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中国日报网 2021-12-01 10:00

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中国女航天员首次出舱 the first extravehicular activities (EVAs) in Chinese space history involving a female taikonaut



The event was the third extravehicular mission conducted during the construction of the country's space station and the first by the Shenzhou XIII crew. It also marks the first extravehicular activities (EVAs) in Chinese space history involving a female taikonaut.



北京时间11月7日晚18时51分,航天员翟志刚成功开启天和核心舱节点舱出舱舱门(open the hatch of Tianhe's node cabin),截至20时28分,翟志刚和航天员王亚平身着我国新一代“飞天”舱外航天服(don China-developed new-generation Feitian spacesuits),先后从天和核心舱节点舱成功出舱(be out of China's space station core module Tianhe to start EVAs),中国首位出舱航天员翟志刚时隔13年后再次进行出舱活动(this is the second time Zhai has performed EVAs, having completed China's first spacewalk 13 years ago);王亚平成为中国首位进行出舱活动的女航天员,迈出了中国女性舱外太空行走第一步(Wang's EVAs make her the country's first female astronaut to leave footprints in outer space)。北京时间11月8日1时16分,经过约6.5小时的出舱活动(after 6.5 hours of extravehicular activities),神舟十三号航天员乘组密切协同,圆满完成出舱活动全部既定任务,航天员翟志刚、王亚平安全返回天和核心舱(return to the core module),出舱活动取得圆满成功。


航天员出舱活动期间,天地间大力协同、舱内外密切配合,先后完成了机械臂悬挂装置与转接件安装(mount new components on the station's robotic arm)、舱外典型动作测试等任务,全过程顺利圆满,进一步检验了我国新一代舱外航天服的功能性能(further test the functions of the China-developed new-generation extravehicular spacesuits),检验了航天员与机械臂协同工作的能力(the coordination between the taikonauts and the mechanical arm)及出舱活动相关支持设备的可靠性与安全性(the reliability and safety of supporting equipment related to the EVAs)。


神舟十三号载人飞船于10月16日成功发射,顺利将翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富3名航天员送入太空。神舟十三号乘组将在轨驻留6个月,预计要进行2-3次的出舱行走任务。神舟十三号载人飞行任务是空间站关键技术验证阶段第六次飞行任务,也是该阶段最后一次飞行任务(Shenzhou XIII will be the last mission in the technological verification phase of the Tiangong space station program)。


碳减排支持工具 carbon-reduction supporting tool


The People's Bank of China will provide low-cost loans for financial institutions through the carbon-reduction supporting tool, and will guide those institutions, on the premise of independent decision-making and risk-taking, to provide loans to firms in key carbon-reduction fields. The loan interest rates provided by the financial institutions should be basically in line with the benchmark lending rates, or the loan prime rates.



中国人民银行有关负责人介绍,创设推出碳减排支持工具这一结构性货币政策工具,以稳步有序、精准直达方式,支持清洁能源、节能环保、碳减排技术等重点领域的发展(the creation and launch of such a structural monetary policy tool will support the development of key fields, such as clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, in a steady, orderly, targeted and direct manner),并撬动更多社会资金促进碳减排。


据介绍,碳减排支持工具发放对象暂定为全国性金融机构,人民银行通过“先贷后借”的直达机制(adopt "the system for direct funds"),对金融机构向碳减排重点领域内相关企业发放的符合条件的碳减排贷款,按贷款本金的60%提供资金支持,利率为1.75%(provide 60 percent of the loan principal made by financial institutions for carbon-emission cuts, with a one-year lending rate of 1.75 percent)。


人民银行有关负责人表示,为保障碳减排支持工具的精准性和直达性,人民银行要求金融机构公开披露发放碳减排贷款的情况以及贷款带动的碳减排数量等信息(the central bank also requires those financial institutions to publicly disclose information on the carbon-reduction loans and the emission cuts financed by such loans),并由第三方专业机构对这些信息进行核实验证(third-party professional institutions will verify such information),接受社会公众监督。


人民银行表示,碳减排支持工具的推出将发挥政策示范效应,引导金融机构和企业更充分地认识绿色转型的重要意义,鼓励社会资金更多投向绿色低碳领域(more social funds could also be mobilized to promote carbon-emission cuts),向企业和公众倡导绿色生产生活方式、循环经济等理念,助力实现碳达峰、碳中和目标。


地下水管理 groundwater management


The new regulation, which will take effect on Dec 1, has set out specific rules for groundwater in the areas of survey and planning, conservation and protection, over-exploitation treatment, pollution control, and supervision and management.



