaks inside the area and uploads 丁骨's virus into the database. However, as he hacks into the database, he finds out that Blume's public relations VP Charlotte Gardner has a scheduled meeting with Damien Brenks. By hacking through cameras, Aiden manages to reach the room, where he witnesses Damien offering to exchange Kenney's whereabouts for total access to the CTOS. Feeling that Kenney is uncovered, Aiden escapes the compound and races to 丁骨's hideout, being assaulted by the Militia men. 丁骨 has then no other choice to blow up his hideout while being covered by Aiden. While protected by Aiden, 丁骨 arms the explosives and escapes the graveyard which is destroyed by the bombs (with 丁骨 recording "for [his] portfolio") before escaping towards the Bunker by boat.

丁骨, otherwise "the legendary Raymond Kenney", is at first skeptical because of Damien's deal, but finally agrees to help Aiden, after being convinced by Clara for good. Aiden then heads for his next stop, Rossi-Fremont, after requesting sniper support from Jordi. Aiden enters the building with Kenney's help to open the main door, wipes out any resistance, and hacks in Iraq's server. On his way out, he encounters Iraq in person. After a brief standoff, Iraq escapes on the rooftop, followed by Aiden. He ultimately kills him after killing his remaining security. Aiden escapes the compound and then heads back to the Bunker, to see what he managed to obtain from Iraq, after getting yet another call from Damien, to confirm he got the data.


然而,一旦他们获取到数据,就立即被另一名黑客JB Marcowicz,即迪福特所窃取。在黑客攻击期间,迪福特发送了一段音频文件,显示克菈菈是被一些未知的男人雇佣来追踪艾登和Damien的,这是在梅罗特饭店工作之后,他们想对他们进行报复。艾登要求知道是谁雇佣了她,但克菈菈否认有任何了解。这导致艾登将克菈菈推开,即使她试图道歉也没用。艾登被迫无法在Damien的会议上出现数据。艾登试图将Damien逼入困境,指出如果没有这些勒索,Blume很可能会派收尾人来追他。然后Damien允许艾登再次进行电话交谈。然而,相信他并未认真对待他,Damien在一个WKZ卡车里准备了一个Fixer,向所有大屏幕广播艾登的私发制裁者图像,有效地暴露了他的身份。逃脱警察后,艾登向丁骨发送了与Nicky通话的一段音频片段,可能暴露了她的位置。丁骨随后通知他,他找到了迪福特居住的公寓。然而,他们什么都没得到,只能逃脱迪福特派来的一波又一波收尾人。

丁骨随后想出了迪福特在点线面俱乐部,位于Ambrose Theater工作的情报。艾登进入夜总会并发现迪福特黑进了当地的分析者系统,以保护自己,知道艾登会来找他。在长时间的黑客过程之后,艾登最终接近了迪福特附近的一个摄像头。然而,迪福特注意到了他,并在夜总会引发了一场停电,让自己逃脱,而艾登则在后面追赶。在解决了由迪福特雇佣的收尾人分散注意力之后,艾登通过汽车追击迪福特,并在丁骨的帮助下,恢复了所有的数据,然后要么让迪福特逃走,要么杀死他/将他击倒。


丁骨 then informs Aiden that he got all of the data back and that he worked on the audio piece to find a name: Brent Ulster. Aiden goes to his place of work, a wastewater treating plant in Brandon Docks. He guides Nicky out of the Fixer-controlled plant and drives her (along with Jackson) out of town. Nicole, however, warns Aiden that Yolanda called the police, forcing Aiden to escape out of Chicago undetected. During the chase, Nicole ultimately learns that her brother was the Vigilante. After escaping the heat, Aiden and Nicky say their last goodbyes, before she leaves Chicago for good.


