
您所在的位置:网站首页 自裁管辖权制度有哪些 法院审理仲裁庭的管辖权的条件(英国案例)


2023-10-31 03:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

2019年12月3日,在Vtb Commodities Trading Dac v Jsc Antipinsky Refinery [2019] EWHC 3292 (Comm)一案中,英格兰与威尔士高等法院(以下简称法院)认为,VTB提出的第32条申请(请求法院对仲裁庭的管辖权作出决定)已经满足以下三个条件:第一,对问题的决定很可能实际上节省费用;第二,申请未经迟延地提出;第三,该事项由法院决定具有合适的理由。因此,法院同意对仲裁庭的管辖权作出决定。法院审议Refiner提出的三个管辖权异议后认为这三个异议理由均不成立,故认定仲裁庭具有管辖权。


申请人VTB Commodities(以下简称VTB)同意向被申请人JSC Antipinsky Refinery (以下简称Refinery)购买汽油。为此,当事人分别于2018年10月19日、2019年3月15日和2019年4月8日签订了《承购合同和预付款协议》。VTB提前120天支付汽油费用。Refinery在摩尔曼斯克将产品交付给VTB。如果Refinery所递交货物的价值低于预付款,则将以现金返还差额。这些合同都受英国法律的约束,并约定在伦敦仲裁。



VTB后来了解到并声称,Refinery已同意将原本用于VTB的汽油卖给Machino Import,后者声称将货物卖给了Petraco。

2019年5月13日,VTB在莫斯科申请禁令救济,并请求宣告Refinery与Machino Import的汽油采购协议无效。2019年6月18日,VTB撤回了关于宣告Refinery与Machino Import的汽油采购协议无效的请求,并获得莫斯科法院的准许。




1. 须满足的条件




“(1) The court may, on the application of a party to arbitral proceedings (upon notice to the other parties), determine any question as to the substantive jurisdiction of the tribunal.

A party may lose the right to object (see section 73).

(2) An application under this section shall not be considered unless—

(a) it is made with the agreement in writing of all the other parties to the proceedings, or

(b) it is made with the permission of the tribunal and the court is satisfied—

(i) that the determination of the question is likely to produce substantial savings in costs,

(ii) that the application was made without delay, and

(iii) that there is good reason why the matter should be decided by the court.”



VTB的律师认为,由法院对仲裁庭的管辖权作出裁决可能节省大量费用,因为如果由仲裁庭裁定管辖权,当事人可能根据《1996年英国仲裁法》第67条对仲裁庭的决定提出异议,并因多一次关于管辖权问题的庭审而产生更多费用。Refinery的律师反驳道,如果将提出异议考虑在内是合理的,那么每个案件都满足该条件,但根据Vale Do Rio Doce Navegacao SA v Shanghai Bao Steel Ocean Shipping Co. Ltd. [2000] 2 AER (Comm) 70案第45段的观点,诉诸于第32条应当在“非常特殊”的情况下。

法院认为,在每一个案件中,当事人都可能根据第67条提出异议,但这不会导致每个案件都诉诸于第32条申请,因为第32条申请还需满足第3个要求,即法院有合适理由对管辖权问题作出裁决(However, taking a challenge under section 67 into account when that is alikely event will not lead to recourse to section 32 in every case because of the third requirement that there must be good reason for the court to determine the question of jurisdiction)。另外,法院援引Toyota Tsusho Sugar Trading Ltd. v Prolat SRL [2014] EWHC 3649 (Comm)案的观点表示,本案符合“艰难诉讼战”的描述,在仲裁庭就管辖权问题败诉的任何一方当事人都很可能根据第67条对仲裁庭的决定提出异议。因此,法院认为,由法院对仲裁庭的管辖权作出裁决可能节省大量费用,即使这种节省将由于所谓的是非曲直和管辖权问题的“分步裁决”而减少,因“分步裁决”可能产生额外的费用(Thus there is likely to be a substantial saving in costs albeit that the saving would be reduced by what has been described as the "the bifurcation" of the merits and jurisdiction issues which might lead to additional costs being incurred)。



