
您所在的位置:网站首页 艾尔迪亚人做了什么 艾尔迪亚人和马莱人原型?谏山创最新访谈


2024-06-14 20:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Q:在时间跳跃和引入马莱之后,艾伦从聚光灯下消失了一段时间。你在故事的那个节点上将艾伦从叙事中移除的意图是什么? A(谏山创):实际上这是我作为一个讲故事的人一直想做的事。首先,我们没有关于熟悉的角色的任何信息,将视角切换到敌人那边——或者我们认为是敌人的一方——并开始从他们的角度去探索。然后就在我们开始熟悉并产生同情他们的看法的时候,我们引入了主角团作为他们的敌人。我对它的感受以及观众对它的感受是我无法控制的,但这一直都是我想做以及打算做的事。

Q:如果艾伦没有加入调查兵团的话,你认为他会怎么做?如果他多年前没有成功使用出被(基斯教官)动过手脚的立体机动装置,他会采取怎样的行动? A(谏山创):我认为艾伦的生活会过的很糟糕。老实说,他的生活会很不充实。在帕拉迪岛内部,他可能会继续受到压迫,甚至可能就这样过世,而他对此无能为力。或者他可能在不知道他的末日即将到来的情况下活着。他可能仅仅只是继续过着13年的期限。

Q:进击的巨人的世界如此广阔,但您认为角色们是使用什么语言进行交流的呢? A(谏山创):我认为他们会使用被认为是世界通用语言的语言进行交流。你知道的,在现实生活中英语是一个很好的类比。但这与压迫po殖min的历史有关。最强大的语言将成为那个世界的通用语言。

Q:在第5卷开头的支线故事"伊尔泽的笔记"中,伊尔泽遇到的无垢巨人能够说话,这对大多数无垢巨人并不常见。正因如此,那个无垢巨人是拥有王室血脉,还是有什么其它的特别之处呢 A(谏山创):当我收到这个问题时,我想"那将是一个好的情节",事后。"这是个好主意"。 Q;那么,我们将来会知道吗 A(谏山创):所以,在一开始,我只是开始构思更多关于巨人的想法。有正常的巨人,也有不正常的巨人。我认为正常的巨人都是被程序化的,然后其中一些会包含一个"小故障",几乎就像工厂里有缺陷的产品一样。这就是我在写这个故事时对那个巨人的想法。

Q:在您结束这个系列时,您希望可以改进故事的哪些方面? A(谏山创):所以,事实上有很多。每当我回顾自己写的故事时,我都有很多东西希望自己能写的不一样。但几乎很难确切说出那是什么。每次我回顾我的故事时,我总是在想,你知道的——悔恨和遗憾是我回顾自己的故事时的感受。

Q:自第一卷以来,您个人有什么变化呢 A(谏山创):当我开始画漫画的时候,我与他人的交流很困难。这也是我写这个故事的动力之一。但是现在,我变老了,也许是更成熟了......我已经和那个时候不一样了。

Q:你是否预见到会有进一步的衍生作品,或者你觉得你已经把《进击的巨人》的故事讲得差不多了 A(谏山创):我现在没有计划。

Q:我们是否可以期待更多的角色背景故事,例如韩吉的初始队员和利威尔班? A(谏山创):关于利威尔的话,我其实有一些想法,但与此同时,我不知道我是否能写出来。 Q:我能问问您这是什么意思吗? A(谏山创):比方说,我在脑海里想象过有关利威尔的故事会是什么样子,但与此同时,我能不能产出它又是另外一回事了,因为画漫画对于我来说真是一项艰巨的任务。

Q:在《进击的巨人》这个故事中,有没有什么原因让你偏离了任何直接地恋爱主题。 A(谏山创):第一,写角色之间的爱情故事对于我来说很尴尬。另一个原因是,如果我继续深入这种切线故事,那么我们可能会失去对故事主要情节的关注。所以我并没有动力往那个方向发展。

Q:您是恐怖电影的粉丝,例如《神秘追随》和《遗传厄运》,我们可以期待您将来出版恐怖故事吗? A(谏山创):作为漫画?也许我不会进入恐怖领域。然而,我很喜欢电影本身。也许就像一部故事片。这是可能的。但是,我并不想导演电影或任何其他东西。更像是每当我看这些电影时,我都会对自己说"我可以让这些故事更恐怖"。

Q:您是有名的权游粉,您如何看待新系列《龙之屋》的?有最喜欢的角色吗? A(谏山创):我看了整个第一季,真的很享受。即使与最初的《权力的游戏》第一季相比,它也做得很好。我喜欢伊蒙德·坦格利安。作为一个演员,我觉得那个角色的脸很好看。 Q:大结局呢!? A(谏山创):我和我妻子一起看的,她对血场面不太感兴趣,所以(一有血场面)她脸就转过去了。然后她就问我"哦,发生了啥事?(我说)"哦,你没看?"来,让我把进度条给你倒回去!”她真的对我很生气。