丁骨随后发送了一个音频片段,揭示了策划这次刺杀的人是芝加哥南区俱乐部的领袖幸运奎因(Lucky Quinn)。艾登前往奎因的酒店,梅罗特(Merlaut),"在那里他搞砸了自己的生活",而奎因则在那里组织了一场慈善活动。艾登躲过了安保人员,击败了俱乐部的刺客,抵达了奎因的办公室。当艾登向奎因的楼层前进时,两名警卫在他走出电梯时将其抓住。艾登透露,他是为了侄女莉娜寻求正义而来的,莉娜是因为奎因的缘故而被杀害的。奎因对此不屑一顾,想知道为什么对于这样一个 "小问题" 会引起如此大的轰动,然后让手下的人去结束艾登,而艾登则打败了他们,并与奎因雇佣的修理工激战到他的身边。

在此期间,奎因已经把自己封闭在他办公室的一个无法突破的恐慌室里。当艾登发现恐慌室并面对奎因时,他在一块防弹玻璃后面嘲笑艾登,告诉他放弃,过好自己的生活。然而,这块玻璃无法保护他免受艾登的攻击,艾登通过黑客攻击让奎因心脏病发作。奎因痛苦地倒下,意识到艾登不知道他被标记的原因。承认这是一个错误后,他向艾登展示了市长唐纳万·拉什莫尔(Donovan Rushmore)谋杀罗斯·华盛顿(Rose Washington)的录像,并透露他下令刺杀的原因是因为他认为艾登在寻找它,而艾登和达米安只是为了钱而在那里,而实际上是伊拉克试图获取录像。奎因跪倒在地,承诺即使他死了,人们也会为他立起一尊雕像,而艾登则会默默无闻。

然而,艾登提醒他,他是义务警员,是像奎因这样的 "败类" 的清道夫。艾登最后使用了一个黑客攻击,关闭了心脏起搏器,杀死了奎因,而奎因则提出 "可以做任何交易 [他] 想要的"。艾登逃离了离开酒店后的警察追捕。在他离开的途中,达米安打电话给艾登,并告诉他克拉拉试图用自己换取尼可尔,不知道她之前已经被解救了。艾登意识到奎因打算将她消灭掉(可被黑客监听的对话暗示达米安指控了克拉拉给俱乐部),并前往墓地,那里克拉拉正在参观莉娜的坟墓并给她献花。就在那时,芝加哥南区俱乐部的刺客们在墓地找到了她。

得到丁骨的警告后,艾登冲向她,但太迟了,没能及时救她免于被枪杀。在处理了刺客之后,艾登给了克拉拉一会儿的沉默,把她的花放在了莉娜的坟墓上,然后拿走了她的手机。他听了克拉拉最后一条给他的语音留言。在留言中,她谈到了第一次看到艾登和杰克逊在公园里下棋,莉娜的葬礼后;并解释了她帮助他 "从莉娜的死亡中痊愈" 的原因。留言以克拉拉说如果 "这一切结束时" 他们无法交谈,她可以 "至少消失。这是 [她] 擅长的。"


当艾登进入地下掩体时,他遇到了正在收拾行李的丁骨,因为黑客维修者将要来找他。他随后表示他不知道罗斯的死讯。猜到艾登打算公开分发伊拉克的所有勒索材料,丁骨决定离开芝加哥以逃避后果。在上传勒索材料到公众后,艾登离开了掩体,这让达米安感到愤怒。达米安随后透露,他已经控制了整个CTOS,他利用这一点在整个城市制造混乱,认为每个人都应该像他一样受苦。在逃避警方和达米安的CTOS黑客后,艾登打电话给丁骨告诉他情况,丁骨告诉他可以尝试黑进CTOS的主源来获取网络访问权并关闭它。艾登尝试黑进CTOS但无法通过防火墙。丁骨告诉他有一种方法可以禁用防火墙:芝加哥各处都有三个CTOS的弱点,他必须上传一个丁骨创建的病毒来禁用防火墙。在艾登这样做后,他回到了CTOS控制面板。在黑进之前,艾登收到了DedSec的消息,他们提议在黑进之前等待30秒。DedSec承诺他们 "将成为看门狗"。然而,艾登拒绝了,DedSec警告说他们不会忘记这一点。艾登黑进CTOS以进入卫星。艾登随后禁用了CTOS,触发了全市范围的停电,并给了他达米安的位置,城市东部的一个灯塔。


然后出现了演职员表,其中包括各种WKZ电视广播,通知拉什莫尔被发现死亡(尽管不清楚他是否自杀,还是在公布了梅罗特的视频后被处决),导致夏洛特·加德纳暂时成为市长;幸运奎因的助手约瑟夫·德马科(Joseph DeMarco)因人口贩卖罪被逮捕(在艾登进行贩卖调查期间幸存了一次暗杀企图)并被判有罪;以及门德斯(Mendez)正在撰写一本关于义务警员的书。