法院同意“申请”是向法院提出的申请。但这并不意味着,在仲裁庭给予许可之前的拖延与确定“申请”是否无拖延提出没有关系(I accept that "the application" is the application to the court. But it does not follow that delay before the tribunal has given its permission is irrelevant in determining whether "the application" has been made without delay)。虽然Refinery在2019年6月发送了管辖权异议通知,但此时仲裁庭尚未组成,而仲裁庭组成(2019年7月1日)后的第一个阶段是VTB的案件陈述阶段。法院认为,在VTB在案件陈述中阐明其请求之前,Refinery就提出管辖权问题还为时过早。第二个阶段是Refinery的答辩阶段,2019年9月19日,Refinery递交答辩状并进一步对仲裁庭管辖权提出抗辩。在此后不到一个月的时间,VTB于2019年1014日提出了关于第32条的申请。仲裁庭在2019年10月20日同意VTB的申请。2019年10月25日,VTB向法院提出了第32条申请。法院赞同VTB的观点认为,只有在Refinery提交答辩状之后,才可以合理地期待VTB考虑如何处理管辖权问题,因为VTB有必要知道Refinery如何对VTB提交的详细案件陈述予以回应(It was submitted that it was only when the Defence had been served that VTB could reasonably have been expected to consider how best to deal with the question of jurisdiction. Since it was necessary to know how the Refinery would respond to the detailed Statement of Case I accept that submission)。因此,法院认为,从Refinery于2019年9月19日提交答辩状,到VTB于2019年10月25日提交第32条申请,这期间不存在严重拖延。



法院认为,仲裁庭允许VTB“基于效率和结果的终局性”申请由法院裁定管辖权问题,该情况本身就是法院裁定管辖权问题的一个良好的有说服力的理由。(Indeed, the circumstance that the arbitral tribunal has permitted VTB to apply for an order determining the question of jurisdiction "based on efficiency and resulting finality" is itself a good and cogent reason for the court to decide the question of jurisdiction.)。


2. 管辖权异议

VTB与Refinery的协议中规定:“19.1本合同和所有非合同义务以及与之相关的所有请求和争议应受英国法律管辖并根据英国法律解释。19.2由本合同引起或与本合同有关的任何争议(包括本合同引起或与本合同有关的涉及其存在、有效性或终止或任何非合同义务的争议)应当提交并根据《伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA)仲裁规则》最终通过仲裁解决,此种仲裁将由LCIA根据前述规则进行管理,《伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA)仲裁规则》通过援引并经此处的修改被视为并入本合同。”(19.1 This Contract and all non-contractual obligations and all claims and disputes arising out of in relation thereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. 19.2 Any dispute arising out of in connection with this Contract (including a dispute relating to its existence, validity or termination or any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it) (a Dispute) shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules (the Rules) of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) (such arbitration to also be administered by the LCIA in accordance with the Rules), which Rules are deemed incorporated by reference into this Contract, as amended herein.)



Refiner认为,VTB在俄罗斯起诉Refiner和Machino Import以寻求救济,已经将其在伦敦仲裁中的指控提交给俄罗斯法院。

法院认为,在英国法院申请禁令和在俄罗斯法院申请禁令,其目的都在于支持VTB在仲裁中提出的请求,且VTB在英国获得禁令允许VTB就全球冻结令所包含的款项或资产在俄罗斯寻求救济。Refiner提出论点认为VTB为支持仲裁而寻求禁令救济实际上将剥夺仲裁庭决定基础争议管辖权,该论点没有成功可能(That is not a promising background from which to advance an argument that VTB had, by seeking injunctive relief in support of the arbitration, in fact deprived the arbitral tribunal to decide the underlying claim)。毫无疑问,就寻求俄罗斯禁令救济的目的而言,VTB将管辖权授予了俄罗斯法院。但是,从提起的所有法律程序中可以看出,VTB不具有通过授予俄罗斯管辖权而剥夺仲裁庭管辖权的意图(However, an observer of all of the proceedings (the request for arbitration on 29 April 2019, the application for relief from the English court on 30 April 2019 and the commencement of proceedings in Murmansk and Moscow on 8 and 13 May 2019) would not conclude that VTB had any intention, by submitting to the jurisdiction of the Russian courts, to deprivethe arbitral tribunal jurisdiction of jurisdiction)。

法院援引BEA Hotels v Bellway [2007] 2 Lloyd's rep.493案关于根本违反仲裁条款的检验标准认为,在本案中,VTB不具有通过寻求俄罗斯法院的救济不再受仲裁协议约束的意图。通过请求俄罗斯法院审理其在伦敦仲裁中所提出的指控,VTB有可能违反仲裁协议。但这是有原因的,这是申请禁令救济所必须依据的基础。(Applying that test to the present case it is not possible to infer that VTB evinced an intention to no longer be bound by the agreement to refer disputes to the London arbitral tribunal by seeking injunctive relief in Russia based upon the allegations to be made in the London arbitration. It may well be that the agreement to refer had been breached by seeking relief from the Russian courts on a basis which invited the Russian courts to consider the very allegations to be advanced in the London arbitration. But there was a reason for that; it was the basis upon which the application for injunctive relief had to be based.)