Q:最后,在创作《进击的巨人》时,你在多大程度上借鉴了历史事件,它对你的创作有什么影响? A(谏山创):我认为只要掺杂一丝事实,故事的可信度就会大大增加。所以当我想到世界观的设计时,例如,世界地图,我把它从现实世界的地图中翻转过来,变成类似的东西,但又不同。人们能够在不需要解释一切的情况下就能理解上下文。例如,艾尔迪亚人和马莱人。他们真的有点类似于2000年前日耳曼人和罗马人所经历的。这是我写故事时的潜规则。


After the time skip and the introduction of Marley, Eren disappears from the spotlight for some time. What was your intention in removing Eren from the narrative at that point in the story?


lsayama: It's actually something. l've always wanted to do as a storyteller. First, we have no information about the characters that we've familiarized ourselves with and switch the perspective to the enemy's side - or who we thought was an enemy – and start to explore their perspective as well. And then just around the time we start to familiarize ourselves and sympathize with their point of view, we introduce the main characters as their enemies. How I would feel about it and how the audience would be feeling about it was kind of beyond my control, but it was always something that l wanted to do and intended to do.


What do you imagine Eren would have done if he never joined the Survey Corps ?  If he never would have succeeded with the tampered ODM gear all those years ago. What kind of actions would he take?


lsayama: I think Eren would have had a rotten life. He would have an unfulfilling life, to be honest. And being inside of Paradis, he probably would have continued to be oppressed and possibly just extinct without anything he could do about it. Or he might have lived without knowing that his end was coming soon. He might have just continued to live the 13 years time limit.


The Attack on Titan world is so vast but what language do you imagine the characters communicate in?


lsayama: l think they would be speaking in what would be considered a universal language in the world. You know, a good comparison in real life would be English, but it has to do with the history of oppression and colonization. The strongest language would become the universal language in that world.


At the beginning of Volume 5 in the side story "llse's Notebook, "the titan llse encounters is able to speak, which is uncommon for most titans. Because of that, did that titan have royal blood or what was special about it?


lsayama: When I received that question, I thought, ‘That would have been a great plot,' after the matter. It's a great idea.


So, will we find out in the future?


lsayama: So, in the beginning, I was just starting to develop more the idea of titans. There are normal titans, and there are abnormal titans. l considered normal titans to be kind of like programmed beings and then some of them would contain a 'glitch' almost like a defective item from a factory. That's as far as l thought about that titan when l was writing the story.


As you concluded the series, are there any aspects of the story you wish you could have changed?


lsayama: So, I have a lot actually. Whenever l look back at the story that l wrote, l have so many things that l wish that l could have done differently. It's almost hard to name exactly what that was. Every time l look back on my stories, I'm always thinking about you know-remorse and regret is what I feel from looking back on my own stories.


How have you personally changed since volume 1?


lsayama:  I had a great deal of trouble communicating with other people when l started writing the manga. And that was actually one of the drives of writing this story. But now, I have become older and maybe more mature...l have become quite different from that time.


Do you foresee any further spinoffs or do you feel you've told as much of the Attack on Titan story as you could?


lsayama: l have no plans right now.


Can we expect additional backstories for characters such as Hange and the original members of Squad Levi?


lsayama: Regarding Levi, l actually have something in my mind, but at the same time, l don't know if l will be able to write that or not.


Can I ask what you mean by that?


lsayama: For example, l have imagined what the story of Levi would be in my mind, but at the same time, whether l am able to output it, that's a whole other story because writing a manga is a really difficult task for me.


Was there a reason you strayed from any direct romance themes within the Attack on Titan story?


lsayama: Number one, it was embarrassing to me to write stories about love between characters. The other reason is that if l continued to go into those kinds of tangent stories, we might lose focus on the immediate main plot of the story. So l wasn't really motivated to go in that direction.


You are a fan of horror movies like It Follows and Hereditary. Could we possibly expect a horror story to be published by you in the future?


lsayama: As a manga? Maybe l wouldn't go into the realm of horror. However, I do enjoy the films themselves. Maybe as like a feature film. And that's a maybe. However, it's not like I would want to direct the film or anything. It's more like whenever I'm watching these films l think to myself, "I can make these stories scarier."


You are a notable Game of Thrones fan. What did you think of the new House of the Dragon series? Do you have a favorite character?


lsayama: I watched all of the first season and really enjoyed it. Even compared to the first season of the original Game of Thrones, it was well done. l like Aemond Targaryan. l think that character's face looks really good, as an actor.


And the finale!?


lsayama: l was watching it with my wife and she's not really about the gore scenes, so she was looking away. And so she asked 'Oh, what happened? [l said] 'Oh, you didn't watch it? Here, let me rewind it for you!'. She got really mad at me.


Then finally, to what extent did you draw from historical events when writing Attack on Titan and how did it influence you as a creator?


lsayama: l think where there's a hint of truth, it makes a story very believable. So when I came up with the design of the world view—for example, the world view map kind of flipped it from the real-life world map to something similar, but different. People would be able to understand the context without explaining everything. For example, the Eldian and Marleyans. They're really kind of similar to what the Germanic people and Romans went through 2,000 years ago. That's kind of the unsaid rules thatl keep in my stories.




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