生平(其他作品) 《看门狗2》 我刚跟艾登·皮尔斯组队合作了。 —马可仕(对Decsec,完成不祥征兆任务之后)[视频材料 1]






此外,凭借CtOS的权限,他可以操纵近乎整座城市的电力设备。例如艾登可以骇入摄像头进行观察,也可以骇入变电器使其爆炸同时造成区域停电。 艾登个人的骇客能力亦达到了出神入化的地步,与戴米安最終對決時,他繞過了由戴米安親自加密的防火牆(解密時間僅有2.5秒),目睹此過程的DedSec芝加哥分部成員驚呼:「我一定是看錯了,不可能有這樣的駭入方法!」

家庭成员 父親



其他 艾登其实在看门狗设计之初并不是看门狗的主角,直到育碧2009年决定将看门狗作为全新的独立IP,艾登才被设计出来作为看门狗的主角。 育碧官方基本没有公布艾登原画稿的原因也在于此。 目前能找到的看门狗早期设定图中“主角”并不是艾登的脸,而是车神系列主角Tanner的脸,这与看门狗的由来有关。(关于这点官方仍未承认) 《看门狗2》中有一个拯救艾登的支线任务,艾登在该任务中登场,但是玩家只能通过摄像头观察艾登。 艾登皮尔斯在看门狗:军团DLC“血系”中登场,为可玩角色。 艾登本人在一代DLC血恨交织中未登场,仅仅作为丁骨.格雷迪的通话对象登场。 尽管艾登是右撇子,他仍可以一手持单手武器一手持透析器。 艾登面罩上破碎的“Z”是游戏最初的开发者工作室名称Nexus的标志。此外,“Nexus”也是艾登私人汽车的车牌(拼写为“N3X U5”),他最终把这辆车交给了妹妹和侄子,让他们离开芝加哥。 艾登在古爱尔兰语中的意思是“火行者”(Fire Walker)。 艾登类似于《分裂细胞》系列(又译为《细胞分裂》)中的主角山姆·费舍尔,他们都拥有很高的黑客技术,而且都精通潜行。 他还与漫威的《惩罚者》有一些相似之处,两者都失去了一个家庭成员(然而,普涅舍却失去了整个家庭),都为了他们的死亡复仇。艾登甚至在游戏结束时通过在旁白中提到“惩罚”来间接提及2004年惩罚者电影。但是,艾登远非惩罚者,因为他让小偷和罪犯存活,而惩罚者则将他们杀死。 艾登没有ctOS记录的合法工作,他似乎依赖黑入别人银行账户盗取钱财和做一些收尾人的活来维持生活。 在游戏结束时,只要声望值较低,玩家就可以观看WKZ新闻的视频,内容是采访杰克森的治疗师约兰达·门德兹,她对自己写的关于艾登的书发表了评论,并探讨了艾登的思想和个性。 实际上,门德兹在游戏中只见过艾登几次。在莉娜去世和游戏主要故事开始之间,她不可能与艾登有很多接触,因为艾登是在杰克森的生日会上知道她的。 艾登有时会被芝加哥市民称为“狡猾的狐狸”,因为他的帽子上有一个狐狸头,他的风衣和毛衣的颜色类似于灰狐狸的毛。 除伊拉克,德莫特·奎因和戴米安·布伦克斯这三个角色外,所有被视为艾登目标的角色都可以选择被击倒(非致命)或杀死(致命)。 如果玩家穿着特定的服装,艾登的发型可能会发生变化(例如,《赛博朋克服装》为艾登提供了更短的发型)。 故事情节中有三次会看到艾登穿着没有常规的私法制裁者装扮:两次回忆(一次在莉娜去世的波尼隧道,另一次在公墓),以及在任务披上外皮期间。 身份 (一代)游戏中玩家用摄像头分析艾登时会显示错误,并打上一层马赛克,不过有些情况例外 在老大哥任务中,用妮琪家中的摄像头观察艾登会扫描出 艾登·皮尔斯 查无记录 年龄:39 职业:查无记录 在任务披上外皮中(在过场动画中玩家能够看到艾登修改了自己的资料) 乔伊·史密斯 (存疑?) 收入:$17,500 职业:泳池清洁工 年龄:42 在任务望入深渊和险棋期间伪装为尼古拉斯·克里斯平时 尼古拉斯·克里斯平 拍卖会VIP嘉宾 上次到美国:12年前 职业:国际贸易 收入:$3,050,000 在任务期待只会受伤害中 普特斯,安迪·李 自耕农 年龄:40 职业:堆肥专家 收入:$48,200 在任务众目睽睽之下和人不一定能胜天中 艾登·皮尔斯 通缉中的逃犯 年龄:39 职业:待业中 当艾登试图在点联系(存疑)寻找第福特时 第福特专属婊子 (存疑) 继续哭吧 年龄:39 你疯了兄弟 图集 Broken image file warning此处存在无法正常显示的图片。此问题原因通常是图片文件不存在或链接源代码错误,也可能是援引其他语言版本或社区中心等跨维基文件未正确共享至本地。编者可尝试修正文件名、图片链接语法或上传缺失图片。未带面具的艾登·皮尔斯未带面具的艾登·皮尔斯WatchDogsHoodSlideWatchDogs1Watch Dogs Main Character Info.pngWatchDogsMainCharacterWatch-dogs-game-demo-video.jpgPearce.jpgSs vigilante takedownAiden1.pngWatch-Dogs-Aiden-Pearce.jpg 身份 在拍卖会的透析信息 (冒充克里斯平)在拍卖会的透析信息(冒充克里斯平)被第福特篡改了的透析信息 (在第福特的處境任務)被第福特篡改了的透析信息(在第福特的處境任務)