根据《条例》,县级以上人民政府应当组织水行政、自然资源、生态环境等主管部门开展地下水状况调查评价工作(conduct survey and evaluations on groundwater conditions),根据地下水状况调查评价成果,统筹考虑经济社会发展需要、地下水资源状况、污染防治等因素,编制本级地下水保护利用和污染防治等规划(make underground protection and pollution control arrangements)。


实行地下水取水总量控制和水位控制制度(the total amount of groundwater extracted as well as groundwater levels will be placed under control)。明确用水过程的节约用水要求,强化用经济手段调控地下水节约和保护,明确地下水水资源税费的征收原则。除特殊情形外,禁止开采难以更新的地下水(except under special circumstances, groundwater that is not replenished easily should not be exploited)。


规范地下水禁止开采区、限制开采区的划定(the designation of areas where the exploitation of groundwater is prohibited or restricted should be standardized)。除特殊情形外,在禁止开采区内禁止取用地下水,在限制开采区内禁止新增取用地下水并逐步削减地下水取水量。要求各省、自治区、直辖市编制本行政区域地下水超采综合治理方案(make plans for local groundwater over-exploitation treatment),明确治理目标、治理措施、保障措施等内容。


建立地下水污染防治重点区划定制度。强化对污染地下水行为的管控(strengthen the control of activities polluting groundwater),禁止以逃避监管的方式排放水污染物,禁止利用无防渗漏措施的沟渠、坑塘等输送或者贮存含有毒污染物的废水等行为。细化防止生产建设活动污染地下水的制度。细化防止土壤污染导致地下水污染的制度(refine the rules that prevent groundwater pollution caused by soil pollution, production and construction activities)。


技工院校毕业生 graduates from technical schools


In the 2021-2025 period, China plans to keep the number of students at technical schools above 3.6 million and the employment rate for graduates above 97 percent, said the plan. By 2025, China expects to have provided over 20 million vocational training sessions to enterprise employees and key employment groups, as well as training more than 2 million highly-skilled personnel.



《规划》明确,“十四五”期间,我国将持续提升技工院校毕业生待遇,推动落实毕业生享受就业创业、参军入伍等相关政策(works will be done to allow technical school graduates to enjoy relevant policies on employment, entrepreneurship and army recruitment),中级工班、高级工班、预备技师(技师)班毕业生分别按照中专、大专、本科学历落实职称评审(the granting of professional titles)、事业单位公开招聘(employment in public institutions)等有关政策。


规划还提出,全面加强学生权益保障(ensure benefits for students in technical schools)。调整改版技工院校毕业证书,为毕业生各项政策待遇落实提供支持。完善学生实习管理制度(improve internship arrangements),积极探索实习生参加工伤保险办法(provide work-related injury insurance for interns),加快发展学生实习实训责任保险和人身意外伤害保险。


技工院校是培养生产和服务一线技术工人的专门学校(technical schools are schools specializing in training frontline workers in the production and service sectors)。人社部数据显示,截至2020年末,全国共有技工院校2423所,在校生395万人(as of the end of 2020, China had 2,423 technical schools, with 3.95 million students enrolled),2020年全年面向社会开展各类职业技能培训超过400万人次。


“零碳”供暖 carbon-free heating



The urban area of Haiyang, Shandong province, has started using heat generated by a nuclear power plant this winter, making it the first Chinese city to have carbon-free heating.



国家电投(State Power Investment Corp)11月9日宣布,2021年—2022年供暖季(heating season)即将到来之际,其“暖核一号”——国家能源核能供热商用示范工程二期450万平方米项目在山东海阳提前6天投运(the commercial nuclear heating project was put into operation six days ahead of schedule),供暖面积覆盖海阳全城区,惠及20万居民。此举使海阳成为全国首个“零碳”供暖城市;同时,海阳居民住宅取暖费每建筑平方米较往年下调一元钱(residential heating fee is lowered by one yuan per square meter)。


国家电投表示,“暖核一号”项目投运后,海阳核电1号机组(Unit 1 of the Haiyang Nuclear Plant)成为世界最大热电联产机组(the world's largest cogeneration unit),替代了当地12台燃煤锅炉(replace 12 coal-fired boilers),每个供暖季预计节约原煤10万吨,减排二氧化碳18万吨(cut carbon dioxide emissions by 180,000 metric tons)、烟尘691吨、氮氧化物1123吨、二氧化硫1188吨,相当于种植阔叶林1000公顷,同时减少向环境排放热量130万吉焦,有效改善区域供暖季大气环境和海洋生态环境。



核能供热的主要原理是,从核电机组二回路抽取蒸汽作为热源(此热源没有放射性)(extract nonradioactive steam from the reactors at the nuclear power plant),通过换热站(heat exchange stations)进行多级换热,最后经市政供热管网(municipal pipes),将热量传递至最终用户的城市集中供暖(central heating)方式。热电联产机组(cogeneration unit)是指同时生产电、热能的工艺过程。发电厂既生产电能,又利用汽轮发电机作过功的蒸汽对用户供热,较分别生产电、热能方式更节能。

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