鉴于VTB不具有不受仲裁协议约束的意图,法院认为VTB没有根本违反将争议提交伦敦仲裁的协议。同样,VTB也未因基于某一实体请求寻求俄罗斯的禁令救济而将其在伦敦仲裁中所作指控的管辖权提交给俄罗斯法院,从而剥夺伦敦仲裁庭审理涉案争议的管辖权(For those very reasons it is equally impossible to suggest that VTB had, by seeking injunctive relief based upon a substantive claim and thereby submitting the allegations to be made in the London arbitration to the jurisdiction of the Russian courts, somehow deprived the London arbitration of jurisdiction to hear the disputes in question)。因此,法院驳回了Refiner的第一个管辖权异议。


Refiner在其2019年4月11日签发的保函中向VTB提供了某些保证。VTB认为Refiner在保函中存在虚假陈述,Refiner应为此负责。Refiner认为,保函中未包含仲裁条款,此种索赔不得通过《承购合同和预付款协议》的仲裁条款提交仲裁。法院要处理的问题是,《承购合同和预付款协议》仲裁条款的起草是否宽泛到能够把违反保函的行为以及基于保函所作的虚假陈述而引起的索赔包含在内(The question is whether the arbitration clause is sufficiently widely drafted so as to catch claims for breach of the LOA and for deceit based upon the statements made in the LOA)。即,对于违反保函所导致的损害赔偿请求或与保函所作的虚假陈述有关的请求是否由《承购合同和预付款协议》引起或与之有关(However, the question is whether the claims for damages for breach of the LOA or for deceit in relation to representations made in the LOA arise in connection with the March pre-payment agreement or offtake contract)。为此,法院援引了Fiona Trust v Privalov [2008] 1 Lloyd's Rep254案对仲裁协议的解释方法,注意到涉案保函的标题与2019年3月15日的《承购合同和预付款协议》有关。另外,保函中的陈述还涉及Refiner须遵守这些协议。因此,保函与这些协议之间存在明显联系。鉴于存在这种联系,理性的商人肯定希望将保函相关的任何争议和《承购合同和预付款协议》下的争议提交给同一个法庭解决。若非如此,不仅会导致额外费用,还可能导致决定不一致的风险。(With that approach in mind it is to be noted that the LOA is said in its title to relate to the pre-payment agreement and the offtake contract each dated 15 March 2019. Moreover the representations made concern the Refinery's compliance with those agreements. Thus there is a very obvious connection between the LOA and those agreements. Given that connection rational businessmen would surely intend that any dispute in connection with the LOA would be determined by the same tribunal which determined disputes under the pre-payment agreement and off-take contract. It would make no sense, would be causative of extra expense and would give rise to the risk of inconsistent decisions were it to be otherwise.)



VTB在案件陈述中认为,Refinery、MachinoImport和Sberbank共同谋划阻碍Refinery向VTB交付汽油。虽然仲裁条款将由《承购合同和预付款协议》引起或与之有关的“任何非合同义务”提交仲裁,但Refinery认为该仲裁条款不能将要求Refinery对所指控的非法共谋导致的损失支付损害赔偿的非合同义务提交仲裁。Refinery的律师指出,Machino Import和Sberbank不是仲裁协议的当事人,任何针对他们的索赔只能在其他地方提起。法院认为,Machino Import和Sberbank不是仲裁协议的当事人,但是,Refinery是仲裁协议当事人,针对其中一个非法共谋方Refinery的侵权和非合同索赔显然由《承购合同和预付款协议》引起或与之有关,并被仲裁条款所涵盖(That is true but the tortious, non-contractual claim brought against the Refinery for being party to an unlawful means conspiracy clearly arises out of or in connection with the pre-payment agreements and off-take contracts. The claim is therefore very clearly caught by the arbitration clause)。

Refinery还认为,VTB在2019年1月15日的会议中推断出存在共谋行为,不能就此对2019年3月或4月的合同提出索赔。法院认为该论点没有依据,在2019年1月15日达成的共谋不仅可以影响之前签订的合同,也可以影响随后于2019年3月或4月签订的合同(I am not sure why that should be the case. Any conspiracy entered into on 15 January 2019 could affect not only the prior contracts dated October 2018 but also the later contracts dated March and April 2019)。










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