注释 ↑ 1973年英国废除北爱尔兰地方政府,实行直接管治之后,英国国旗是北爱尔兰唯一有官方地位的旗。1999年英国恢复北爱尔兰议会和政府,但未无重新启用任何代表北爱尔兰的旗帜。 ↑ 先前为伙伴,后来变为敌人 参考 ↑ 八局下半 ↑ https://www.google.com.hk/search?sca_esv=85d58da520b30782&q=%E8%89%BE%E7%99%BB%E7%9A%AE%E5%B0%94%E6%96%AF%E7%9C%8B%E9%97%A8%E7%8B%972&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCrbXficCEAxWVT2wGHTAiABwQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=1707&bih=791&dpr=1.5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:bcd8f3a6,vid:jvNmJT2HbCk,st:0 查 ▪ 論 ▪ 編《看门狗》中的角色和团体主角 艾登·皮尔斯主要配角 约尔迪·秦 ● 克菈菈·里爾 ● 戴米安·布伦克斯 ● 莫里斯·维加 ● 傑克森-皮爾斯 ● 妮琪·皮爾斯其他配角 德莫特·奎恩(“幸运奎恩”) ● “伊拉克” ● 德莫特·奎恩 ● 托比亞斯·弗魯爾 ● 雷蒙·肯尼 ● 蒂龙·海因斯 ● 尼古拉斯·克里斯平 ● 第福特 ● 迪恩·唐娜 ● 约瑟夫·德马科 ● 尼尔·科拉多 ● 蘿絲·華盛頓[*] ● 唐納萬·拉什莫爾[*] ● 夏綠蒂·加德納 ● 約蘭達·門德茲 ● 杜桑·尼米克[*]机构/团体 芝加哥警局 ● 布鲁姆 ● 收尾人 ● 芝加哥南方社团 ● 凡斯罗伊帮 ● 波尼民兵 ● 芝加哥消防局 ● DedSec[*] ● 乌梅尼公司[*] ● 提迪斯[*] 註釋:* 这些角色被提及或展示但未真正出现。 查 ▪ 論 ▪ 編《血恨交织》中的角色和团体主角 雷蒙·肯尼(“丁骨”)配角 托比亚斯·弗雷尔 ▪ 希拉·比林斯 ▪ 亚历克斯·贾沃斯基 ▪ 杰克·凡利 ▪ 第福特 ▪ “伊拉克”[*] ▪ 艾登·皮尔斯[*] ▪ 第福特的兄弟[*]团体 芝加哥警局 ▪ 收尾人 ▪ 凡斯罗伊帮 ▪ 波尼民兵 註釋:* 这些角色被提及但未出现。




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